View Full Version : Holy cow...what a day in CAncun

02-03-2015, 07:17 AM
Well, after trying to get my brother Nick to come down to Cancun for the past umpteen years,I finally put together a surprise trip for him and his son. On Monday, we left the dock with the intention of trying to get him a sailfish....he was supposed to go to Cabo, but with the hurricane in October,all his plans were cancelled. So knowing it would be a thrill for him to get hooked up , all my plans started to come together. As we eased away from the dock ,with Captain Carlos at the helm and Poncho as mate , we headed north to fish off of the island of Contoy, it did not take long before we noticed the Frigate birds diving on bait and within minutes he hooked up with his first sail.....soon after his son Nick hooked up as well. We hooked 8 sails and managed to get 6 to the boat ....all before 10 am. If you are planning a trip down here ...call me or e mail me....Pete

Gerry Zagorski
02-03-2015, 09:11 AM
Nice Pete.... I'd rather have 2 feet in the sand then 2 feet of snow ;)

02-03-2015, 09:42 AM
Gr8 report Pete!!! Thanx fer sharing!!

Any fishy porn???pretty pls?? it is brutally winter fer us ya know?