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11-21-2014, 09:15 PM
Tis the season………………………………to pull some fish through some icy NJ holes. In the spirit of the off season as some "ANGLERS" like to call it, we the members of NJFISHING.COM are going to have a little contest. I'm not sure how these so called "ANGLERS" fish from April-October and then call it quits. Especially when there's fish to catch all year round in our great little state. This contest will begin as soon as you "MANIACS" can find safe ice in NJ. The contest ends March 21st at midnight. The contest will be 20 bucks per man. If you know me hand me the money. If not, we'll set something up via Paypal or you can just send me a check in the mail. There will be 5 categories and they are as follows.

Category 1 - Large and Smallmouth Bass
Category 2 - Pickeral
Category 3 - Pike
Category 4 - Walleye
Category 5 - Perch and Crappie

There will be 1 winner for each category. The biggest fish entered in each category "WINS"! The angler with the most entries in the most categories will get a "BONUS PRIZE"! That's for the angler that catches alot of fish but never seems to get the biggest one. There will be "CASH" prizes for the top fish in each category.

…………..." IN "…………...

You "MUST" be a NJFISHING.COM member to enter the contest. This means you "LURKERS" out there need to join the site or well, you get "ZERO"! It's not going to hurt to become a member so do it………………………... "NOW"!

Your entry/ fish "MUST" be caught in NJ. This includes Greenwood Lake and the Delaware River. No out of state fish will be excepted. If your where-a-bouts are questionable you will go in front of the committee. "TRUST ME" you don't want that to happen.

"NO PRIVATE LAKES", "PUBLIC LAKES ONLY"! This means you "HACKS" that fish your backyards every season don't really stand a chance, LMAO!!!!! "HACKS"!!!

You "MUST" provide a pic of your fish next to a "TAPE MEASURE". A real "TAPE MEASURE" like the ones purchased from Home Depot, Lowes or manly stores. "No" paper tapes, "NO" tapes from your dry cleaner or tailor. This is important. If we can't read the numbers on your "TAPE MEASURE", you are "SCREWED"!

There will be a "MYSTERY" item that you must include in your pic in order for your entry to count. Make sure you have this item on you at all times. No "MYSTERY" item in the pic, UH OH, guess what? Your entry will not count. You'll be "SCREWED" again!

The "MYSTERY" item will be available on December 20, 2014.

Here's how to enter your pics. Place the fish on the ice gently next to the "TAPE MEASURE" with the " MYSTERY" item. Take a pic. Then take your fancy digital camera or phone and take a "SELFIE" of you on the Ice with the fish. A little background doesn't hurt. DO NOT SPOT BURN! I recognize alot of bushes and trees on NJ lakes and ponds so show me and the committee something in the background.

Post your entry on this thread for all of us "ICE MANIACS" to see! Please be sure to have nice clear pics of your entry!

Deadline to get "IN" this contest will be Friday January 9th. If your not on the list by January 9th, well, your not in the contest. No exceptions!!

Contest runs as soon as you "MANIACS" can find safe Ice in NJ. Contest is over at midnight of March 21, 2015. No entries will be excepted after this deadline

Those are the rules plain and simple. If I forgot anything hopefully the "COMMITTEE" will chime in and pick up where I left off. There will be other prizes donated along the way so sign up to NJFISHING.COM now. You don't want to miss this one. There's going to be prizes galore. Hopefully some of the kind sponsors will throw us a prize or 2. This is going to be a fun contest made for the members of NJFISHING.COM by the members of NJFISHING.COM. No "DRAMA" will be excepted in this contest. Trash talk on the other hand is greatly appreciated. Don't be scared to "STIR THE POT", just make sure you do it in a respectful manner, LMFAO!!!!!! See you "MANIACS" out there. Be safe. Beware of thin Ice.


1) FASTEDDIE29 paid
2) Jigman13 paid
3) acaravaglia paid
4) Gwl2oneida paid
5) Mikey Topaz paid
6) Jimmylivebait paid
7) Saxmatt paid
8) kmaty
9) Bridge Addix
10) GetANet paid
11) Andrushkin13 paid
12) jrock paid
13) Skunk City paid
14) bunker dunker paid
15) Gatto1227 paid
16) Liveitup1.75 paid
17) ScowardNJ paid
18) Catfishonthelake
19) JimmytheGreek paid
20) gnuisance paid
21) zmerchant7 paid
22) The Birdman paid
23) twitchferd420 paid
24) Fireballbob paid
25) Jackstraw paid
26) jtjr09
27) CHASEPAIN paid
28) rjw6375
29) Fishon1982 paid
30) njbassman paid
31) Bling306
32) WILSEA paid
33) DuckorBleed paid
34) Jedhead paid
35) Lennysky paid
36) bigboy5522 paid

Donations for prizes-

Strikemaster Mora hand auger - Gwl2oneida
2 jigging rods - Mikey Topaz
Bunker dunker - 5 brand new tip ups
Efingers - 25 dollar gift card
Laurie from Dow's on Lake Hopatcong - 40 dollar gift card
JimmytheGreek - 25 dollar gift card to Dow's on LH


YEA BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!

