View Full Version : Welcome Little Sister Charters - Quincy MA
Gerry Zagorski
02-06-2015, 03:02 PM
Please help me extend a warm welcome to Captain Jason Colby and the crew of Little Sister Charters, located in Quincy Mass
Little Sister Charters specializes in ocean fishing for striped bass, flounder, cod and bluefish. Captain Jason is an avid fisherman and has years of experience fishing in the Quincy area.
Earlier summer and spring months cod are more plentiful. Limiting out on Cod and Flounder in May and early June is common aboard The Little Sister. If you are looking to catch striped bass the summer is the time to come.
Welcome Captain Jason and crew and best of luck fishing this year.
Joey Dah Fish
02-06-2015, 03:15 PM
Welcome aboard. Pun intended
Topeka Boy
02-06-2015, 03:37 PM
Welcome I have a question on the limit of flounders. Is it 2 per man or are they yellow tail flounder with no limit.
shrimpman steve
02-06-2015, 03:42 PM
02-06-2015, 04:27 PM
Welsome Jason, haven't fished with you in a while. It is usually 8 per man on blackbacks north of Cape Cod and unlimited on yellowtails. You can usually get your limit on mudhole sized fish in a half day trips and maybe get some striper action if you are fishing in June or July.
Blackfish Doug
02-07-2015, 06:19 AM
Welcome aboard Jason when I lived in NY a good friend of mine named Pat De Angela spoke highly of you. It's good to see you here & I'm looking forward towards reading your reports. Maybe a road trip will be in order I got to see what my schedule holds during the months when the flounder bite is good.
Little Sister Charters
02-07-2015, 03:03 PM
Hello All! Please note that Gerry was quoting from my website which is a bit outdated. Please disregard the word "cod" wherever you see it on my site!
10 to 15 years ago, cod were actually a nuisance when trying to catch flounder in Quincy!! Sadly, these past few years, it is rare if we get more than a couple the whole year.
The limit is 8 flounder per person and while the size is "12 inches and up", on my boat we try to start at 14 inches and when we have 1/2 the limit go to 15. At 3/4 the limit we go to 16 and for the last few fish we keep only bleeders and MONSTERS.
I do two trips a day: 6-11am and noon-5pm. The base price is $450 for up to 4 persons and $75/person for a 5th and 6th (6 people=$600). Pricing includes a flat of worms, clams, tackle (good stuff) and fish cutting/bagging. All you need is a cooler with ice and whatever you want to wear, eat and drink. Perhaps sunscreen, camera and sun glasses are a good idea as well.
I get quite a few guys from NJ each spring and what a lot of the groups do is travel in the morning and hit the afternoon trip on day one, stay at The Motel 6 in Braintree or The Adams Inn in Quincy (each are 15-20 minutes from the boat) and then go for the morning trip the next day. This works well as they are on the road after lunch and they beat (most of) the traffic back home.
Please send me a direct email with your specific questions or feel free to ask them here if you like.
Captain Jason Colby
Little Sister Charters
Little Sister Charters
02-07-2015, 03:07 PM
Welcome aboard Jason when I lived in NY a good friend of mine named Pat De Angela spoke highly of you. It's good to see you here & I'm looking forward towards reading your reports. Maybe a road trip will be in order I got to see what my schedule holds during the months when the flounder bite is good.
Thank you Doug! Pat D'Andrea of Seaford is a good friend who comes up to visit once in awhile. I'm afraid he might be "finished" as a woman has finally got him where he can't get away.
I told him "it's too late for me, save yourself"! I don't think he's fast enough......JC
Little Sister Charters
02-07-2015, 03:20 PM
Welsome Jason, haven't fished with you in a while. It is usually 8 per man on blackbacks north of Cape Cod and unlimited on yellowtails. You can usually get your limit on mudhole sized fish in a half day trips and maybe get some striper action if you are fishing in June or July.
Thank you all for all the "welcomes"!
Tog- yes the 8 flounder is correct and unlimited yellow tails is also true but there is an issue with that: My boat gets about 3 to 5 "real yellow tails"/year so I just treat them like black backs as part of the regular count. The best part of that reasoning is that the EPO's (Environtmental Police Officers) in The Boston Harbor area, for the most part, couldn't tell a bb from a yt from a sea dab. For a big day that you limit out anyway is it really worth the potential hassle?
What we do see every day is black back (winter) flounder that have some yellow near their tail. Inevitably, someone on the boat pronounces it "a yellow tail"! I included a picture with the two species side by side (bottom is the YT)........JC
Little Sister Charters
02-07-2015, 03:30 PM
A few pics from 2014. While we get as many as 30 tog each spring while flounder fishing, we let most of the go as they are inevitably pregnant females loaded with roe.
