View Full Version : What so y'all do with all dat fish ?

11-27-2014, 03:20 AM
Happy turkey day,

I am very curious being an angler who fishes for sport and food (I'm a body builder) and I vacuum up 300lbs of tuna loins and 250lbs of white meat fish (everything from fluke to cod) a year. I see many guys on this board who go out a hell of a lot more then I do, and also catch way more then I do a year. I guess my question is wtf do you do with sooooo much fish? I'm a very responsible angler and keep what I will eat only.

I have never kept a striper, bluefish in my life. I'm just curious? Some dudes who go out all the time, how the hell do you eat it all? Or do you enjoy just killing fish and giving it away or collect freezer burn?

Happy thanksgiving and god bless America.

The far of zee whale

11-27-2014, 07:02 AM
Happy turkey day,

I am very curious being an angler who fishes for sport and food (I'm a body builder) and I vacuum up 300lbs of tuna loins and 250lbs of white meat fish (everything from fluke to cod) a year. I see many guys on this board who go out a hell of a lot more then I do, and also catch way more then I do a year. I guess my question is wtf do you do with sooooo much fish? I'm a very responsible angler and keep what I will eat only.

I have never kept a striper, bluefish in my life. I'm just curious? Some dudes who go out all the time, how the hell do you eat it all? Or do you enjoy just killing fish and giving it away or collect freezer burn?

Happy thanksgiving and god bless America.

The far of zee whale

You must work for NOAA....they think the same way!!!:D

11-27-2014, 07:22 AM
Lots of things to do with "freezer fish". Many homes take blues n any fish as the shut ins love the change of menu. I have peeps who dont fish near as much as i do who appreciate the meat and in turn trade off their specialties during the year.
Im not sure where you see an over abundence of fish being taken but NJFishing doesnt hold freezer bums......careful man borad stroke comments hold little weight.

Happy Thanskgiving - btw I wont be eating striper for Tks givng cause my freezer is empty and I havent seen a keeper in 3 weeks thanks to our early cold snap.

Fin Reaper
11-27-2014, 07:43 AM
I honestly mean No offense here, but your bagging 550 pounds of fish a year and you want to know what others are doing with all their fish?

11-27-2014, 08:12 AM
some troll the channels, some troll the board

I take all my extra fish and hide them in various stores so they start to smell

11-27-2014, 08:46 AM
i let it sit in the freezer until it goes bad & then give it to seagulls

Joey Dah Fish
11-27-2014, 08:52 AM
A feed several families and release most of what I catch

11-27-2014, 09:21 AM
I enjoy eating what little I catch and by far enjoy sharing what I catch with those that don't have the opportunity to fish like I do. Being Thanksgiving I'm thankful to live in a country where people can share their comments without fear of reprisal. Thankful for my best fishing buddy SharkyMark who takes me fishing and all the guys at the Atlantic Highlands Marina ramp who are very polite and share their stories with me. Happy Thanksgiving!

11-27-2014, 09:34 AM
Who freezes fresh fish ? I eat it fresh, if I have extra I go around to all my neighbors and give it away. I tell them if they freeze this I will not give them any more fish. Frozen fish ?- might as well go to Shop Rite.

shrimpman steve
11-27-2014, 09:50 AM
I give a lot away to local business's. Haven't paid for pizza, dry cleaning, sushi in town for a long time. Then of coarse I eat some of it.

11-27-2014, 09:54 AM
Ugh douche ugh troll

11-27-2014, 09:54 AM
I hardly ever freeze anything I catch.

I usually take what I can use and give some to friends and family.

There's nothing like eating a fish that was swimming less than 24 hours before, it's just so fresh.:)

The only exception is when I go to Cabo. I like to bring back wahoo and mahi and will freeze it but it's usually all gone in less than 1 1/2 months.

Capt Brian

11-27-2014, 03:06 PM
[QUOTE=Fin Reaper;384392]I honestly mean No offense here, but your bagging 550 pounds of fish a year and you want to know what others are doing with all their fish?[/QUOTe



Take a kid fishing
11-27-2014, 03:26 PM
Number of times fished has nothing to do with number of fish caught. I have had the skunk on me too many times in past years. Sure, I've caught my share of fish but have never frozen my catch. We take just enough for a meal or two and share with friends and family. On our own boat we control what we take and even on party boats that are "railed" you would be shocked at how many fish are actually caught as many go home with one or none. With all due respect you eat a hell of a lot me fish than my entire family and friends eat in a full year.

11-27-2014, 05:00 PM
Douche? Troll? Grow up my friend. That's coming from a guy who's probably ally younger then you.

It's an honest question and I didn't mean to offend anyone. I was making room in my freezer for the holiday and just thought to myself how the F do ppl keep all this fish?

Hell, I don't care what anyone does with there catch, it's a free country, and as long as you stay within the law who am I to judge?

One guy said it right that he gives it to local business as almost a barter agreement. Shit id gladly give fish away for free dry cleaning.

I didn't mean to upset anyone, I just was curious as to what many of you do with your catch as obviously some catch/keep a ton more then I do and I struggle to eat it all.

Just an FYI, I eat fish every single day, out side of the random salmon fillet , I've not purchased fish in two years. I want to give off shore seabass a shot but I simply don't know what i would do with my catch as I've hit my personal and responsible quota for the year.

Anyways apologies for anyone who took this the wrong way. I'm going to have a nice talk with mr.kim at my dry cleaners and try and make some agreement. Getting sick and tired of my $60 dry cleaning a week.

