View Full Version : Sea Robins

01-05-2015, 01:21 PM
One man's trash is another man's treasure. That must go for sea robins too. In England they are called gurnards and are catching on as a tasty meal. Here's a video about cleaning/filleting them. Do a search for gurnard recipes to satisfy your own pallet. BTW, they are not regulated........yet.


01-05-2015, 01:32 PM
they are poisonous you cannot eat the american ones.

01-05-2015, 01:32 PM
One man's trash is another man's treasure. That must go for sea robins too. In England they are called gurnards and are catching on as a tasty meal. Here's a video about cleaning/filleting them. Do a search for gurnard recipes to satisfy your own pallet. BTW, they are not regulated........yet.


I've prepared and eaten them many times. They are one of my favorite tasting fish. Recently the Food Network and Travel Channel have shown some chefs in the Northeast preparing them. It's only a matter of time before they're regulated lol.

01-05-2015, 01:50 PM
A local seafood store is advertising skate. Imagine what happens when anglers start getting an appetite for sea robins and skates. Do you want to go home with some fillets when the sea bass season shuts down and fluke bag limits are decreased? It's something to think about. Imagine the advertising signs on the PB's! 1/2 Day Birds, Wings and Other Things! LOL!

01-05-2015, 01:50 PM
A local seafood store is advertising skate. Imagine what happens when anglers start getting an appetite for sea robins and skates. Do you want to go home with some fillets when the sea bass season shuts down and fluke bag limits are decreased? It's something to think about. Imagine the advertising signs on the PB's! 1/2 Day Birds, Wings and Other Things! LOL!

skates are venomous cannot eat them either.

01-05-2015, 02:03 PM
A local seafood store is advertising skate. Imagine what happens when anglers start getting an appetite for sea robins and skates. Do you want to go home with some fillets when the sea bass season shuts down and fluke bag limits are decreased? It's something to think about. Imagine the advertising signs on the PB's! 1/2 Day Birds, Wings and Other Things! LOL!
LOL It`s coming.

01-05-2015, 02:27 PM

not many birds this year

Capt Joe
01-05-2015, 03:17 PM
Monkfish (goosefish) All year 17 in (See Note 5) No limit N/A Whole fish or tails may be landed (See Note 5)
Ocean pout No retention No retention Closed See Note 7 N/A
Ocean Quahogs All year None 2 bushels See comments Check state regulations There are a number of areas closed to the harvesting of surfclams/ocean quahogs. Please refer to our ocean quahog web page for additional information.
Pollock All year 19 in No limit See Note 7 Filleting at sea allowed (See Note 1)
Red Drum No retention No retention Closed N/A N/A
Redfish (ocean perch) All year 9 in No limit See Note 7 Filleting at sea allowed (See Note 1)
Scup All year 9 in 30 fish per person per trip N/A Federal coast-wide regulations are put in place each year for scup. States or groups of states implement individual measures through ASMFC. Vessels with a Federal permit are subject to the more restrictive measures (See Bulletin).
See Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) web page
Skate, barndoor No retention No retention Closed N/A N/A
Skate, clearnose All year No limit No limit N/A Charter/partyboats with a commercial permit, retaining fish for sale or bait, have a 1,135 lb whole weight or 500 lb wing limit for clearnose, little, rosette and winter skates.
Skate, little All year No limit No limit N/A Charter/partyboats with a commercial permit, retaining fish for sale or bait, have a 1,135 lb whole weight or 500 lb wing limit for clearnose, little, rosette and winter skates.
Skate, rosette All year No limit No limit N/A Charter/partyboats with a commercial permit, retaining fish for sale or bait, have a 1,135 lb whole weight or 500 lb wing limit for clearnose, little, rosette and winter skates.
Skate, smooth No retention No retention Closed N/A N/A
Skate, thorny No retention No retention Closed N/A Spec

Pout - Closed - :D:D:D:D:D - NMFS - Freaking Idiots!

