View Full Version : Looking to interview anglers who sea bass fish for story

01-12-2015, 11:52 AM
I'm writing a news story on the black sea bass closure for the Asbury Park Press and I'm looking to interview a couple anglers who took these party boat offshore trips during the winter when the season used to be open.

Anyone who's interested in being a part of this story that is going to try and dig deep into the struggle between management and fishermen to find regulations that work please contact me through email first.


01-12-2015, 02:13 PM
I'm good now. I have got more than enough interviews.

a/c steve
01-12-2015, 02:29 PM
I will help if I can 908.353.4108

01-12-2015, 07:33 PM
I know that you do not need anymore anglers but there are several points that need to be stressed. The black sea bass population has recovered and the range is expanding. No overfishing is occurring because catch figures are based on faulty statistics, i.e. Mass private boats outfishing for hire boats coastwide two years in a row. We were promised that once the fishery recovered, the limits would become more liberal again, but the opposite has occurred.

01-12-2015, 07:48 PM
Good luck with the article!! Glad you are fighting the good fight