View Full Version : 2015 Hi-Mar Fishing Flea Market Fundraiser

02-11-2015, 11:15 PM
As many of you know 3 years ago I had elderly neighbor who is 70 + years old fall down her stairs and injuring herself pretty bad and had no one to help her out take care of her 90+ year old mother who is bed ridden 24/7. That was the start of my vision to help these lady's out by raising money selling my fishing gear at Hi Mar Flea market. That was in 2012.

3 years have past and as they both get older their needs have become greater. At this point I can not turn my back on them as it has now become my PURPOSE to make sure they are taken care of.

Once again The guys at Hi-Mar have stepped up to the plate and are donating 2 tables for me to use to sell my gear with proceeds going to help my neighbors out. I will have for sale something for everyone's budget with a wide variety of tackle. From 20 dollar rods up to 200 dollar customs that cost 2X as much. I have decided to sell of some of my high end Tackle (Tallica, Jigging Master Accurate) that I thought I would never sell but realized that it is just stuff and the money raised will go to a good cause and bring me more satisfaction. If anyone has any gear they are willing to donate please contact me or stop by the table as many of you did last year.

Please take the time to block off date on your calendar and Support the Hi-Mar Fishing Club as money they raise go to support many good causes.

Hi-Mar Striper Club Fishing Flea Market
Date: Saturday, February 14, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Location: Middletown VFW Post 2179 1 Veterans Lane, Port Monmouth, NJ
Admission: $5.00, Children under 12 Free with an adult. This includes your door prize ticket and free fishing seminars.

Looking forward to meeting some old friends and making some new ones.


02-12-2015, 07:12 AM
You the man Alex. See you Saturday!

shrimpman steve
02-12-2015, 08:15 AM
You are a gentleman and a scholar! You my friend are one of a dying breed. Will stop by and see you.

Maybe you can get Joey da fish to sell some autographs for the cause:)

02-12-2015, 11:25 AM
You are a gentleman and a scholar! You my friend are one of a dying breed. Will stop by and see you.

Maybe you can get Joey da fish to sell some autographs for the cause:)

I do not no about the gentleman and the scholar thing. Just trying to do my small part to make difference.

Have 2 custom calstar rods that would make a killer blackfish party boat rod.
Nice soft sensitive tip with some serious backbone when doing battle with some monster tog on the bow of the Ocean Explorer. 150 bucks each which includes my good blackfish mojo.

As for Joey he should bring some pictures of the 7 pound Flukeasaurus his brother took pictures of. He can then autograph them and spend the whole day reliving the catch and complaining about how the only job that his brother had to worry about that day is taking one decent picture and he F that up

02-12-2015, 11:35 AM
I do not no about the gentleman and the scholar thing. Just trying to do my small part to make difference.

Have 2 custom calstar rods that would make a killer blackfish party boat rod.
Nice soft sensitive tip with some serious backbone when doing battle with some monster tog on the bow of the Ocean Explorer. 150 bucks each which includes my good blackfish mojo.

As for Joey he should bring some pictures of the 7 pound Flukeasaurus his brother took pictures of. He can then autograph them and spend the whole day reliving the catch and complaining about how the only job that his brother had to worry about that day is taking one decent picture and he F that up
Alex I hope that mojo was previous trips, I remember the last one :D
I have something nice for you Buddy.
see ya Sat.

Gerry Zagorski
02-12-2015, 02:33 PM
Have 2 custom calstar rods that would make a killer blackfish party boat rod.
Nice soft sensitive tip with some serious backbone when doing battle with some monster tog on the bow of the Ocean Explorer. 150 bucks each which includes my good blackfish mojo.

As for Joey he should bring some pictures of the 7 pound Flukeasaurus his brother took pictures of. He can then autograph them and spend the whole day reliving the catch and complaining about how the only job that his brother had to worry about that day is taking one decent picture and he F that up

I plan to stop by and check out the Calstars Alex.

As far as the Flukeasuaras photos, you can't shine $hit. That fish was maybe 6 pounds but he swore it was 10 so I took the pic :rolleyes:

Joey Dah Fish
02-12-2015, 02:48 PM
I plan to stop by and check out the Calstars Alex.

As far as the Flukeasuaras photos, you can't shine $hit. That fish was maybe 6 pounds but he swore it was 10 so I took the pic :rolleyes:

OMG!!! Gerry and Shrimpy are just jealous because the only time they catch fish is when they are in rem sleep dreaming:D they couldn't catch a burgal under a bridge :eek:

02-13-2015, 10:23 AM
Will have some new in package Honey Lamiglass MB 1143 F blanks at the show
In the hands of the right builder these can be cut from anything from Fluke to Tuna. They are very sought after blank as the have been discontinued
It has been the go to rod for many top pinhookers over the years. More blackfish have been but to sleep on this rod then just about any rod out there
Super light, sensitive with power. Old school glass rods rule for blackfish

02-13-2015, 10:50 AM
Will have some new in package Honey Lamiglass MB 1143 F blanks at the show
In the hands of the right builder these can be cut from anything from Fluke to Tuna. They are very sought after blank as the have been discontinued
It has been the go to rod for many top pinhookers over the years. More blackfish have been but to sleep on this rod then just about any rod out there
Super light, sensitive with power. Old school glass rods rule for blackfish

Don't go giving them all away before I can see one.

