View Full Version : Long-time Barnegat Light fishing family calls it quits

01-03-2015, 12:04 PM
I'm sure you guys have heard by now that the Eble family has decided to sell their party boat the Doris Mae IV and get out. They will be missed. Here's a short interview with Capt. Charlie Eble on his reasons for getting out.


Gerry Zagorski
01-03-2015, 12:57 PM
Sad to see anyone leave this industry, especially a local family run business that has been around as long as they have.

If it's not the regs, it's the cost of doing business. Combine that with the wacko exteme enviornmentalists/activists who want to convince kids it's inhumane to fish for sport, and you can see why the recreational fishing industry is in the shape it is.

Up to us all to get kids interested in fishing to keep this great sport of ours alive as well as patronize the local businesses and fishing organizations that support us.

01-03-2015, 01:03 PM
The way things are going, they won't be the last!!
Wish I could have read the story without all those freaking pop up ads taking over!! :mad:

01-03-2015, 01:16 PM
Definitely right about having to get the kids fishing.

01-03-2015, 01:30 PM
This is really sad and yes Capt Ron it may not be the last, Glad Capt Jeff who is a great capt got a great boat but the message here sucks, As a "low level" Fishermen (I have had my share but many are much better) I cant accept the fact that boats like this have to Sell out. This is the exact reason I got involved, ran many fundraiser trips and really tried to understand fishery management, I have to admit I don't. It all sucks. Fishermen / women don't really get involved, no one gets really pissed enough.
When we do a little it all goes to worthless politicians that may or may not support us. Sick of it all as I am sure Capt Ron, Capt Tony Bogan, Capt Adam Nowalsky are but yet they keep fighting, Big Thanks to all of you
God damit I have had it, I marched, I raised money , I worked the off season shows, I tried but until ALL fishermen get involved we will go down

01-03-2015, 01:42 PM
You know what F--K It. Never give up! I am going to run more Fishing Fundraiser trips this year for RFA-NJ and for private head boats that need the money and they better fill up! More to follow

01-03-2015, 01:53 PM
Don't give up, sir.

Joey Dah Fish
01-03-2015, 06:05 PM
You know what F--K It. Never give up! I am going to run more Fishing Fundraiser trips this year for RFA-NJ and for private head boats that need the money and they better fill up! More to follow

I'm with ya brother

01-03-2015, 10:04 PM
The irony.

01-03-2015, 11:46 PM
"I really wanted to stay in the business another five to 10 years but National Marine Fishery Service's rules and regulations are killing us. They're putting us out of business," said Capt. Charlie Eble. That about sums it up! There killing the whole industry, The only way we can win now is with real money and real Lobbying power. If not .....what we love to do....will fade away slow but sure as it is now! Sorry to say!

Fish The Drop Off
01-04-2015, 09:07 AM
Heard Miss LBI is up for sale also and might be sold.

01-04-2015, 09:14 AM
Keep fighting the good fight Dales - we'll ALWAYS be in your corner.

The best time to fight for rights is while you still have 'em !!

01-04-2015, 09:25 AM
Miss lbi was sold several years ago..... Think what u meant was Miss barnegat light also up for sale

01-04-2015, 12:11 PM
From a business standpoint fishing has to be the killing fields. So many variables against them. I am sad to see this dock fading away. many night blue fishing memories from my youth on the dories mae. Good luck to the family!

01-04-2015, 12:51 PM
Sad to see the changes taking place right in front of our eyes to our beloved sport. Money and greed are destroying a sport which is as much a part of our heritage as anything. I don't disagree we need regulations as part of fisheries management but government ends up using it as a bargaining chip to line their own pockets and it seems like the recreational category is always the group which takes the brunt of the reductions. Politicians continue to make their millions at the expense of the people they're supposed to represent and whose interest they're supposed to protect.

And to add insult to injury, all this will soon be happening as we all know while we're mandated to pay a salt water fishing license for the privilege to fish under these conditions. Our beloved past time is being taken away from us and stories like the Eble's will become more and more commonplace. No one can run a business when the government has the ability to dictate how many days or months in a given year you can operate it and at any given time those days and months can change literally without notice. Who in their right mind would make the kind of investment needed to own and operate a party / charter boat business when some politician in Washington or a state government official has the power to say you can't cast off your dock lines today and literally shut you down. What other business is regulated to that degree?

The only answer to this madness is to continue supporting organizations who can get the word out. An uneducated audience is government's greatest ally. Until we have the representation in Washington which recognizes and supports recreational interests, there are going to be many more very unfortunate Doris Mae stories to be told. Families who are third and fourth generation in the industry are being forced out! It's madness! It's a sad testimony of what is happening to our beloved sport. A sport which we have every god given right to enjoy, not one which politicians have the right to make theirs and exploit for their own benefit which is exactly where we stand today.


Fish The Drop Off
01-04-2015, 04:53 PM
Miss lbi was sold several years ago..... Think what u meant was Miss barnegat light also up for sale

yes your right :)

Capt. Lou
01-04-2015, 05:17 PM
"I really wanted to stay in the business another five to 10 years but National Marine Fishery Service's rules and regulations are killing us. They're putting us out of business," said Capt. Charlie Eble. That about sums it up! There killing the whole industry, The only way we can win now is with real money and real Lobbying power. If not .....what we love to do....will fade away slow but sure as it is now! Sorry to say!

That about sums it up, lucky we are receiving all those monies to fight them thru our lobbyists from the tackle companies ! Wow without that we'd really be in trouble!
If we were smart we would boycott any tackle manufacturer / company that does not step up & support our fisheries programs with real dollars !But like fisheries meeting attendance , calling / writing ur congressman this won't happen !
So don't complain step up do anything u can to get the money we need to fight this cause, if u don't like the Dorismae you'll be selling ur tackle!
It simply amazes me that someone hasn't pushed this angle yet !

01-04-2015, 07:41 PM
You know what F--K It. Never give up! I am going to run more Fishing Fundraiser trips this year for RFA-NJ and for private head boats that need the money and they better fill up! More to follow

Let us know what you need. Would love to help in any possible way we can.

01-04-2015, 08:02 PM
The NFA or a organization like it needs to merge with the NRA! Both are sportsman orientated. Look at the success they have had with there lobbying and voting power! It can be done!

01-05-2015, 08:57 AM
Hang in there Dave you always do a great job of putting these things together

Thank you Dave for all you do and keep fighting the fight
