View Full Version : Fishing in Cabo

01-15-2015, 03:04 PM
Looking for 3 people to fish in Cabo during Bisbee tournament week. Not in the tournament but general fishing to share expenses. Best time of the year to be there. PM me for particulars. Super week.


Capt. JJ
01-16-2015, 09:11 AM
What are the Bisbee dates this year?

I usually try to avoid the main tournament and prefer to fish Oct. 31st, or so, and I will only fish San Jose del Cabo, not Cabo San Lucas. Im not really interested in marlin....just want cow yellowfin, and SJDC is where its at that time of year. Email me if your plans change. 2 guys per boat and maybe $140 a person full day, and these are not pangas.....usually Parker or other CC boats........best Captain in all of Cabo (IMHO), and my past results bear that out.........

eamil or PM if interested


Capt. JJ
01-16-2015, 09:15 AM
BTW....Oct. 31st is right between Bisbees and Tuna Jackpot...just double checked.....

Best time for available bait....less pressure at Gordo....you should consider that time period if not too late.

: )

01-16-2015, 09:20 AM
Thanks for the input but I never miss Bisbee week. 10 years and the fishing is always fantastic. Oct 19 thru 26th this year.

Capt. JJ
01-16-2015, 10:31 AM
Yeah....its definitely personal preference....I like week between and I only want 300 + pound tuna, hence fishing sea of cortez side.

Good Luck!