View Full Version : surf fishing forum?
01-21-2015, 01:56 PM
maybe this was discussed before and i missed it but i was wondering y there isnt a surf fishing forum here? lack of interest or mods? thanks
Gerry Zagorski
01-21-2015, 02:32 PM
maybe this was discussed before and i missed it but i was wondering y there isnt a surf fishing forum here? lack of interest or mods? thanks
Last - We've had similar discussions on more sub boards in the past.
What people like about them is they can zone in on what is important to them.
The flip side of the that is the confusion it adds to posters and readers who like to come into the site and read everything about salt or freshwater fishing all in one place.
I could argue both sides of this but in the end, I think less is more.
I've been to a few sites where the list of sub boards is so long it makes my head spin. Further when this subject has come up in the past, most people who frequent this site are on the side of less boards.
Be interesting to see others comment here.
01-21-2015, 02:50 PM
Thanks Gerry appreciate the info.
01-21-2015, 05:24 PM
Im a surf fisherman and also a boat guy. I think the way it is now is easy to navigate. I didnt even like having North And South in 2 separate forums. And sites that separate surf fishing and striper fishing are really rediculous. Its like having 2 different forums, one for fishing the bow and one for fishing the stern....
I'm for keeping it as is :D
01-21-2015, 05:57 PM
Gerry.. Its simply not needed.. I always appreciated the simple the way the " major" discussion forums here are formatted..
NJ Salt Water Fishing
NJ Fresh Water Fishing
They are each well suited to boaters, surf guys, riverbank guys, tidal creek guys, tin boaters, fly guys, bait guys etc etc...
Its each members personal story or viewpoint and each forum is a catchall for the various members favorite topics..
I have posted all kinds of crap about several different fish, tackle, areas, techniques and there is usually always good discussion and debate.
There are many surf and bank guys that post here on a daily basis, and they get as much play as the party boat guys, guys with big expensive private rigs etc.. So big deal, the surf guys report about catching a few fluke, is on the same page as a head boats report on catching a few fluke.. Simple is better, the forum runs just fine as is..
The big NY/LI fishing forum is a tangle of dozens of convoluted topics, and you get seasick trying to navigate it... bob
01-21-2015, 08:03 PM
I fish for everything every way but my main gig is the surf! I post here id say frequently but bc there is no surf section i post way less than i fish! I do post more frequently on other sites. I say its ok the way it is but i know a huge amount of guys who blow this site off bc the lack of surf section. This site has a lot of members but its missing a lot of good guys bc of it. North south section was a bust but i didn't find it anything close to being in the way. For sponsors advertising, it sucked bc they would have to double post but for a surf section most sponsors wouldn't apply. It would simply be a place where surf report conditions maybe tide info and seasonal catches could be posted. When a inexperienced person wants to begin surf fishing there are so many ways to catch all fish from surf that im still learning. There are hundreds of new surf fisherman every year. With the economy the way it is not everybody can afford to fish the boats so they surf fish! Just my opinion but id be all for it and im sure there would be new faces over time once word got out
Gerry Zagorski
01-22-2015, 12:59 PM
Keep the replies coming please....
NJ Dave
01-22-2015, 02:31 PM
We tried the North vs South threads so why not give a surf section a try. Obviously the next few months it will be slow but come the spring it will pick up.
If I have surf questions I search surf based forum sites that are so so. It would be nice to have it all here and like Kevin said there are a lot of people not on here for that reason.
I love surf fishing but a section is not needed on this site. Look at all the nonsense that occurs on those other boards that have a surf fishing section. Post the report in the salt water section. Why complicate things and ruin a nice clean board. Keep adding stuff and it gets overwhelming.
01-23-2015, 01:36 PM
And if the Surf Fishing section lives up to every other Surf Fishing board out there Leif would get so much crap for posting that picture..."Spot Burn" would be more common that "Slot Fish" on here. (I do like that pic though)
Let them ruin the other boards out there along with Facebook and tackle shop sites.
01-23-2015, 03:04 PM
I agree that simplicity is better, but the problem is a lot of other sites do not have very good variety. One stop shop fishing forums is not very common. There's the surf sites and then there's the boat sites and then there's the crappy kayak sites.
My personal opinion... Would be really nice to have a surf section and a kayak section. Would also bring a lot of guys from the crappy kayak site that crashes every few days and a lot of surf fisherman can focus on whats going on from land and not have to sift through posts from boats. A lot of guys just want to log into 1 site and maybe NJF can be that monster? Just my 2cents. :cool:
shrimpman steve
01-23-2015, 03:46 PM
There an idea. A surf/kayak forum.
I don't do either, but would like to read reports
01-23-2015, 05:13 PM
I surf/kayak fish often
We could always post and add to it
Bump it to the top
And in essence create a surf page by just adding to the original post
01-23-2015, 05:51 PM
Gerry, I agree with keeping the forums simple. I am a novice surf caster but do enjoy the opportunity to run to the beach when I can in the early AM to see what I can catch when I'm at the shore house/camper LOL. It would be good (IMO) to see others who have greater experience on this board sharing techniques, lures, etc.on the board sharing. You have 12 forums now. I use @ 6 on a regular basis. This is another I would view during the "season" where I do fish the surf, probably just as Freshwater guys view that forum. It couldn't hurt to try it. If it fails as North/South was not popular, you close it down. May attract new life to the site in other forums..classifieds, recipes, tackle, etc...My .02
01-23-2015, 06:28 PM
I surf fish early season until the boat gets wet and find myself checking other sites for tidbits of info. It would be nice to do it here as this is my go to site. These other sites are so hard to navigate that I usually say "screw it", and hope to see something on here. I know when Kmaty starts posting its time to hit the sand.
01-23-2015, 07:27 PM
Yep kmatys preping gear on this wonderful friday night! 34 days to go until i begin my journey to December again last yr my first bass was caught march 8th and i posted here
I don't post often, so my opinion really doesn't matter, but there is a certain environment or climate on this site that other pages seem to lack. It's a tighter knit group or community here. Too much drama and nonsense on the others.
01-28-2015, 02:09 AM
85% of posts are boat updates, 15% of posts are surf fishing and other topics, i stopped checking on this site regularly for that reason, and of course it's obvious because of the season...
since fall / striper season, i've been routinely checking this forum and all i've seen were party boat posts, nothing against party boats, but i don't have the luxury of dishing out $60 bucks (plus tip) every fishing trip, let alone double that amount a trip on smaller charters. Yes, i get it, this is their livelihood, but I do agree that there should be a section for us surf guys.
A bag of clams and six pack under $20, and no time limit sounds like a better deal to me.
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