View Full Version : FISH STIX - 12/29 & 12/30 Tough Togs

Fish Stix
12-31-2014, 07:38 AM
Monday 12/29 ran open with a crew of 6. Very scratchy bites once again, but like I said before, the fish were there. Didn't matter what depth we went to, it was the same. Certain spots the shorts bit a littler more. MurryG figured it out and caught his limit. Nj Dave also had a few as well. 14 keepers for the day.

Tuesday 12/30 open crew of only 5 today. murryG and Nj Dave didn't think they we're torchured enough and booked back to back trips. Well, once again same thing. So I switched it up and went east to a good wreck, that I know holds some pigs. Sure enough, Chris, Murry and Njdave all had bombers hook up immediately. Looked like the guys had tunas on. All 3 guys got pulled back into the wreck and that was that. Wiggles around to try and ATLEAST get one more of those bites. But nope. Nothing. 6 damn keepers today. Pulled the anchors up before 2. Called it an early day.

MurryG's 13 year old daughter Sophie. A real fisherwoman already!
http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/99D7D074-6346-47B4-8F4F-54261F021A62_zpshvdkt0ac.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/99D7D074-6346-47B4-8F4F-54261F021A62_zpshvdkt0ac.jpg.html)

I did cancel today's trip & probably cancelling tomorrow as well. Hopefully by Friday well be back at it with some better results.

Happy New Year All!

Capt Kris

12-31-2014, 09:34 AM
Thanks for the honest reporting. Hopefully they will want to chew on Friday!

NJ Dave
12-31-2014, 10:19 AM
Always a good time with Kris and Darren.
Fishing has been off and most of the fish were comming up discolored.
Captain made many moves as always but the fish just didnt want to play.
Its too early for this to be over. Hope for better days soon. They have to eat.
I sure wish that pig I had gave me more than a three crank chance before pulling me back in the hole. They dont get big on accident. Opperator error!!!
It was good meeting Murry and Sophie was a champ all day at the rail keeping us all laughing. She tried like hell to get Kriss to dance and sing to us but it didnt happen. Mabey next time.
Happy New year to all. Back at it soon...

12-31-2014, 12:38 PM
Still sounds like an enjoyable day Dave. Fun times and some nice laughs. Too bad that pig didn't want to turn. Get em next time!