View Full Version : Sea bass & fluke $$$$$

01-17-2015, 07:36 AM
Couldn't believe it yesterday when I went to the local market for some fish...Fluke and Sea Bass were $18 a pound and that was some of the less expensive stuff in the case!!!
Halibut was $29.99 !

Amazing the mark-up considering the fact that the guy who worked his ass off to catch and supply the fish gets paid SHIT per pound.

Man when I was a kid Seafood was the cheapest stuff you could buy, we
could actually sell it off the dock at the end of the day and make a few extra bucks. Government got involved and said it wasn't FDA regulated or inspected. So the stuff that was swimming a couple hours ago and Super fresh, turned into One to three day (sometimes longer) FRESH!!
Sad, very Sad.

01-17-2015, 08:00 AM
Every time I cook a whole sea bass from my offshore trip,

I tell the wife it's a $60 fish......

Literally, last time I saw whole sea bass it was 17.99 a lb at wegmans

01-17-2015, 08:31 AM
Forgot to mention that I settled on the Swordfish.....$15.99, Such a Deal!!!

01-17-2015, 09:00 AM
Remember coming off Jamaica this time of year with cooler full of jumbos , whole neighborhood had fresh sea bass, jumbo scup, the older folks would see me loading up to go out and be eager for my return home with frying pans ready.

01-17-2015, 09:11 AM
Couldn't believe it yesterday when I went to the local market for some fish...Fluke and Sea Bass were $18 a pound and that was some of the less expensive stuff in the case!!!
Halibut was $29.99 !

Amazing the mark-up considering the fact that the guy who worked his ass off to catch and supply the fish gets paid SHIT per pound.

Man when I was a kid Seafood was the cheapest stuff you could buy, we
could actually sell it off the dock at the end of the day and make a few extra bucks. Government got involved and said it wasn't FDA regulated or inspected. So the stuff that was swimming a couple hours ago and Super fresh, turned into One to three day (sometimes longer) FRESH!!
Sad, very Sad.

Isn't that true, remember going with my mom most Friday's to get fresh fish off the boats! Those were the days.

01-17-2015, 09:13 AM
Every time I cook a whole sea bass from my offshore trip,

I tell the wife it's a $60 fish......

Literally, last time I saw whole sea bass it was 17.99 a lb at wegmans

Sounds like my old man...when I cook a fresh fish dinner my old man always says, "Do you know how much this would cost if we went out to eat?"

01-17-2015, 09:47 AM
Forgot to mention that I settled on the Swordfish.....$15.99, Such a Deal!!!

That's a steal these days.

01-17-2015, 10:22 AM
I couldn't begin to count the 000's of fish I sold as a kid and young adult off the boat, regular customers back day after day, we were good for them and they depended on us. then the city (NY) decided our daily catch wasn't as suitable as the gray eyed colorless gilled fish that were available in the local market. And nothing brought in went to waste, all wound up on somebody's dinner plate. Local restaurant had Fresh Sea bass on the menu last night, I asked to see a non cooked piece and yes it was "our seabass" so I cant go catch one to eat but I can buy in a store or restaurant.

01-17-2015, 11:15 AM
This week Shoprite has yellowfin tuna steaks (previously frozen) for $8.99 a pound. Walmart has 2lb bags of frozen wild caught salmon fillets for under $9 (that's $4.50 a lb). Two of Our local party boats have commercial licenses I believe and if you call around you might be able to buy sea bass when they come in (probably cheaper than doing the fishing trip).If you want to buy fish at Wegmans or Whole Foods you are going to pay and I doubt if the quality is better. Years ago they used to tell you fish tasted just like chicken when the fish was cheaper. Now all you have to do is buy a Perdue Oven Stuffer for 99 cents a pound and tell everyone it tastes just like fish!

anchor joe
01-17-2015, 01:11 PM
Regular mix flounder delivered today at wholesale $ 10.25 per pound

Blackfish Doug
01-17-2015, 03:00 PM
Now all you have to do is buy a Perdue Oven Stuffer for 99 cents a pound and tell everyone it tastes just like fish![/QUOTE]

Now that's real funny but true. What really gets to me is how much prices has changed over the years. When I was a pin hooker back in the early 70's in order to get .50 cents pound for blackfish it had to be felted before shipped for that price. Now it's opposite I remember getting $2.50 a pound jumbo porgies try to get that now. But the commercial guys never gets close to what the market gets it goes through so many channels before it get to the super market.

Capt Sal
01-17-2015, 03:25 PM
The mates could put some extra bucks in there pockets selling a few fish at the dock. If you do that now you are a criminal.:eek:

01-17-2015, 03:27 PM
One time I went to buy fish last March, cod was 19.99 and swordfish was 14.99 so i settled for swordfish. Once in April, I wanted fish tacos and tilapia was 9.99.

01-17-2015, 05:04 PM
Tilapia is sweat shop fish...

I know many people eat it as a staple

But farm raised in fresh water??? Just not natural- almost tastes like the fish has no soul.

Maybe I'm just spoiled cause I kill everything I eat.

01-17-2015, 05:43 PM
I do too but March and April can be tough. With fish tacos, the fish doesn't matter as much.