AND SO IT BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!

This TOURNEY CARD is the MYSTERY ITEM! Make sure you have it on you at all times. It needs to be in a pic with your fish entry!!!!


PIKE - 1ST - Mikey Topaz - 39 inches. 2nd DuckorBleed - 37 1/4 inches. 3rd - Saxmatt - 37 inches.

PICKEREL- 1ST - Saxmatt - 27 inches. 2ND - GetAnet - 26 3/4 inches. 3RD - bigboy5522 - 26 11/16.

LM/SMALLMOUTH - 1ST FASTEDDIE - 20.25 inches. 2ND - Jigman13 - 20 inches. 3RD - Liveitup1.75 -19.75 inches.

PERCH/CRAPPIE - 1ST - Jigman13 - 15.25 inches. 2ND Liveitup1.75 - 13 7/8. 3RD - bigboy5522 - 13 inches. Lennysky - 13 inches.

WALLEYE -1ST - FASTEDDIE - 24.5 inches. 2nd - Mikey Topaz - 19 inches.

In the case of a tie in any category, the first fish entered gets the prize.

11-21-2014, 09:42 PM
Flaaaaagggggggggg!!! I'm in. Amped for this...

How about a channel cat category too?

11-21-2014, 10:22 PM
Can't wait to get out there.

11-21-2014, 10:29 PM
Just to get this party started, I'm donating a strikemaster mora hand auger. I'll let eddie assign what category that prize will go to. It's game on gentlemen.

11-22-2014, 11:17 AM
Oh well, I do 90 percent of my ice fishing on Fayson Lakes so it would be pointless for me to enter.

11-22-2014, 11:21 AM
Oh well, I do 90 percent of my ice fishing on Fayson Lakes so it would be pointless for me to enter.

Your close to a lot of public access lakes. Why throw in the towel so early. If you catch a 14 inch Perch or Crappie you might win something. If you catch a 6lb Largemouth you have an excellent chance. All it takes is one day out and not lucky tip up!!!! C'mon dude!!!!

Mikey topaz
11-22-2014, 12:53 PM
Im in dude! Looking foward to kickin off the 2014 ice season and get this party started,

11-22-2014, 01:50 PM
Oh I'm in brother too bad I think the topaz will be in the lead by 4pm today lol. Can't wait to see the rescue team trying to find his crazy ass

11-22-2014, 02:52 PM
Oh I'm in brother too bad I think the topaz will be in the lead by 4pm today lol. Can't wait to see the rescue team trying to find his crazy ass

Hahaha!! Let's hope not!

And how's he gonna submit something without the mystery object???

11-22-2014, 03:46 PM
I'm in! Do you want to give me the prizes for the pike and pickerel categories now or should we wait until ice out? :D

11-22-2014, 05:33 PM
Remember NJ waters boyz, that means you matt w those damn CT monsters!!

11-22-2014, 05:39 PM
Remember NJ waters boyz, that means you matt w those damn CT monsters!!
I saw the rules. I know how to catch big pike everywhere through the ice :cool:

11-22-2014, 05:42 PM
Here's a nice one from NJ

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/168367_872342920721_753231_n.jpg?oh=fe9e57ebec9646 447e009dea7c860533&oe=551FC86F&__gda__=1424125462_e3fbd02ec3555bec77be4c3559c7fe1 e

11-22-2014, 06:12 PM
I'm in! Do you want to give me the prizes for the pike and pickerel categories now or should we wait until ice out? :D

Matt, it's a lock unless someone else gets REALLY lucky:eek: I'll be trying my best if the water is hard enough;)

11-22-2014, 06:47 PM
Alright you guys catch the gators il pick up the slack with the perch i know where some slammers hide just a warning for you guys i fish everyday all day twice a day come another two 3 weeks! So by all means foward you're cash over this way!:D This is guns be awesome pumped for this! Im in!