01-05-2015, 04:17 PM
I've tried them once or twice and they are tasty. Interesting way of skinning them in the video, I usually just filet em and into the fryer they go. :D

01-05-2015, 05:09 PM
They are better than Porgy, better than Stripers, Blues and Weaks, not as good as sea bass, flounder, ling etc.... . WHY more guys don't eat them I will never understand.. It makes no sense.. If we see a few more down years with the birds like least year, watch out.. CLOSED! NO POSSESSION!, btw the big fat dark red ones are better eating by far than the smaller mottled tan ones for some reason..// bob

01-05-2015, 05:23 PM
A local seafood store is advertising skate. Imagine what happens when anglers start getting an appetite for sea robins and skates. Do you want to go home with some fillets when the sea bass season shuts down and fluke bag limits are decreased? It's something to think about. Imagine the advertising signs on the PB's! 1/2 Day Birds, Wings and Other Things! LOL!

Sailing Every Day and Night!!
Fri & Sat 3-9 PM - Magic Hours- Oyster Crackers and Stargazers

7 am- 2:30 PM Weekdays- 3/4 day -Sea Robins and Smooth Dogfish

Sun Sept 30 7 am to 4 PM.. All day- Cow Nose Rays Special

Starting Mon Oct 1.. 6 am -5 PM Mudhole Marathon Mondays

We will fish deep water Mudhole wrecks and snags for Skates, Hackleheads, Silver Eels, Bergalls, and the odd Ling...
Fill your freezer for the winter!
Bait supplied Rental Rods available
Clean Ladies Accommodations
Full Galley

01-05-2015, 05:23 PM
ahhh the sea robin! One of my favorite surfishing species to catch in the summer, great fight on light tackle and always fun for my friends who don't know much of fishing to catch.

Bring on the Whalefart bashing but I wouldn't oppose a bag limit on them or any species for that matter. What's plentiful one day is gone the next. Much like what I hear about these old timers and whiting fishing something I won't probably ever experience.

Capt. Debbie
01-06-2015, 10:14 AM
Skates are poor mans scallops.

Seems everything is poisonous. The only one I herad which few are caught up north NJ is Blowfish

skates are venomous cannot eat them either.

01-06-2015, 11:31 AM

not many birds this year

First year I didn't crush them on the beach while fluking. Used to catch monsters at the Hook all summer long.

01-06-2015, 12:53 PM
skates are venomous cannot eat them either.

What he said. Shhhhhhhhhhh! It's bad enough Andrew Zimmerman let the cat out of the bag, let's not make it any worse.

01-06-2015, 01:16 PM
i always keep the big sea robins for bait and if they dont get used they get filleted and eaten, they taste good and filet easy, Ive been wanting to try skate but just haven't been able to stoop to that level yet

01-06-2015, 01:17 PM
Just think: Another size and bag limit in the future!:D

ALS Mako
01-06-2015, 03:50 PM
Ive been wanting to try skate but just haven't been able to stoop to that level yet

they are delicious. only keep the big ones as you only get meat from the wings. small ones are just not worth it. kinda pain in the ass to clean but definatly worth it. your talking 20 dollar or more entrée in a French restaurant. sautee'd in butter....can't be beat. one of my favorites.

dozer 277
01-07-2015, 12:34 PM
sea robins are very good. not much meat on them. they are all head. I have eaten them many times. its a very clean white meat. just cant bring myself to do the skate thing. I have caught some big ones but just not there yet. for me sea robins can mean the difference between fresh fish and spam for dinner. (im just not that good from the beach)I get funny looks when they go into the cooler but if im gonna eat it I don't care.

01-07-2015, 02:26 PM
What he said. Shhhhhhhhhhh! It's bad enough Andrew Zimmerman let the cat out of the bag, let's not make it any worse.

that dude has ruined everything!

ALS Mako
01-07-2015, 05:38 PM
that dude has ruined everything!

I still won't eat Scrapple!!! what's in that stuff?:eek: (joking- i know-that's why i don't want to eat it):rolleyes:

01-07-2015, 08:44 PM
I still won't eat Scrapple!!! what's in that stuff?:eek: (joking- i know-that's why i don't want to eat it):rolleyes:

only part of a pig ya can't eat is the oink cause ya can't catch it!

01-08-2015, 07:27 AM
I've eaten sea robin many times in the past. I just got back on the water with my own boat this year since sandy. I went fluking only about 5 times and I think I only got one. I must've said I'm going to try skate but every time I catch one I change my mind, maybe this year.