01-17-2015, 10:15 PM
We can all complain about the prices, regulations, taxes, blah blah blah. But unless we get involved nothing is going to change. I remember 25-30 years ago when organizations like PETA tried boycotting and protesting local fishing tournaments down at Atlantic Highlands to no avail as we all made fun of them. They quickly learned that to get rid of the recreational fishing you need to kill their source. Influence the National Marine Fisheries Service and manipulate bullshit scientific data on fish stocks and bingo, you can now put limits on recreational harvest and slowly decimate the party/charter boats, bait shops, boat dealers, marinas, etc. and this in turn will decrease and eventually eliminatet the recreational fisherman. If you doubt this look what has happened all along the coast of California. Those granola heads out there are nuts!
I find the vast majority of politicians are corrupt and they are bought and paid for by lobbiest of corporations including those interests of the handful of large commercial fishing interests along our coasts. Big govt. is more thn happy to entertainer these groups.
Bottom line: Stop voting in politicians who support big govt. as they are determined to take away your liberties as they know better. I think we all know what political party we are talking about. If you completely disagree with this kiss my ass!

01-18-2015, 07:45 AM
We can all complain about the prices, regulations, taxes, blah blah blah. But unless we get involved nothing is going to change. I remember 25-30 years ago when organizations like PETA tried boycotting and protesting local fishing tournaments down at Atlantic Highlands to no avail as we all made fun of them. They quickly learned that to get rid of the recreational fishing you need to kill their source. Influence the National Marine Fisheries Service and manipulate bullshit scientific data on fish stocks and bingo, you can now put limits on recreational harvest and slowly decimate the party/charter boats, bait shops, boat dealers, marinas, etc. and this in turn will decrease and eventually eliminatet the recreational fisherman. If you doubt this look what has happened all along the coast of California. Those granola heads out there are nuts!
I find the vast majority of politicians are corrupt and they are bought and paid for by lobbiest of corporations including those interests of the handful of large commercial fishing interests along our coasts. Big govt. is more thn happy to entertainer these groups.
Bottom line: Stop voting in politicians who support big govt. as they are determined to take away your liberties as they know better. I think we all know what political party we are talking about. If you completely disagree with this kiss my ass!
I agree with everything you say....but I was only commenting on the price of Fish!!! Pins and needles, needles and pins....LOL

Fin Reaper
01-18-2015, 08:32 AM
Remember coming off Jamaica this time of year with cooler full of jumbos , whole neighborhood had fresh sea bass, jumbo scup, the older folks would see me loading up to go out and be eager for my return home with frying pans ready.

Usta be like that when the old man and I would come home after a mackerel trip. Two or three burlap bags full was not uncommon. Grew up in Netcong, huge Italian influence so the old timers would drop off a couple jars of sauce or home made wine and fill a spaghetti pot with mackerel. Great neighborhood to grow up in

02-20-2015, 06:30 PM
Shop rite in Parsippany NJ. , skate wing 11.99 a lb. I have thrown back a least a million bucks already.

shrimpman steve
02-20-2015, 06:49 PM
Lobster is cheaper

02-21-2015, 09:49 AM
Usta be like that when the old man and I would come home after a mackerel trip. Two or three burlap bags full was not uncommon. Grew up in Netcong, huge Italian influence so the old timers would drop off a couple jars of sauce or home made wine and fill a spaghetti pot with mackerel. Great neighborhood to grow up in

My wife grew up In Netcong. I know the Italian American club is still going strong.
I remember my dad and my uncle hitting the pier in long branch and coming home with coolers full of whiting. The would spend 2 days smoking
Them and then give out many to people in the neighborhood and the guys at the firehouse and American legion. Man do I wish I could catch some whiting and smoke me up the pop did in the old days.

Capt. Lou
02-22-2015, 06:15 PM
Many a weakfish nite @ LB Pier , smoked whiting mid nite snack & nibbled on them all the next day ! :cool:

02-22-2015, 06:46 PM
At shop rite yesterday to get steak, I would have been better off going to Teaxas Roadhouse and got the same size steak, cooked, with 2 sides for same price

02-23-2015, 08:37 AM
Few weeks ago shop-rite had flounder for 6.99 pound... Grabbed a few pounds...

02-23-2015, 11:03 AM
ate vaccum packed sea bass the other night from October & made fissh cakes with vaccum packed ling from August last weekend both still in great shape.best investment i ever made

Bob T.
02-23-2015, 02:10 PM
I had Striper that was vac packed by me 2 yrs + 2 months old right before Christmas. Still tasted better than store fish. I like to strip a dozen ears of white corn peak of the season and vac pack (add some folded paper towel to the top or you'll fill your drip tray). Shrimp is cheaper than steak, buying bluefish at the store looks risky.

02-23-2015, 04:45 PM
ate vaccum packed sea bass the other night from October & made fissh cakes with vaccum packed ling from August last weekend both still in great shape.best investment i ever made

Yea, I gotta get my Vaccum sealer back from My S-I-L. Won't buy fish from a supermarket and the Co-op didn't have crap last week, the boats were iced in!

02-24-2015, 12:06 PM
Yea, I gotta get my Vaccum sealer back from My S-I-L. Won't buy fish from a supermarket and the Co-op didn't have crap last week, the boats were iced in!

only thing i buy is shellfish & squid, i wish i could catch fresh galamad that be rad

02-26-2015, 12:26 PM
I remember when you couldn't give fish away unless it was cleaned or fileted.
half day fluke from brielle was 8 bucks and fish were plentiful.That isn't that long ago