Skunk City
01-11-2015, 07:50 PM
After a hard week on hard water, I decided to sleep in today and not join the maniacs up north. First show on my TV this morning was on river Pike through the ice. Convinced our river Pike would be just as eager, I hopped in the truck and headed to an area I was pretty confident would hold safe ice. 5 minute hike into the woods lead me to a uniform, safe 5" of river ice. Tied myself to a rope that was tied to a tree on the banks for reassurance and had picks around my neck but luckily, didn't have to use either. Set up tipups and waited. Finally got a flag around 3:30 and it was game on. Very strong fight with some violent runs, but iced my first river Pike! Not an ice tournament worthy fish, but a thick 27". Had one more runoff before I called it quits around 4:30.
DISCLAIMER: Just because I was able to find safe ice on the river does not mean it is safe everywhere! No fish is worth a plunge into 32 degree water, use your head and be safe! Lots of open, flowing water on my way in and immediately downstream. ( ( (
DISCLAIMER: Just because I was able to find safe ice on the river does not mean it is safe everywhere! No fish is worth a plunge into 32 degree water, use your head and be safe! Lots of open, flowing water on my way in and immediately downstream. ( ( (