View Full Version : Slow Tog Fri 1/2

Dollar Bill
01-03-2015, 08:43 PM
Trip started off bad as we had to wait til 8AM for someone to get to the Glimmer Glass drawbridge to open it up. :mad: Instead of staying local we went up north to the SH Reef. Nice ride up but then the wind started. Grapple pulling and the boat swinging just sucked. :( Even with the danforth out the boat still swung in the stiff breeze. The 4 of us only had 3 keepers, caught by the same guy, and a bunch of shorts. Plus a cod. Had high hopes for the day but it was not meant to happen.

Foul Hook
01-03-2015, 09:17 PM
Bill I thought they were working on that bridge? I did not think it was in operation.:confused:I know it was closed to traffic and there was a bunch of big equipment there couple of days a week ago.

Dollar Bill
01-03-2015, 10:58 PM
Bill I thought they were working on that bridge? I did not think it was in operation.:confused:I know it was closed to traffic and there was a bunch of big equipment there couple of days a week ago.

They are working on the bridge but it was operational to boat traffic up til Jan 1. Now you have to give them 24 hour notice if you need to get out between 4 PM and 8:30 AM otherwise the bridge is down. Luckily the guy came down by 8 to lift the bridge. Regular road traffic is still closed