View Full Version : Osprey V : open boat Friday blackfish

12-19-2014, 03:27 PM
Light crowd aboard today. With life at every drop we went to we were able to piece together a solid day. Some people limited and everyone went home with dinner. Pool fish was caught by Joe on a whole white crab and weighed
This weekend we are sold out and Monday looks questionable. Check out website for details Or give Amanda a call!

Sailing out of Atlantic City : Kammermans marina by reservation only limited to 25 people so the boat will never be crowded. Fare is $85.00 includes bait, tackle and rods.

http://http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e214/captainamandacash/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps88bdd91a.jpg (http://s40.photobucket.com/user/captainamandacash/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps88bdd91a.jpg.html)

http://http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e214/captainamandacash/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsb50bb999.jpg (http://s40.photobucket.com/user/captainamandacash/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsb50bb999.jpg.html)

http://http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e214/captainamandacash/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsb400d6f0.jpg (http://s40.photobucket.com/user/captainamandacash/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsb400d6f0.jpg.html)


12-19-2014, 11:16 PM
Way to go Joe. Some times the old school stuff gets the job done
I am guessing Lami 1143 cut to a 12-14 tip with sidewinder