Mikey topaz
11-22-2014, 07:12 PM
Hmmmmmmmm well ya never know i watched first year rookies pull pike bigger than that last year through the ice! Ya never know!!!!!!!!

11-22-2014, 07:26 PM
Here's a nice one from NJ

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/168367_872342920721_753231_n.jpg?oh=fe9e57ebec9646 447e009dea7c860533&oe=551FC86F&__gda__=1424125462_e3fbd02ec3555bec77be4c3559c7fe1 e

It's a BEAUT CLARK, Its a BEAUT!!!! Fine example of the Pike coming out of Cranberry these days. WHAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Nice hat buddy boy!!!

Bridge Addix
11-22-2014, 07:52 PM
I'm in on this!!!

11-22-2014, 08:07 PM
I'm in on this!!!

Thanx for joining the party!!!! See ya out there! FLAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!

11-22-2014, 11:09 PM
Hmmmmmmmm well ya never know i watched first year rookies pull pike bigger than that last year through the ice! Ya never know!!!!!!!!
You're right...you never know. A lot of those big fish posted last year are from a private lake though ;)

11-23-2014, 03:11 AM
All you guys who never ice fished before this is a PRIME OPPORTUNITY for you to experience it and learn the ropes so to say from some of the Vets on our site.
Ice fishing is not extremely expensive to get the basic stuff required. I personally am not too interested in jigging but will do it on occasion. I prefer to use Tip Ups with bait and wait. Here's some of the basic stuff I would recommend:
1> Some form of ice creepers is a must, There are a lot of different kinds out there to buy or if you wanna go cheap and save your money you can make your own by taking a few inch piece of chain and fasten it to the bottom of your boots with a shoe lace or small rope. Google how to make ice creepers and you will find the video. I thought it was pretty simple and affordable and might make a spare pair for back up.
2> Tip ups you are allowed 5 in NJ or 4 and a rod 5 is nice but 3 or 4 will get you started. There are a ton of these out there too depending on how much you want to spend. Polars are nice. they work well and are not too expensive or you can buy the basic wooden style which I use.
I am 50 years old and have had these since I was a teenager and they still work perfectly. You will need some braided dacron line and some leader material as well as some hooks and terminal tackle which most of you prob already have (Hooks Swivels Split shots).
3> An ice rod if you like they are not very expensive or you can use a small 4/5ft ultralight as well which is what I do if I want to Jig.
4> some type of device to make holes - gas augers/ electric augers/ hand augers/ chopping bar I have even seen people use an axe although I STRONGLY DO NOT Recommend that to make some holes on the ice. Most of the time ice fishing is usually a community sport meaning theres usually others on the ice too. Some will drill holes for you which is what we do at meet and greets but not something to rely on and you are better off if you can make your own.
5>An ice scooper and a depth finder (Weight that clips on your line not a Hummingbird LOL) and you are basically ready to ice fish.
Another good idea is a pair of ice pics for safety and you should try to always fish with someone else just in case of the event of one falling thru the ice.
COMMON SENSE IS FREE USE IT IMO the ice needs to be a solid 4 inches before I will venture out on it. To each his own but why would you wanna risk your life? SAFETY IS PRIORITY ONE!!!!

So if you wanna experience it and want a relief from cabin fever get the basics and come on out!!!! We have several meet and greets on the ice through out the ice season and these are the best ways for you to learn how to ICE EM!!!!
The contest is just something to make the ice season a little bit more fun and you never know BEGINNERS LUCK might just come your way!!!!
Jigman never ice fished till last year and I took him under my wing and look what he did as a first timer in the ice!!!!!!
Any one can feel free to chime in if I left something out or you have some additional pointers for us!!!!

Mikey topaz
11-23-2014, 09:32 AM
Kinda like your pike from ct lol same thing right lmfao!

11-23-2014, 10:13 AM
Kinda like your pike from ct lol same thing right lmfao!
You said you saw rookies pull out pike bigger than the one I posted from a public lake in NJ. I said those fish, (should have pointed out that only 1 was bigger) were caught at a private lake. Did you see any fish over 40 pulled through the ice from a public lake in NJ last year? What do my big fish from CT have to do with this contest? I think most people know I catch big fish in NJ too.

Duck or Bleed
11-23-2014, 11:16 AM
You said you saw rookies pull out pike bigger than the one I posted from a public lake in NJ. I said those fish, (should have pointed out that only 1 was bigger) were caught at a private lake. Did you see any fish over 40 pulled through the ice from a public lake in NJ last year? What do my big fish from CT have to do with this contest? I think most people know I catch big fish in NJ too.

