View Full Version : Lots of action but no biggin's.......

01-12-2015, 08:36 PM
Decided once again to stay local since not feeling the best F'n again! Jigman and I decided to try a spot where we had great action and caught a couple Lunkers last winter nearby. There are a few smaller lakes where we fish and when we got there we checked them for ice condition and they were pretty solid so we made out trek to the bigger lake with eager enthusiasm of bangin a few pigs!!!:eek: When we finally got there it was sketchy to say the least so we changed plans and fished one of the other lakes there. I haven't ice fished that lake in years but knew it had some quality fish in it so we make the best of it. It started a little slow but as the day rolled on flags began to fly pretty regularly and we ended up with a decent catch for the day. We caught about a dozen or so fish, a bunch of pickerel, one largemouth and a few big yellow perch!:rolleyes:
Other than Jeremy's big perch not much else was photo worthy so no porn this time.....:(
One bit of advise I can give to new ice fishermen is if you set up and don't get any fish after a while.....MOVE TILL YOU DO!!!! Don't waste the day with your tip ups in the same holes all day. We continued to move our baits till we found some green weed beds and that where the fish were. From then on we had pretty steady action though out the day! When it's slow you drill new holes and work another area all day till you find them. Adjust your Tip Ups a little higher or lower and periodically check you baits!!! Nothing worse than going to move and when you pull it there's no bait! Sometimes just pulling them up to check the bait will trigger a strike after you drop it back down.

And think about it..... You pull your bait and check it and it's full of weeds set your bait a little higher so it is just above them because a fish cruisin by isn't gonna see it if it's buried in the weeds on the bottom!!! Just a few tips for you to try next time out and I hope they pay off for you!!!!:D

Mikey topaz
01-12-2015, 08:46 PM
some good info right there guys! exactly like the man said work it work the spread! tug on those baits make sure those fish are swimmin and do their job!

01-12-2015, 09:19 PM
Nice! Very methodical!

01-12-2015, 09:34 PM
Absolutely, Unless you are pretty certain fish are in or will be moving into an area it doesn't make sense! Be mobile and Hunt them down! It could be the difference between one or two fish and a dozen in our case. Where we started there was dying off weeds and pretty shallow water so we kept drillin and movin periodically checking different areas of the lake till we found some nice green weed beds in a little deeper water. Then we concentrated our tip ups in that area and still moved a few through out the day to search for other areas with fish biting. No Brainer in my book what do you do in a boat when your not catching??? MOVE to the next likely area! Sometimes we forget since we are ice fishing instead!!!! New comers to the ice might not even think of it!!!!

01-12-2015, 10:08 PM
Good times, poppa bear! Sweet baits, nice day, Swiss cheesin the ice! Felt good being back on the hard water and was even better watching the flags pop all day! I don't care what anyone says... When I hear FLAG!, i get all giddy lol... Love the ice! We worked all day moving tip ups every 30-45 mins. The pond we fished looked like it had chicken pox when we were done! Looking forward to this wknd... Hopefully the warm air down here doesn't screw everything up...

01-13-2015, 10:05 PM
Check your facebook for the real deal