In the fall my boat is in Westport where it is "tog heaven". There we limit out every day on fish up to "teen size" but realistically, 8-10 pound fish usually are the best of a given day.....JC
02-09-2015, 06:53 PM
Capt. Jason is a hardcore fisherman and a great captain. I have fished with and know Jason for close to 20 years now. If for some reason you don't catch as much it definately won't be because of the captain on Jason's boat. Welcome brother.
02-10-2015, 11:06 AM
Welcome aboard Capt. Jason.
My son Jason and I have been fishing with Capt. Jason since @2000 (back when catching a limit of both flounder and cod were a daily occurrence) I think all but one of my 10+ trips resulted in a boat limit of flounder (even after setting a boat minimum size of 14"s even though the legal size limit was 12"s). Caught many flounder over #3 and a few pushing 4. On occasion even caught a few stripers.
Was actually thinking of booking another two trips in June if anyone is interested. I usually book a Saturday afternoon trip and the following Sunday morning trip.
Little Sister Charters
02-11-2015, 06:43 AM
Capt. Jason is a hardcore fisherman and a great captain. I have fished with and know Jason for close to 20 years now. If for some reason you don't catch as much it definately won't be because of the captain on Jason's boat. Welcome brother.
Hello Captain Carlos! Are you back in NJ?
Please tell your father I say hello!
Little Sister Charters
02-11-2015, 06:53 AM
Welcome aboard Capt. Jason.
My son Jason and I have been fishing with Capt. Jason since @2000 (back when catching a limit of both flounder and cod were a daily occurrence) I think all but one of my 10+ trips resulted in a boat limit of flounder (even after setting a boat minimum size of 14"s even though the legal size limit was 12"s). Caught my flounder over #3 and a few pushing 4. On occasion even caught a few stripers.
Was actually thinking of booking another two trips in June if anyone is interested. I usually book a Saturday afternoon trip and the following Sunday morning trip.
Good morning Skolmann! This past year, even the stripers were getting rare up here... June is the month for the 4+ pounds stuff as well as early July. I'm sorry but there is no weekend availability in June. Just send me an email when you get a chance and we can go over what is open. I'd love to see you and your son on my new boat (she is cute).....Jason
02-11-2015, 09:26 PM
Whoa whoa boat ?!?!.......the 'old' boat was a fishing machine, loved sliding those blackbacks up off the stern.
I'll be contacting you soon.
Oh and you wont recognize my son. He's 6'5" and #280.
02-12-2015, 11:46 AM
Welcome Captain Jason and crew!
02-12-2015, 01:38 PM
A few pics from 2014. While we get as many as 30 tog each spring while flounder fishing, we let most of the go as they are inevitably pregnant females loaded with roe.
In the fall my boat is in Westport where it is "tog heaven". There we limit out every day on fish up to "teen size" but realistically, 8-10 pound fish usually are the best of a given day.....JC
I didn't know Tiger Woods enjoyed fishing! Those are some pretty impressive flounder, especially the third picture in. Flounder fishing is a great fishery, too bad it's declined the way it has over the years. Good to see better numbers up north. Fun to catch, great fishery to start your children out with at a young age and man do they make a great meal. Definitely a moister fillet than fluke.
Welcome to the site, one of the best fishing sites if not the best out there. It's great to see more and more quality charter operations joining and in the process extending the area of coverage. Afternoon trip followed by a morning trip sounds like a great idea. Do you have open dates for flounder during the week still for this year in June and July? If so what is the best way of finding out dates? Website, pm, call, email etc?
Again best of luck with the upcoming season and welcome to the fraternity.
Little Sister Charters
02-12-2015, 02:11 PM
Welcome Captain Jason and crew!
Thank you-Great sun glasses! I still have my 1st pair from over 10 years ago; Used over 250 trips/year and still in good shape, they really hold up......JC
Little Sister Charters
02-12-2015, 02:29 PM
I didn't know Tiger Woods enjoyed fishing! Those are some pretty impressive flounder, especially the third picture in. Flounder fishing is a great fishery, too bad it's declined the way it has over the years. Good to see better numbers up north. Fun to catch, great fishery to start your children out with at a young age and man do they make a great meal. Definitely a moister fillet than fluke.
Welcome to the site, one of the best fishing sites if not the best out there. It's great to see more and more quality charter operations joining and in the process extending the area of coverage. Afternoon trip followed by a morning trip sounds like a great idea. Do you have open dates for flounder during the week still for this year in June and July? If so what is the best way of finding out dates? Website, pm, call, email etc?