Saxmatt why must you beat your chest and tell everyone how great you are you might be good at Ice fishing but your people skills suck it's all about you how about you share what you know instead of telling us you must be doing something wroung and yea buddy I will be fishing my pink tip ups again this year for my Daugther and yes I wear pink underware to good luck this year hope you catch the big one be safe

11-23-2014, 11:23 AM
Ha, I thought I'd spice up the thread with a little trash talk :D Forgot about the pink tipup thread. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, I was just doing a little ball busting but I only fished with you twice so I guess I don't know you well enough to do that. Good luck on the private lake this year, there are definitely some nice ones in there.

Mikey topaz
11-23-2014, 11:28 AM

11-23-2014, 05:17 PM
To add to mr. Getanets advice i am on theother hand a jiging fanatic my set up is a 5ft st croix with a small spinning reel to match. I will typically buy line made by trilene or p line that makes a special mono that dosnt freeze up as fast. I usually use all types of tiny jigs up to 1/16-1/32oz and there's a ton of different types these usually produce the pan fish along with your occasional large mouth pickerl and other bigger fish. There's also the ice rapala witch over the last two yrs have become a absolute favorite! When jiging its good to tip the jig with some type of grub. mousies are one of the most popular there's also wax worms meal worms butter worms and maggots. Jigin defiantly gives up more action and is good to keep busy imo. if anyone has any questions on jiging the ice more id be happy to help if i can. Crappies and perch are my winter time favorites. You can catch up and over 5o or even a hundred on a good day!

11-23-2014, 06:44 PM
Thanx for the input so far fellaz. Remember the more people that join, the bigger the POT gets. Let's go GUYZ and GALZ. If you know someone that lives for ICE FISHING have them join the fun. Weather is looking quite chilly in the north country after this silly heat wave passes. All you gotta do to win is drill a hole, set your bait, and catch something BIG. Plenty of categories out there for every angler to enjoy. Got a couple buddies working on prize donations as well. I have a good hunch that there will be way more PRIZES than what I originally posted.

Got one donation in already and there's not even safe ice yet. Gwl2oneida was kind enough to donate a hand auger. Thanx buddy! You are the man! We the people of the HARDWATER definatley appreciate it! YOU DA MAN!!!

Let's keep it clean boyz, we'll not too clean, LOL!!! Fingers crossed for safe early ICE! FLAGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!:D

11-24-2014, 02:10 AM
All you guys who never ice fished before this is a PRIME OPPORTUNITY for you to experience it and learn the ropes so to say from some of the Vets on our site.
Ice fishing is not extremely expensive to get the basic stuff required. I personally am not too interested in jigging but will do it on occasion. I prefer to use Tip Ups with bait and wait. Here's some of the basic stuff I would recommend:
1> Some form of ice creepers is a must, There are a lot of different kinds out there to buy or if you wanna go cheap and save your money you can make your own by taking a few inch piece of chain and fasten it to the bottom of your boots with a shoe lace or small rope. Google how to make ice creepers and you will find the video. I thought it was pretty simple and affordable and might make a spare pair for back up.
2> Tip ups you are allowed 5 in NJ or 4 and a rod 5 is nice but 3 or 4 will get you started. There are a ton of these out there too depending on how much you want to spend. Polars are nice. they work well and are not too expensive or you can buy the basic wooden style which I use.
I am 50 years old and have had these since I was a teenager and they still work perfectly. You will need some braided dacron line and some leader material as well as some hooks and terminal tackle which most of you prob already have (Hooks Swivels Split shots).
3> An ice rod if you like they are not very expensive or you can use a small 4/5ft ultralight as well which is what I do if I want to Jig.
4> some type of device to make holes - gas augers/ electric augers/ hand augers/ chopping bar I have even seen people use an axe although I STRONGLY DO NOT Recommend that to make some holes on the ice. Most of the time ice fishing is usually a community sport meaning theres usually others on the ice too. Some will drill holes for you which is what we do at meet and greets but not something to rely on and you are better off if you can make your own.
5>An ice scooper and a depth finder (Weight that clips on your line not a Hummingbird LOL) and you are basically ready to ice fish.
Another good idea is a pair of ice pics for safety and you should try to always fish with someone else just in case of the event of one falling thru the ice.
COMMON SENSE IS FREE USE IT IMO the ice needs to be a solid 4 inches before I will venture out on it. To each his own but why would you wanna risk your life? SAFETY IS PRIORITY ONE!!!!

