View Full Version : FISH STIX - 12/18 Blackfish Boat Limit+ to 10#

Fish Stix
12-18-2014, 04:00 PM
Thursday 12/18 open boat crew of 6, one guy not pictured. First drop wasn't very good at all, so we made a move. Lights out blackfishing on this drop. In 3 hours the guys put a beating on these fish. Ralph's first tog trip he had 13 keepers to 8lbs including a double header keepers. But Joe T put on a show catching 18 keepers himself! Drop and reel. Mostly 3-5lb fish today. Excellent fishing. Total tally was 57 keepers to 10lbs(which was released, by the Capt), all before 1pm. Obviously only keeping our 8 man boat limit of 48. Hell of a job boys!

Capt Kris

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/560DEA25-8AE4-4E82-B8AA-3BACC7B1B10F_zps2w6ymwze.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/560DEA25-8AE4-4E82-B8AA-3BACC7B1B10F_zps2w6ymwze.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/AA6F7E73-E539-42ED-BBB9-4BBCE36D688D_zpsuwr1vhsr.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/AA6F7E73-E539-42ED-BBB9-4BBCE36D688D_zpsuwr1vhsr.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/0128CEA6-73BE-4284-9F05-632E31BC04C6_zpsfdtlw4gu.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/0128CEA6-73BE-4284-9F05-632E31BC04C6_zpsfdtlw4gu.jpg.html)

Tuna Tales
12-18-2014, 05:22 PM
Some of the best blackfishing I ever had!! What a day!!

All said and done with the keepers, shorts, misses and releases I had 40 bites today. Unreal.

A big thanks to Capt Kris and Capt Darren...and nice meeting everyone.

A day I will not forget.

Thanks again guys...well done.

Joe T.

NJ Dave
12-18-2014, 05:37 PM
That guy in the last pick looks like one of the rejected mall santa clauses but looks like he caught a nice fish

Fish Stix
12-18-2014, 05:45 PM
That guy in the last pick looks like one of the rejected mall santa clauses but looks like he caught a nice fish

LMFAO, real nice... Reallllllll nice......

12-18-2014, 05:50 PM
So with only 5 guys in the pic aren't you way over your limit:eek: lmao!!

12-18-2014, 05:53 PM
Way to go bros and Capts. Wish I could squeak out a trip again before New Years , gimme a call if your short on weekends and around holiday time...

Nice beard too!

Chris G
12-18-2014, 08:49 PM
Atta boy Invisible Ralph.

12-18-2014, 08:51 PM
Congrats Fish Stix aka "The Catching Machine" You guys are on a roll.....keep up the fine job! I highly recommend capts Kris and Darren for all your blackfish needs!! :D