Happy tday all, enjoy the bird, family, and football

NJ Dave
11-27-2014, 06:12 PM
To each there own. I vaccume seal and freeze my share as well
Not quite hunderds of pounds but I have 2 shelfs in the freezer of striper cod sea bass tuna and swordfish. I eat as much as I can fresh.
I eat fish twice a week sometimes three times
I give a lot away as well. All heads and racks go to local chinese restaurant. Have not paid for chinese food in 10 years.
Sometimes its nice to eat out of season fish from the freezer when you cant catch emm
sure its not as fresh but works for me as well.
I make a lot of chowder during the winter so its fine for that as well as for fish cakes.

11-27-2014, 06:42 PM
Since I had a kid then lost my boat to Sandy I've had a hard time getting out fishing. When I do go and I catch,I keep what in allowed to. I usually freeze some. I have a food saver and it keeps the fish very well. I enjoy eating fish and hate buying it.

Fin Reaper
11-27-2014, 07:02 PM
While no one will argue that there is nothing like fresh fish, freezing allows me to have fish when I want it rather than only the day I fished ( that is ASSUMING I caught something :rolleyes:) Tropics taught me to brine my fish in ice water prior to bagging and it makes a huge difference. Labeling your bags with species and date caught helps too. I normally have a few pounds in the freezer but that depends on number of outings and degree of success :rolleyes:

11-27-2014, 09:31 PM
i let it sit in the freezer until it goes bad & then give it to seagulls

This is not as heartless as it sounds.
I love to eat all fish, but generally I will freeze only lean white fish such as Fluke, Sea Bass, Tog or Whiting.

Over the years, I have found that I also like to eat the oily fish I catch (Blues, Mackerel, Weakfish, Stripers, etc) but only on the day I catch them or the next day at the latest. In my opinion, once you freeze these oily fish they are no longer the same tasting, or textured fish. What goes into the freezer is not the same when it comes out. So unless I know I can give them away to friends or neighbors for immediate consumption, I will release them to fight another day.

11-27-2014, 10:11 PM
this is not as heartless as it sounds.
I love to eat all fish, but generally i will freeze only lean white fish such as fluke, sea bass, tog or whiting.

Over the years, i have found that i also like to eat the oily fish i catch (blues, mackerel, weakfish, stripers, etc) but only on the day i catch them or the next day at the latest. In my opinion, once you freeze these oily fish they are no longer the same tasting, or textured fish. what goes into the freezer is not the same when it comes out. so unless i know i can give them away to friends or neighbors for immediate consumption, i will release them to fight another day.

i was joking everyone who knows me knows i eat the god dammn bones lol

Blackfish Doug
11-28-2014, 03:51 AM
Douche? Troll? Grow up my friend. That's coming from a guy who's probably ally younger then you.

It's an honest question and I didn't mean to offend anyone. I was making room in my freezer for the holiday and just thought to myself how the F do ppl keep all this fish?

Hell, I don't care what anyone does with there catch, it's a free country, and as long as you stay within the law who am I to judge?

One guy said it right that he gives it to local business as almost a barter agreement. Shit id gladly give fish away for free dry cleaning.

I didn't mean to upset anyone, I just was curious as to what many of you do with your catch as obviously some catch/keep a ton more then I do and I struggle to eat it all.

Just an FYI, I eat fish every single day, out side of the random salmon fillet , I've not purchased fish in two years. I want to give off shore seabass a shot but I simply don't know what i would do with my catch as I've hit my personal and responsible quota for the year.

Anyways apologies for anyone who took this the wrong way. I'm going to have a nice talk with mr.kim at my dry cleaners and try and make some agreement. Getting sick and tired of my $60 dry cleaning a week.

Happy tday all, enjoy the bird, family, and football

Don't take everything everybody says here serious this is what you do with your fish & it's your right. I'm similar to shrimp man Steve I give most of my catch to my buddy Frank not one bit of that fish goes to waste. Most of the fish that we discard when the fish gets filet gets eaten. They eat whole fish I also have a big family & A big network of friends that gets my fish. The Internet is getting to the point where you get criticized for everything you say or do. Don't apoligize for anything you just wanted some answers & it's your right. It's looks like you want to do the right thing with your overages. Take some of the comments with a little bit a grain of salt not everybody believs in the same stuff. Guys lighten up a bit it seems like everybody wants to chop up everybody lately.

11-28-2014, 09:58 AM
i was joking everyone who knows me knows i eat the god dammn bones lol

I believe it!.....If a bluefish has been in the freezer for awhile, the BONES probably are better tasting than the flesh.

Back in the 1950's when we got our first stand-alone freezer, we (my Dad and I) froze a large quantity of bluefish. The stuff that came out of the freezer a few months later was terrible tasting and had a lousy texture. So as you said initially, a large part of the catch went into the garden that Spring. We saved some of it for crab bait, and some to be ground up as chum for fall snapper fishing in the Navesink River. Over the years, I have tried freezing blues again several times with the same results. I love fresh blues if they are eaten the day they a caught, but not frozen. Release those that can't be consumed within a day or so.


Capt Joe
11-28-2014, 01:28 PM
You must work for NOAA....they think the same way!!!:D

Spot on Capt Ron, think: "Or do you enjoy just killing fish and giving it away or collect freezer burn?" might have been the clue.;)
Guess I missed the connect with "body builder" too!:D

11-28-2014, 01:47 PM
i was joking everyone who knows me knows i eat the god dammn bones lol

i feed pennypack.. Nuff said!

11-28-2014, 04:19 PM
I feed my family fresh fish first...
I give fresh filets and racks to the chefs at my work...
I give fresh filets to neighbors who see me coming home from the trip...
I freeze some, especially for winter...when I freeze it I know when it was caught how it was handled. The trick for me is not to cook a frozen filet like a fresh filet.
I keep bags of cheeks in the freezer as well as I like to serve them as appetizers when friends are over. They are all amazed that fish cheeks are so damn good!