02-13-2015, 04:01 PM

You will always get VIP treatment

02-13-2015, 05:30 PM
For those of us who don't know you, myself included, how will we know what 2 tables you are?

02-13-2015, 05:47 PM
For those of us who don't know you, myself included, how will we know what 2 tables you are?

You can ask at the door I am sure someone will assist you.

02-13-2015, 09:23 PM
For those of us who don't know you, myself included, how will we know what 2 tables you are?

I am not sure where they will be setting me up. I will have sign that Reads:

MVP Hi- Mar Fundraiser

Make sure to stop by and say Hello. Received a few call from people I know as well as 2 complete strangers who have made donations. Can not thank people enough for contributions both with tackle and $$$$.

Will be raffling off Open Boat trip donated by Down Deep Charters.
Winner will receive 1 open boat trip valued at $125 dollars.
Tickets will be 10 dollars for 1 or 3 entries for $20.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning. Will be bringing my nephew again this year to help out.

02-16-2015, 01:10 AM
Wanted to thank everyone who helped in raising 1200 dollars during fundraiser. Many thanks to all for opening up your hearts and wallet to help
2 total stranger out.

I can not thank the guys from Hi-Mar enough for helping me with this event for the 3rd year running. They truly put on one of the best organized Flea Markets and do a lot of good with funds raised in helping those out in need. In addition to the Hi-Mar guys there are a few guys that always step up and are extremely generous.

Richie Tropics once again blows me away by donating gift certificate from tackle shop as well as brand new in box Canyon 15 that sold in the first 10 min. to Larry- Heartattck. You got a great deal there brother.

Sam Sinkerman stops by and also makes a very generous cash donation. I should be helping him rather than the other way around. Truly one of the best.

Keith from Bucktail Boys hands me gift certificate for their bucktails.

Jerry for OMT tackle always steps up and donates some of his bucktails.

Frank Qui once again donated a bunch of rods and reels that I sold and raised a lot of $$$ from the sale of those items

Lenny from Down Deep charters donated free open boat trip worth 125 bucks

Capt Yasar stopped by and got some great deals and walked off with some nice stuff

Had several guys stop by that I never met before. Said they have been reading my post for several years and wanted to help. I am still totally blown away from the generosity of these people who I never met before.

Ed - Donates a Penn 704 Greenie, 3 Mitchel reels, and a bag of custom bucktails he tied. If that was not enough he then hands me 2 Ben Franklins. Before I met him he was a total stranger who will probably never meet the 2 lady's his donations are helping. He walked in a stranger and left being a person and friend I will never forget.

Steven - CatDozer Dropped by and introduced himself and left me a check for 50 bucks

Vendor who was set up next to me donates some of his stuff for me to sell and give my nephew/godson some old baseball cards.

I bought my 9 year old nephew with me once again this year hoping that he would learn a few things. I was so proud of him as he worked all night with me getting our stuff together and woke up at 5 am to help load up the truck and help me set up at the show.

He asked me why are all these people coming up to you and thanking you.
How come people you do not even know are donating money and checks.

It just reinforced many of the things that I am trying to teach him at an early age that I did not figure out myself until later in life.

It amazed me how much he has matured over the past year and is starting to get it at an early age. Was very proud of my little guy yesterday

Will be looking to do my Spring Fling once again this year at Franks Oui place Wok and Roll in Jackson. Will probably be shooting for early April. Just need to confirm things with Frank before locking up date. If it was half as good as last year you will not want to miss this one. I will raffle tickets for the following:

1. Down Deep Open Boat Trip 125 value
2. Bucktail boys 30 dollar gift certificate
3. Will hopefully have another custom rod to raffle off. Hoping for a donation on this one.

If any one wants to donate something to raffle off please contact me I am sure the list of prizes will be getting bigger. Will update on separate post once I lock up date with Frank

Raffle tickets will be 10 bucks for 1 and 20 bucks for 3. You can either buy tickets and send money to my Pay Pal account or contact me directly to send in check or meet up for cash.

Many thanks to all who stopped by and bought something. If I forgot anyone I apologize as the day was jam packed with people and I was working it all day.


02-16-2015, 01:56 AM
Heart-warming stuff Alex. Amazing how your good deed spurs on others and others and others and . . . Happy to be part of it :) and looking forward to Spring Fling at Frankie Q's place :cool:

02-16-2015, 05:25 AM
Alex any time I can help I will do what I can.

Tuna Tales
02-16-2015, 06:48 PM

Great seeing you...I am glad everything worked out well for your fundraiser.


Joe T.