View Full Version : Black Monday Canyon Runner AC Seminar - ALMOST SOLD OUT

Canyon Runner
01-04-2015, 03:14 PM
AC Seminar Should Be Sold Out in 10 Days

Folks - the first full day back to work after New Year's has always seen dozens and dozens of Seminar ticket sales as winter has finally sunk in and folks are starting to dream about warmer days. This year I'm sure will be no different - except for one thing. If we do our normal 50-100 in tickets today and continue at a rate of 20 a day after that we will be sold out by next week.

Anyone who came in 2014 knows the fire alarm went off for a few minutes during the day. Well, the Fire Marshall showed up and was not happy with 500+ people on the 4th floor. As such - we are strictly limited this year to the number of people that can attend.



Canyon Runner 2015 Seminars - Raising Another $10,000 for our Wounded Veterans

Last year we donated $2,500 to the Wound Warriors Project and $7,500 to the Marine Wounded Warriors Regiment's Navy Gift Found in Quantico, VA.

This year all $10,000 is going to Quantico - and more if we can raise it.

This year the most important thing we’ll do is give back to those that gave everything for us. Every year we run 2-3 offshore trips for FREE for our War Veterans (In addition to 5-10 other trips we donate to various worthy charities). So for the 2015 Seminar we are going to donate $5/ticket directly to those wounded Veteran’s and any additional funds raised by raffling off two $5,000 worth of Canyon Runner Spreader Bars.


The 2015 Canyon Runner Seminar Speakers Combined have produced 500+ Big-Eyes, & $3,500,000+ in Tournament Winnings in their respective Careers!

Come Learn How They Do It!



FREE $100 Spreader Bar & Bag for Groups of 4 or More!

Atlantic City, NJ - January 24, 2015 ($135/Person) * Long Island, NY – February 28, 2015 ($99/Person)

Call 732-842-6825 or Email: adam@canyonrunner.com

New for 2015 - Capt. Walter Harmstead "Going in Deep" Big-Eye & Blue Marlin Tactics – $1.5 Million in Tournament Winnings
New for 2015 - Capt. Mike Zajac & Capt. Ryan DiBaggio - Big-Eye Tournament Fishing the "Hubris" Way
New for 2015 – Capt. Deane Lambros – Big-Eye Tactics 101 - Core Training
New for 2015 – Capt. Evan Millas - "Head Hunter" – Rigging your Trolling Baits Like a Professional Crew - Core Training
New for 2015 - Dave Arbeitman - The Reel Seat – Rigging Tackle Like THE PRO
New for 2015 - Capt. Sean - Restless Lady - Restless Lady – Bluefin Trolling & Chucking
New for 2015 – Capt. Feddy Gamboa –Andrea's Toy - Small Boats Offshore
New for 2015 – Capt. John Galvin – The End Game - Leadering/Gaffing/Harpoon - Poon Harpoon Team


1) Big-Eye Tactics 101 “Core Class” – The “Canyon Runner” Way - Capt. Deane Lambros & Canyon Runner Team
2) Tournament Big-Eye & Blue Marlin Tactics – The “Going In Deep” Way - Capt. Walter Harmstead
3) Tournament Big-Eye Tactics – The “Hubris” Way - Capt. Mike Zajac & Capt. Ryan DiBagio
4) Canyon Trolling 101 “Core Class” –Must Know to Excel Offshore – Capt. Craig Angelini & Canyon Runner Crew
5) Trolling Baits for Big Fish – Capt. Joe Shute - The Inventor of the Best Big Tuna Skirt Ever
6) Canyon Chunking 101 “Core Class” Rig Up like a Professional Crew – Capt. Phil Dulanie & Canyon Runner Crew
7) Rig Your Tackle Like a Pro – Learn from The Best – Dave Arbeitman – The Reel Seat
8) The End Game – Leadering/Gaffing/Harpooning – Capt. John Galvin – Poon Harpoons
9) Offshore Trolling & Chunking from a Center Console – Capt. Freddy Gamboa – Andrea’s Toy
10) Winning Marlin Tactics - Tournament Winning Angler Brad Burgess – Canyon Runner
11) Bluefin Tuna from A to Z – Trolling & Chunking - Capt. Sean Welsh & the Crew of the Restless Lady
12) Advanced Jigging & Popping Techniques – Capt. Gene Quigley/Capt. Jim Freda - Shore Catch Charters
13) Engine Preventative Maintenance & Repairs at Sea - John Lane - Forked River Diesel
14) Water Temp Analysis “Core Class” Basic Courses for First Time Attendees - Capt. Len Belcaro
15) Advanced Water Temp Analysis and Year in Review - Capt. Len Belcaro
16) Rigging Ballyhoo for Tuna “Core Class” – Capt. Kevin Muller - Canyon Runner & Capt. Evan Millas – Head Hunter
17) Learn How to Service and Maintain Your Reels - Penn Reel's Technicians
18) Learn All the Best Knots and Test Them on Line Testing Machine - Team Berkley
19) Spectra/Top-Shot Techniques - Basil Pappas - BHP Tackle
20) Electronics Troubleshooting & Maintenance - Simrad Techs
21) Tuna Tagging Techniques - Atlantic Tuna Project

The 2015 Seminars will be held at the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic City, NJ - January 24($135/person) and the Huntington Hilton in Long Island, NY - February 28 ($99/person).

For additional information and Tickets - Call 732-842-6825 or Email: adam@canyonrunner.com
