View Full Version : New Data Buoy off Barnegat

Gerry Zagorski
12-19-2014, 10:56 AM
The Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP), with the assistance of the US Coast Guard Station Barnegat Light, deployed a new buoy offshore Barnegat, NJ ((39°46.168’N, 73°46.194’W, 13 fathoms deep, 16 nautical miles offshore) CDIP Station 209- Barnegat, NJ). This buoy provides near real-time monitoring of high surf events and validates model hindcast data by measuring wave height, wave direction, wave period and sea surface temperature. In support of real-time operations such as commercial and recreational boaters, the data are broadcast on the National Weather Service Marine Weather Channel (National Data Buoy Center #44091). At night, the buoy will emit a yellow color US Coast Guard compliant flashing light.

The wave height reported is the “significant” wave height (Hs) which represents the average of the 1/3 highest waves. Approximately double the wave height (Hs) to obtain the maximum wave height over the half hour period.

The buoy is funded by the US Army Corps of Engineers and is operated in collaboration with the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS). Data are UPDATED EVERY 30 MINUTES.

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