View Full Version : Ft Pierce

01-13-2015, 05:30 PM
anybody have experience fishing Ft Pierce, FL ? headed there at beginning of March and looking to do some fishing from pier/beach/jetty. I will be down there on business so not sure what my schedule will be. Not looking to catch trophys, just looking bend the rod...

I was figuring two piece spinning rod with 15 lb test, few 2/0 hooks, jig heads and head to tackle store for some bait...any specifics lures to bring ? small diamond jigs ? deadly dicks ? does that sound about right ?

saw some kids catch porgies and assorted other small fry from a dock near the inlet last year. Would be happy to do the same.

any help with tackle, location, anything else would be appreciated...

Gerry Zagorski
01-13-2015, 05:55 PM
Was just down there last week.... There is a State Park at the north end of the inlet that you have to pay to get in and it's day use only. The South side of the inlet is free and since it has a longer Jetty on that side probably has better fishing. Nice area there and lots of fishermen there too.

Not sure how the fishing is since I did not fish it.

As far as tackle a 15 pound spinning outfit would be perfect.

On the bait side, if you can I would get some live or frozen shrimp. That's what everyone fishes down there. Or you could also go on the beach shore line and see if you can dig up come sand fleas. They make great bait, especially for Sheepshead. If you are fishing for Sheepshead you want ot fish close to the jetty rocks because that is where you will likely find them. 2 or 3 ounces of lead is all you should need.

For artificials I would try some DOA Shrimp jigs and or Gulp Shrimp on a jig head. Cast them out and jig them off the bottom.

For casting swimmers I would go with a cast master.

One other place you might try is the Stuart River Walk area... They have a fishing peer right under the casway that leads out into the middle of the river. I hear the fishing there is best at night because of the light from the bridge attracks bait and fish.

Don't forget you need a license to saltwater fish in Florida.

Here is a site I found while I was down there that is helpful


Good luck.

01-13-2015, 07:57 PM
awesome...thanks for all the tips