View Full Version : Atlantic City Osprey adventure 12-27

12-29-2014, 11:14 AM
Me, Sportfishingusa, & the directa took a ride saturday to atlantic city to give new sponsor the osprey a whirl for togging. After confirming 53times the boat would have white crabs we met the crew at the dock at 5:50am & were greeted with the crew carrying all of our things aboard & placing them wherever we pleased nice service for sure! we boarded cracked a few beers smoked some cigars filled a cooler with white crabs & rigged up. We left at 7am on the dot & took a steam off in beautiful weather. Crew came around & asked if each customer wanted them to cut there crabs for them & scissors were supplied for all fares if the fare wanted to cut there own again incredible service. Weather was tough for capt to stayover the pieces as we ad no wind flat seas & what wind there was was blowin against the wind. Captain hit a ton of spots & readjusted alot to try & get everyone on the pieces. The 3 of us ended with 7keepers. Vinnie had 3directa 2 & myself 2. we also all caught a good amount of shorts & plenty of philly makos were around to eat your coaches.

as for the boat we will def sail again & are already looking o go for poooogeees in June. Crew was among the best customer service i have ever experienced in any business fishing & nonishing i mean they may help ya wipe if ya ask they went above & beond the call of duty. Captain tried super hard & ran all over looing for fish. Glad to have the osprey aboard njfishing & team twerk will be back!
follow link for pics


12-29-2014, 11:49 AM
Never fished in those conditions before. Wind against Wind.

12-29-2014, 11:56 AM
Never fished in those conditions before. Wind against Wind.

yeah those are conditions only me & spotfishingusa get. i should of stated what wind was blowing was blowing against the tide in the morning then in the pm it was just dead no wind & 52degrees

Mike S.
12-29-2014, 12:00 PM
They also have the cleanest, nicest bathroom in party boat history lol

12-29-2014, 12:02 PM
They also have the cleanest, nicest bathroom in party boat history lol

dude that is so true i forgot about that i felt bad using it

Mike S.
12-29-2014, 12:47 PM
It's cleaner than my apartment bathroom. That's a real eye opener lol

12-29-2014, 02:44 PM
Thanks for coming guys, we had a great time joking and laughing with u guys, definitely kept things light and we're glad u enjoyed yourselves, just our kind of riff raff