Again best of luck with the upcoming season and welcome to the fraternity.
Frat?? No hazing I hope!
"Currently", in June for the afternoon/morning combo there is the 2nd/3rd, 18th/19th, 21st/22nd, 23rd/24th, 25th/26th and June 30th/July 1st. For July it is a lot "calmer" (so far) with: 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, 7th/8th, 10th/11th, 11th/12th and 12th/13th. Beyond that I will still go to the end of July but we are then getting out of "prime time" in average years. Last year they were still going strong (and large) up to the last trip which was on the 26th and that trip had the biggest flounder of the year (for the state of Ma.) at 4 pounds, 12 ounces. You picked it out in the 3rd pic I had posted.
In general, a direct email is best for "specifics". I will try to dig up some 5+ pounder pics for the site. We had those in 2010, 2011 and 2012...JC
Little Sister Charters
02-13-2015, 06:44 PM
Anyone recognize this father and son team from NJ?
02-14-2015, 01:28 PM
Now that's a few huge flounder! Must have been one heck of a day on the water......
02-14-2015, 01:33 PM
Hey Jason, I am still in Florida and we are doing well as we hope you and your family are too.
Little Sister Charters
02-14-2015, 06:09 PM
Hey Jason, I am still in Florida and we are doing well as we hope you and your family are too.
I miss ya brother! I'm working hard (on my wife's head) to become a snowbird. If things fall into place ok then I might be paying you a visit next winter. Are you running a boat there?...JC
Little Sister Charters
02-14-2015, 06:14 PM
A couple of "pygmy halibut"!
02-14-2015, 09:35 PM
My buddy Brian with just under 10lbs of Quincy Flounda with Capt. Jason.
Little Sister Charters
02-17-2015, 05:01 PM
My buddy Brian with just under 10lbs of Quincy Flounda with Capt. Jason.
Hi Chris-Yassou!!!
Brian sure had me going that day... Please tell him I say HI!
Little Sister Charters
02-20-2015, 01:53 PM
If anyone here is going to be at the Boston Boat Show tomorrow
(Sat., 02/21) please let me know! I will get there about 11am and the Massachusetts Saltwater Fishing Derby awards presentation is at 130.
Several winners were taken on my boat so I will be there as "cheerleader".
Give me a call and we can meet up and "talk fish"!
Little Sister Charters
02-27-2015, 05:35 PM
I went to the RISSA show in Providence today and saw a couple of "Jerseyites" that you guys might know. First was Kil Song with his display for Jigging World.
Kil has a snapper rod that should be available next month that I think might make "The Ultimate Flounder Rod". He has a video of him lifting a 8 pound jug of water with it! So when I have an 8 pound (winter) flounder on the surface, I can pop it right into the boat with confidence....
Then there was Nick Cicero of Tsunami with his henchman Chris Parisi. What a great guy Nick is, and he lives about a mile from my pal Al Ristori who need a ride up to Quincy to flounder fish and Nick is gonna take him. Who else is coming up?
03-01-2015, 02:22 PM
Hey Jason, I am running someone else's boat temporarily. My boat should be here sometime early summer. It's good down here'll love it!
Jimmy in Point Beach
03-01-2015, 04:20 PM
Welcome Captain Jason! Fishing up there is in my fishing bucket list! Tight lines!
03-01-2015, 06:19 PM
I thought I saw that you did open boat on Tuesdays, is that accurate?
Little Sister Charters
03-02-2015, 07:53 AM
Hey Jason, I am running someone else's boat temporarily. My boat should be here sometime early summer. It's good down here'll love it!
Captain Carlos-
What town do you live in and what port do you fish out of? I heard the bottom fishing you have is great!
Little Sister Charters
03-02-2015, 07:54 AM
Welcome Captain Jason! Fishing up there is in my fishing bucket list! Tight lines!
Thank you Jimmy-I've got a spot for you!!!
Little Sister Charters
03-02-2015, 07:59 AM
I thought I saw that you did open boat on Tuesdays, is that accurate?
Yes Sir Toutog! I have open boat the 1st trip on Tuesday and Thursday morings in May/June/July (6-11am). Thursdays have a "regular crowd" and they are usually full at least a week or two in advance while Tuesdays have much more flexibility. ("after my re-election I'll have more flexibility". BO)
The cost of open boat is $115/person "all included" (rod/reel, bait and fish cutting). Please let me know if you have any other questions and I'll be happy to answer!
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