Fish Stix
12-15-2014, 08:06 PM
Monday 12/15 open boat crew of 6 for blackfish. Tried an area we haven't fished yet this tog season. To make it quick and simple, bad move. Screaming tide made it difficult. Did catch a couple shorts, a keeper and some Berguls. Second drop was very slow with bites coming in flurries. Managed to put some keeper togs in the box but nothing of real size. Couple wiggles but it was the same. Next drop some nicer fish starting to chew. But again very slow and boring. But the flurries of fish kept ya fishing. Did sit on this last drop till the end of the day and the guys did manage some very nice sized fish ranging mostly from 3-5lbs, and boxed an 8 and 9.5# blackfish. By day's end the guys did scrape up their 6 man limit of 36 keepers. Well done boys on another tough day.
Capt Kris
(1 guy is not pictured) (
Capt Kris
(1 guy is not pictured) (