View Full Version : Coast Guard boarding on Tuesday

12-18-2014, 07:47 AM

Boarded by the CG for the fourth time this year. Three this fall for fishing over the 3 mile line. Today I was tog fishing on the tires had a slow pick with one keeper and a bunch of shorts. Seen the big Coast Guard cutter from Cape May cruising the area and pull up to the Mary M. I decided to run East for 5 miles to try some deeper water. Run out about 24 knots and stop to fish a wreck. Turn around and here comes the cutter flying up on me. He hales me and says he wants to board me. So they had to launch the small tender and come over and board. Two guys get on the boat and says they been trying to pull me over and didn't I see them, never turned around to look behind me.
Think they where a little pissed told them that they should have hit the siren but he said I would not have heard it. So anyway everything checked out and they looked in every compartment said I was the first boat they boarded today that had a fish on board. Hey at least I gave them a run for their money. Finished the day with my limit on tog with a flat calm ocean.

12-18-2014, 09:00 AM
Sounds like a thrill! I wonder if they thought you were trying to flee the scene or evade being boarded in that area :eek:

12-18-2014, 09:18 AM
Great !!

12-18-2014, 11:08 AM
yeah i'd say that is what they thought. next time just wait to make a run until they start heading away or go to do something else. I'd say you def triggered they're curiosity on that one haha

12-18-2014, 11:18 AM
Hey Al, I was on Ken's boat on Monday (Explorer) and they were out there then too, surprised they didn't stop us. Looked like they were just running drills or something. Guess they were just training for Tuesday, lol. We ended the day with like 60+ shorts and 8 keepers to 5lbs.

Blackfish Doug
12-18-2014, 11:41 AM
It's a shame they got to waste tax payers money on that. Imagine if there was a distress call out there & they were out there checking fisherman. Lives could be lost over this nonsense I don't feel this is the Coast Guards job at all.
This is something that should be cut from the finance department & save money.

Joey Dah Fish
12-18-2014, 11:57 AM
You will be happy they exist when your stuck off shore one day. They are just doing their jobs. Be lucky we have them. Yeah it's a pain in the butt sometimes but certainly far better than not having them. I would like to shout out to all our troops serving us home and abroad. Thanks for all you do 24-7-365 God bless though we don't always appreciate seeing you we are all glad you are there

12-18-2014, 12:00 PM
I know it's an inconvience but I like the fact they are doing their job for their wages. And they do catch law breakers all the time. There will always be crooks. And a lot more if they are not being watched.
God bless the Coast Guard and all military services who protect us.
A Navy veteran -Cuz-

12-18-2014, 12:05 PM
You will be happy they exist when your stuck off shore one day. They are just doing their jobs. Be lucky we have them. Yeah it's a pain in the butt sometimes but certainly far better than not having them. I would like to shout out to all our troops serving us home and abroad. Thanks for all you do 24-7-365 God bless though we don't always appreciate seeing you we are all glad you are there

Well put...and I second the sentiment and add a Merry Chrsitmas and Happy New Year as well.

Glad it all worked out well for you bigal...if you hadn't stopped at that next spot it could have gotten really interesting. If ya aint doin nothin wrong ya aint got nothin to worry about. Nicely Done!

12-18-2014, 12:20 PM
Joey D I hear you and agree with you 100%. However I also agree with Blackfish Doug's point that the US COAST GUARD must have more important things to do than hassle sport fisherman, on the pretense of home land security. When a PP or Brielle head boat kneads to follow the beach home from long island running two sides of the triangle rather than run the diagonal line straight home because they have stripers on board 3 o'clock in the afternoon that is just ABSURED! And we the tax payers are paying for that abuse. This is not a reflection on the guys & gals serving in any way. It is however federal spending even more ridiculous than thousand dollar toilet seats. So YES Dough is correct those rules need to be changed ASAP!

12-18-2014, 01:26 PM
I think they are doing a great job. They have to be out there anyway why not do something useful. The boats have to run and they need to practice. They have always been courteous and friendly .

Reel Class
12-19-2014, 05:01 AM
What was the purpose of the boarding? Safety check? Striper check?

12-19-2014, 08:09 AM
Striper check. They also did a safety check while aboard

Capt. Debbie
12-19-2014, 10:01 AM
I 3rd that opinion. Should the government create yet another agency to enofrce Federal fish & game? USCG do this as a minor part of their job. Usually the people that complain the most are the people that boardings get positive results from.

Yes, having USCG assets offshore amongst boaters instead of tied to their dock is a blessing. Few realize that until they need help. Most boaters need assistance in places other than dockside. Thats for the Auxilary or AAA to do. A cutter on station offshore near fishing grounds ensures faster response times. Or am i missing something?

And objectively speaking, it looks like Big Al was running away. Not sure if the VHF was working as USCG hail you on Ch 16 too. Commerical guys are supposed to monitor VHF 16. Rec guys don't even need a VHF until the boat is 20 meters.

And then what happened in the end... Nothing.

I know it's an inconvience but I like the fact they are doing their job for their wages. And they do catch law breakers all the time. There will always be crooks. And a lot more if they are not being watched.
God bless the Coast Guard and all military services who protect us.
A Navy veteran -Cuz-