View Full Version : keeping mousies alive

01-03-2015, 08:32 PM
i buy a bulk of mousies at the beginning of the ice season cause they're so expensive and the bait shops run out a lot of times by me.

last year i had many dead ones by the second half of the ice fishing season. I tried to only take what i was going to use with me in a puck and left the rest in a original packing in the fridge then put what i didn't use back in and so on and so forth.

any one have any tricks to keeping these things alive longer?

01-04-2015, 06:32 PM
Give them a little cheese and water they should be fine!!!!!

No seriously my buddy used to do the same thing He kept them in a coffee can with saw dust and never had much problem with them Maybe need a diff location in refridge He would get like 500 at a clip and used a gallon coffee can. Maybe keep the ones you took out in another can.

01-04-2015, 08:12 PM
Keeping them outside in your tacklebox is exactly what you do to not keep them alive. As I learned the hard way.

01-05-2015, 12:17 PM
they need to stay dry, sometimes in the fridge they get humidity and wil die and blacken quickly. As Dale suggested, a coffe can with sawdust is the way I do it, i use tupperware thats low and wide so they are easier to find when going out. Keep them inside your jacket with some body heat against them so they dont freeze.

bunker dunker
01-05-2015, 12:42 PM
what jimmy said,keep them dry and cold{not freezing}

01-05-2015, 02:06 PM
so being in the closed container probably got them wet after a while with condensation and such....

ok now who wants to tell my wife why there will be an open container of bugs in the fridge now...