View Full Version : 2/8 cod report

Russian Roulette
02-09-2015, 10:39 AM
We had a crew of 5 for this open boat trip and we decided to take advantage of calm ocean try some different areas today, first spot started out good with one of the guys jigging up 3 pollock to 20pounds in first 20 min being there he also dropped couple big fish, other guys were picking good on cod and pollock with bait,but the problem was they were mostly short with only a few making it into the cooler, but good action, next spot same deal mostly shorts and coupe keeper cod, 3d spot we drifted and picked couple more keeper cod, but doggies were coming after us and we went to the next spot and that was the best one of the day with drop and reel action for about an hour of cod with better keeper ratio so at the end of the day everyone went home with nice bag of fillets.
We covered a lot of ground today to get a feeling for the the fish are, so we can get right back to it as soon as we get good weather window.

02-09-2015, 10:50 AM
cool, hopefully I'll be out soon.

02-09-2015, 11:01 AM
like to get out also

02-09-2015, 01:59 PM
I'm down for a trip if the fish r out there

02-09-2015, 02:11 PM
Great trip!....good fishing and like a spring day. Enjoyed how the captain spend the time and the gas to go seek and find the fish. He definitely knows how to open the throttle, make the boat fly and put you on the fish.