View Full Version : CO busts, amazing what you read:

01-28-2015, 12:28 PM

Spring 2014:The Striped Bass fishing in the Newark Bay Complex has been very busy during this report period. Over the course of two subsequent weekends, Officers Kuechler and Driscoll, and Lieutenant Applegate, issued 119 summonses for possession of undersized Striped Bass, possession of over the daily limit of Striped Bass, wanton waste of marine fish, littering while fishing, and interference with the duties of a Conservation Officer. The Officers infiltrated a construction site that was being run as a "private fishing area" by the night security guard. The guard was paid a fee by anglers who he allowed to fish inside the gated site. On one occasion, the officers contacted eight (8) anglers in the early morning hours, which were collectively in possession of 75 undersized Striped Bass

tuna john
01-28-2015, 01:06 PM
COOL FIND how about this one?
On December 27th, CO Klitz was on patrol in the area of the Shark River in Monmouth County. While on patrol CO Klitz observed a white van with a roof top refrigeration unit parked in the Belmar Marina. The van had pulled up to a party fishing vessel moored at the dock. CO Klitz moved into position to better view the activities taking place. After observing the men load a crate into the back of the van, CO Klitz moved in to speak with the individuals. It was determined that two of the three males present were deck-hands of the party fishing vessel. These individuals were in the process of selling a total of 72 live tautog to an individual associated with a north Jersey seafood market. A total of twenty three summonses were issued to these three men along with the vessel's captain and owner. The charges included; possession of sub legal tautog, possession of tautog over the daily limit, failure to keep accurate records, sale of tautog without a New Jersey Non-Directed Tautog Permit and the sale/purchase of illegally possessed wildlife.

01-28-2015, 01:31 PM
There aren't many party boats fishing for black fish this time of year period much less in Belmar. Maybe two or three party boats I would think. It's sad if the report is true that mates from one of those boats kept 72 under sized black fish alive to sell to the black market. It's got to be difficult telling your paying customers to throw back shorts when deck hands are keeping them alive to sell back at the docks. If the story is true, pretty bogus thing for the Captain or owner of the party boat involved to do and in the process give the other party boat owners a bad rap not knowing which boat we're talking about here. As if business isn't difficult enough, someone has the nerve to allow their mates / deckhands to get away with this crap. If I were one of the party boat operators not involved, I'd be pissed at the JO who got caught for the negative publicity. Idiots!


Capt. Lou
01-28-2015, 01:47 PM
I would love to expose that boat & boycott it! Guys like that were caught this time , makes one wonder how long this was going on ! No one likes the fishery laws we have to adhere to but it is the law.:)

01-28-2015, 02:45 PM
All three party boats fishing for Totaug are sponsor boats, so it should not be against terms of agreement for posting the name of the boat LOL.

tuna john
01-28-2015, 08:18 PM
I think it was from 2013, in any case wrong, but i never realized CO posted those kind of reports publicly.

Joey Dah Fish
01-28-2015, 08:24 PM
The report actually says 2014

01-28-2015, 08:39 PM
Wasn't my white reefer van which is always in the Belmar Marina, I swear.

01-28-2015, 10:56 PM
Sheesh, what a shame.... I wonder what boat it is :confused:

01-29-2015, 03:32 AM
You would think a bust like this would be public knowledge and wonder why it did not make the news.

01-29-2015, 08:10 AM
The report actually says 2014

No it doesn't. If you see the two stories that bracket this one they both are dated 2013. The Belmar report only has a month but no year. One would assume it's a 2013 report if its' in the middle of two other 2013 reports. Still news to those who never heard a word about it though. Just hope they're protecting the homeland with the same zeal.

01-29-2015, 09:15 AM
On 9/11/14, COs performed a commercial fisheries compliance inspection of a vessel out of Rhode Island. This particular vessel is one of a handful that lands their catch in totes, which makes it more difficult for the COs to inspect for weight. CO’s selected two random containers and checked the weight of the fish contained in them. Each tote ultimately weighed approximately 130 pounds, which is approximately 30 pounds heavier than the captain told CO they weighed. Once the total landed catch was weighed, the COs discovered an overage of 515 pounds of summer flounder. The overage was seized, and sold to the highest bidder. Summonses for landing over the limit of 2500 pounds were issued to the captain and the owner of the vessel. The summonses carry a penalty of up to $3,000 and 6 month suspension of summer flounder landing license.
• Late August and early September has proven to be extremely busy along the Point Pleasant Canal. COs have issued over 30 summonses for various violations from littering to undersized and over limit tautog and other species. •