01-08-2015, 09:09 AM
Sailing Every Day and Night!!
Fri & Sat 3-9 PM - Magic Hours- Oyster Crackers and Stargazers

7 am- 2:30 PM Weekdays- 3/4 day -Sea Robins and Smooth Dogfish

Sun Sept 30 7 am to 4 PM.. All day- Cow Nose Rays Special

Starting Mon Oct 1.. 6 am -5 PM Mudhole Marathon Mondays

We will fish deep water Mudhole wrecks and snags for Skates, Hackleheads, Silver Eels, Bergalls, and the odd Ling...
Fill your freezer for the winter!
Bait supplied Rental Rods available
Clean Ladies Accommodations
Full Galley

I was waiting for someone to do that!



01-08-2015, 05:35 PM
For whatever reason it seems like the population of small dull colored "rough bottom" sea robins is growing greatly. There were many days when I had 15 or 20 of these while drifting for sea bass.

01-09-2015, 09:16 AM
Monkfish (goosefish) All year 17 in (See Note 5) No limit N/A Whole fish or tails may be landed (See Note 5)
Ocean pout No retention No retention Closed See Note 7 N/A
Ocean Quahogs All year None 2 bushels See comments Check state regulations There are a number of areas closed to the harvesting of surfclams/ocean quahogs. Please refer to our ocean quahog web page for additional information.
Pollock All year 19 in No limit See Note 7 Filleting at sea allowed (See Note 1)
Red Drum No retention No retention Closed N/A N/A
Redfish (ocean perch) All year 9 in No limit See Note 7 Filleting at sea allowed (See Note 1)
Scup All year 9 in 30 fish per person per trip N/A Federal coast-wide regulations are put in place each year for scup. States or groups of states implement individual measures through ASMFC. Vessels with a Federal permit are subject to the more restrictive measures (See Bulletin).
See Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) web page
Skate, barndoor No retention No retention Closed N/A N/A
Skate, clearnose All year No limit No limit N/A Charter/partyboats with a commercial permit, retaining fish for sale or bait, have a 1,135 lb whole weight or 500 lb wing limit for clearnose, little, rosette and winter skates.
Skate, little All year No limit No limit N/A Charter/partyboats with a commercial permit, retaining fish for sale or bait, have a 1,135 lb whole weight or 500 lb wing limit for clearnose, little, rosette and winter skates.
Skate, rosette All year No limit No limit N/A Charter/partyboats with a commercial permit, retaining fish for sale or bait, have a 1,135 lb whole weight or 500 lb wing limit for clearnose, little, rosette and winter skates.
Skate, smooth No retention No retention Closed N/A N/A
Skate, thorny No retention No retention Closed N/A Spec

Pout - Closed - :D:D:D:D:D - NMFS - Freaking Idiots!
And you wonder why Businesses are going under.....how the hell can one retain all that information, especially when it's constantly changing!!! BS.

Capt Sal
01-09-2015, 10:10 AM
We do not honor trophy tags for sea robins lol

bunker dunker
01-09-2015, 10:16 AM
years ago we used to joke about this,now its not so funny

01-09-2015, 01:57 PM
ahhh the sea robin! One of my favorite surfishing species to catch in the summer, great fight on light tackle and always fun for my friends who don't know much of fishing to catch.

Bring on the Whalefart bashing but I wouldn't oppose a bag limit on them or any species for that matter. What's plentiful one day is gone the next. Much like what I hear about these old timers and whiting fishing something I won't probably ever experience.

Amen to that WF. Maybe then the knuckleheads on Sandy Hook would release them rather than litter the beach with their wasted carcasses. Thanks Billfish for the video on cleaning them. I've been using them for stock and chowder but I think I'll try them as a substitute for blowfish. On the bone they look very similar.

01-10-2015, 08:02 AM
I have a friend who takes the big robins and smokes them, they are awesome.
Skate, go to Wegmans seafood section, it was going for 10 or 11 dollars a pound. I went to an up scale restaurant in Philly with my son and Skate was more than the Tuna..

01-10-2015, 08:15 AM
last year it seemed there were way less robins around than usual. also the few we caught were the smaller browner strain.