Kevin Bogan
11-26-2014, 10:12 AM
We build a full line of "Chick Sticks" for the girl in your life.:) Girlfriends/wives/daughters, ex mother in laws,:eek:
Prices start at $115 for kids 6' or you can get an adult 6'6" or 7' 2 color for $155:):):) 3 color $175
includes persons name/fish decal!:)
you can phone in orders at 732 892 8822
open 9-5 mon-fri, 9-4 sat closed Sundays and Thanksgiving
Prices start at $115 for kids 6' or you can get an adult 6'6" or 7' 2 color for $155:):):) 3 color $175
includes persons name/fish decal!:)
you can phone in orders at 732 892 8822
open 9-5 mon-fri, 9-4 sat closed Sundays and Thanksgiving