View Full Version : FISH STIX - 11/29 Blackfish Limit to 11.5#

Fish Stix
11-29-2014, 06:28 PM
Saturday 11/29 had Craig's charter of sorta novice blackfisherman, except for himself who was a savage, I'll get to that. Anyway. Beautiful day on the water, cold but very nice. Except for conditions. Faught the anchors all day. Even had to go to one anchor at times. Never actually sat tight on one spot today. Constant drifting off the anchors. Slack ropes all day. Nightmare. BUT, the boys stayed with it. Scratchy bites and losing a load of tackle due to swinging, boxed up their 6 man limit. Craig had 18 keepers himself and the big fish just over 11.5lbs! Boy did he put on a show! Other then the conditions, overall was a good day. Death pick and kinda boring, but got the job done. Winds look bad tomorrow, gonna bail on tomorrow's trip. See ya out there Monday.

Capt Kris

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/D4067D5A-9094-4C42-9F3F-3FA376E84155_zpswbbf8mzs.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/D4067D5A-9094-4C42-9F3F-3FA376E84155_zpswbbf8mzs.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/3821BA7B-F153-45AB-9658-D089FD0D6995_zpsjf9etb07.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/3821BA7B-F153-45AB-9658-D089FD0D6995_zpsjf9etb07.jpg.html)

NJ Dave
11-29-2014, 06:34 PM
Giddie up !!!

11-29-2014, 07:56 PM
Quality fish with quality crew!