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View Full Version : Parker Pete available blackfish trips/share charter

parker pete sportfishing
12-08-2014, 05:02 PM
Our trips are from approx 0600-230 for a 6-man charter. We provide all tackle and crabs Remember the fall weather is much different than the summer . Bring extra clothes. We always have hot coffee on board and a microwave to warm up your soup or sandwich, while you sit in our spacious cabin . We look forward to fishing with you..

We have several dates December that the charter needs people to fish with them.The following dates are blackfish trips that need a few guys to fish. all fish are divided evenly

sunday 12/28 charter full

monday 12/29 charter needs A few

A Shared Charter is when the group does not have enough people to fill the boat, we find those who will join the group. the group splits the cost of a charter and split all the fish evenly. If your interested in being on our email list for share charter please contact us email , phone , or text

parker pete sportfishing
12-12-2014, 12:13 PM
updated availability for rest of dec

parker pete sportfishing
12-19-2014, 12:58 PM
updated and we do have dates available in January for charter as weather allows

parker pete sportfishing
12-23-2014, 02:08 PM
updated with a trip on monday 12/29