View Full Version : Captain Cal Good Day

Captain Cal II
12-15-2014, 05:48 PM
Wow ! what a summer like day today to be fishing. This morning fishing was a rerun of yesterday, the fishing action was from mid ship to the bow. The afternoon had the action at the stern of the boat. Our first pool winner was a 9 lb. 11 oz. blackfish, the second pool winner was 8 lb.10 oz. We also had other togs in the 8 lb. size, several of the group had their limits of togs, others put 1-4 blackfish in their coolers.. Everyone went home with fish, we gave the group an additional hour of fishing.. Join us tomorrow ...
Recently caught on the Capt. Cal.

12-15-2014, 09:05 PM
Way to go and give your guys extra time to put catch togehter