View Full Version : Stinger hooks on bucktails best knot around hook bend?

12-27-2014, 07:56 PM
Seen lots of different ways to do stinger hooks for bucktailing. If one were to tie a pile of stinger hooks over the winter, what kind of knot is best for the loop that goes around the hook bend? When you quickly attach the stinger hook to the bucktail out at sea? Follow?

Capt. Lou
12-27-2014, 08:29 PM
Seen lots of different ways to do stinger hooks for bucktailing. If one were to tie a pile of stinger hooks over the winter, what kind of knot is best for the loop that goes around the hook bend? When you quickly attach the stinger hook to the bucktail out at sea? Follow?

Braid larks head loop ! Mono crimp or four turn clinch . The mono is not practical to do at sea waste fish time ! Braid can be pre uni knotted with double this makes it simple to larks head around hook shank quickly ! I would do all buck tails prior to use .

12-27-2014, 08:35 PM
If you've seen the stinger hooks used for vertical jigs where you can run the hook through its own loop and just pull. That's the easiest and quick way.

Tie a hook off using the jigs own eye that the main line is tied to.

I use a tactical clip, like a paper clip, quick lure change terminal tackle as a starting point. I bought a leadered treble hook with a loop at its end. Tie in on the clip by running the hook through its own loop. Slide the jig on the clip next. Owner hooks makes the treble hook stinger. It has 80lb braid as the line test. By adding the jig last its easy to change the jig and not touch the stinger. The treble is a fresh water grade and has a quick change clip to it if you need to replace the hook.

Here's the hook link


12-28-2014, 11:44 AM
I don't use a loop. Just have your hook on straight leader and tie onto jig with uni type knot which can not be pulled over the hook barb. Takes all of 10 seconds. I guess you can loop one on more quickly but a fluke flopping around can unloop it quickly also.

12-28-2014, 12:46 PM
If you've seen the stinger hooks used for vertical jigs where you can run the hook through its own loop and just pull. That's the easiest and quick way.

Tie a hook off using the jigs own eye that the main line is tied to.

I use a tactical clip, like a paper clip, quick lure change terminal tackle as a starting point. I bought a leadered treble hook with a loop at its end. Tie in on the clip by running the hook through its own loop. Slide the jig on the clip next. Owner hooks makes the treble hook stinger. It has 80lb braid as the line test. By adding the jig last its easy to change the jig and not touch the stinger. The treble is a fresh water grade and has a quick change clip to it if you need to replace the hook.

Here's the hook link


If using this treble hook stinger to attach to bucktail for fluke you may as well attach a 5 dollar bill to your rig as you will be getting hung up constantly.

Capt. Lou
12-28-2014, 01:58 PM
I don't use a loop. Just have your hook on straight leader and tie onto jig with uni type knot which can not be pulled over the hook barb. Takes all of 10 seconds. I guess you can loop one on more quickly but a fluke flopping around can unloop it quickly also.

Softness of braid especially under any pressure never will loosen & fall off hook !
Used this for many seasons not once did it ever pop off hook . I also attach mono via clinch or crimp for heavier tests . Some like the bait to remain strtaight while some prefer the added flutter braid can provide.

12-28-2014, 07:38 PM
If using this treble hook stinger to attach to bucktail for fluke you may as well attach a 5 dollar bill to your rig as you will be getting hung up constantly.

Not as much as you believe. The treble is hooked into a large gulp. It does not just flop around. Plus that hook is small.