View Full Version : Freak or a fisherman.

01-17-2015, 11:53 PM
Hey guys,

So in fairly new to this board and looking for some new fishing friends.
Pretty much I'm 25, live in the city (Manhattan) work my balls off and when I'm not looking to get a lay, Im fishing out of the pt pleasant MI area. For my age, and who I am, I find fishing as the only thing that keeps me somewhat sane. Anyways i am a HUGE surf guy and spend many of night doing the drive down and back up to make it to work. Anyways I get into a ton of canyon fishing with some great head boats and charters (Jenny lee) anyways looking to make some friends who love fishing too as my family and friends think I'm a crazy person for how much I invest and put in effort into the beloved sport.

Anyways let me know brothers! And let's catch some wonderful accomplishments this year.

Whale fart

01-18-2015, 12:27 AM
Totally can relate to your thinking. We truly have some great guys and gals on this site. I am not much of a surf guy but truly love my bottom fishing. I would recommend trying to get on with some of our sponsors especially when they run open boat as it will be a good way for you to hook up with some members on these type of trips. I have met some great people on this site and can truly call many of them close friends.

01-18-2015, 08:27 AM
Welcome fellow surf rat! Only another loke4o days (march 1st)until i get the rods back out if you wana meet up one night let me know! Im losing my partner in crime this yr bc he couldnt keep it in his pants if you know what i mean! Now hes gota sell me all hos stuff at a premo price to buy those diapers! I fish all over 4-7nights a week from april-end of decmber unless its still good

01-21-2015, 09:15 AM
welcome buddy.. I am living overseas right now but I had to respond to this one... up until a few years ago I was in the exact same boat. mid 20s, living and working desk job in manhattan.. staring at excel spreadsheets 12 hours a day while reading every fishing report and temp chart on the internet.. listening to reports roll in from friends fishing the weekday nights offshore and praying for a weather window that weekend.. I think I must have hit the refresh button on the NOAA marine text report website for hudson canyon about 1,000 times a week :) ....just waiting for Friday night to take the long traffic ride or the late train south to the NJ beach or east to Montauk ...almost year round just to try to get out of the concrete jungle and do something in the great outdoors. fam wouldnt understand why I wanted to wake up at 3:45 saturday morning after waking up at 5 for work all week.. and friends couldnt understand why I wanted to spend saturday night offshore on a boat with dead fish and salty fishermen instead of out at the bars... but we get it !! keep it up man!! good luck this season! :D:D:D:D

NJ Dave
01-21-2015, 10:01 AM
Its a sickness doctors cant seem to cure and we have to suffer with the disease.
More addicting than any drug.
I fish with Dave and Kevin on the Jenny as well.
Also hav met up with kmaty a few nights last fall.
I prefer the pm sand shift or crack azz of dawn.
Enjoy it while you can because life catches up with you and then you have to make time to fish and thats no fun

01-21-2015, 12:04 PM
We all have the same problem...only some of us have more money than others...I do not fish near enough to satisfy my mania.....

01-22-2015, 10:31 AM
I think it's a little bit of both. When I was 25 (Mid-Late 90's) everyone knew my truck in Northern Monmouth. I always had at least two poles on the roof in my Thule ski racks. I worked in Long Branch and would sometimes fish before/during/and after work. I was like I became a completely different person back then. Lived ate and breathed fishing. Although I was a major surf rat I also spent a lot of time working and fishing the local boats up here. Fished with the most experience, knowledgable guys I could find and it paid major dividends.

All I can say is do it now. I think of myself as smarter than most of my friends. I waited to get married until I was 32. I was able to experience living on both coasts. Traveled to places to fish like Alaska, Peru, costa Rica, Cabo, Montana, and a few others.

Set some goals or make yourself a wish list. Many of my travels were spontaneous or trips that somebody else was setting up and had an open spot. But some were on my Wish list. I had posters of large Halibut in Alaska and Rooster fish in Costa Rica hanging in my office as constant reminders of where I wanted to go. I was able to hit those destinations multiple times by the time I was 30. Just wish I made it to Panama ;) But I'm not complaining.

Point is, once the wife and especially the kids come around. It gets harder. Live it up while you can, but have a plan. This way you're able to do as much as possible before life catches up.

Have fun and keep posting.http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/pgoins/MewithBighalibut.jpg

bunker dunker
01-22-2015, 11:43 AM
yes we are all hooked!!!! I was very gifted and had 2 sons who love to fish and hunt.they started going with my when they were very young and now at 23 & 25 we are still going together all the time.pgoins is right,do it while ya can and have a good plan.