View Full Version : Fish Monger Fri 12/19 Blackfish to 8 3/4 lbs

Capt. Jerry P
12-20-2014, 04:46 AM
Fish Monger Fri 12/19 Blackfish to 8 3/4 lbs -

Tougher day for us today... Started out w some ok life but not as many in the box as fast as I wanted. Nice size fish again but it wasn't quick... Prob should have grinded it but got impatient with it. Moved around n picked a few everywhere but never got em going. Bites misses scratches etc... hh had 7...3 other with limits rest had a couple or didn't do anything. Wanted more for the box but everyone fished hard n we managed 38 keepers to 8 3/4lbs. Thanks again guys

12-20-2014, 07:40 AM
You gave it hell Jerry. I thought at first we were Golden after the first drop down for me and was rewarded with a nice thumper of a bite and a roaster for the box with a few others around the boat. But guess what..... That's blackfishin'. We'll get 'em next time. John your mate worked like John always does, on the spot and there when you need him. Good guy you got there. See you soon for some slob huntin' in January. Have a great Holiday.:D

Art Berkman
12-20-2014, 12:39 PM
Good times Always!

Thank you Jerry & John!!!