So if you wanna experience it and want a relief from cabin fever get the basics and come on out!!!! We have several meet and greets on the ice through out the ice season and these are the best ways for you to learn how to ICE EM!!!!
The contest is just something to make the ice season a little bit more fun and you never know BEGINNERS LUCK might just come your way!!!!
Jigman never ice fished till last year and I took him under my wing and look what he did as a first timer in the ice!!!!!!
Any one can feel free to chime in if I left something out or you have some additional pointers for us!!!!

Great post Dale. You forgot the most important piece of equipment though: a pair of ice picks. You can get them for $5 and they'll save your life. I wear them around my neck when ice is thin and have them in my pocket even when the ice is thick. A spud bar for testing the ice is also important. Ice can go from 4" to 1" very quick and if you're not testing it you can go for a swim. It's also good to have some warm clothes in the car in case you do fall in. Carrying ropes and something that floats in your sled around first and last ice is also a good idea.

11-24-2014, 03:49 AM
8" strikemaster mora is on its way from the wonderful world of cabelas.

11-24-2014, 09:23 AM
I am in and game all the way


11-24-2014, 03:27 PM
Sounds like fun count me in!!!

11-24-2014, 03:42 PM
Sounds like fun count me in!!!

Thanx for joining the party dude. Let's do some fishing! See you out there soon!:D

Skunk City
11-24-2014, 11:45 PM
Soooo...out of state and private lake fish are completely cool right? :rolleyes::confused:

11-25-2014, 12:24 AM
Thanks for having my back Matt and keeping safety at the fore front but I did mention them at the end of the first really long paragraph! Figured save the most important for last!!! I nearly drowned once and never go on the ice without them! Stupidity nearly cost me my life! BIG BAITS=BIG FISH;)

Gotta BE IN IT TO WIN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know a lot of you fellow readers say: OH I WISH I COULD CATCH A FISH LIKE THAT!
Well you can BUT you have to get off your AZZes and get out there!
As you see there a few of us who are still out there in the cold windy nasty weather catching those beautiful fish!
You have to put the time in with the right techniques in order to catch these fish!

11-25-2014, 01:08 AM
Oops, I missed that Dale. Again, great tips and post. You're giving away my secrets in your last post though with your big bait and getting off your lazy asses comments ;) Looking forward to hitting the ice with you this season. I want to pull another big one out of the spot where you fell in. :cool:

11-25-2014, 08:04 AM
U allready know I want in on this.. Biggins!! like the categories gives ppl some options everyones got a shot.. U mite catch me jiggin 4 panfish this yr.. haha

bunker dunker
11-25-2014, 08:41 AM
I'm in and all ready!!!!!eddie send me a pm with the address and lets get this party started.sounds like this is one you don't want to miss.

11-25-2014, 08:14 PM
Hey, hey, hey!!!! Winter storm in effect for most of NJ! YEA BUDDY!!! Anyone know what that cold snowy precipitation does to open water? It makes it nice and cold, yep!!! Ice will be here before you know it boyz and girlz. Get in on the contest, plenty of time to join in the fun. This is going to be AWESOME!!!!! ICE is NICE!!!!!!

Thanks to all that have joined already. Without you fine HARDWATER anglers this contest wouldn't be possible. Don't forget to get your friends involved. See you out there!!! FLAGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!:D

11-28-2014, 07:48 PM
Come on guys lets get this going! 4pgs!?!?!? Do i hear 2o++!?!?!?!?!?!!!

11-29-2014, 02:42 AM
I'm sure the smack talk will commenced once the water stiffens up a bit. Soon, very soon.

11-30-2014, 03:32 PM
I can't wait to lay the SMACK DOWN!!!! I have bins full of Smack ready to go!!!!
I would have thought we would have more anglers interested in it.
Disappointed in some of you!!!!
I know the Pot is pretty damn good already and anyone can win it!!
Hoping some of the new guys on the site who wanna ice fish show up this year at the Meet and Greets cause I know after a few of them and a few fish thru the ice they will be hooked!

12-01-2014, 10:07 AM
Whoa! I just saw the list. Thought it was a given that I'm in! haha

bunker dunker
12-01-2014, 03:12 PM
come on ice!!!!!!! guess I will have to get the tip-ups ready.oh wait,they are.

12-01-2014, 03:30 PM
We likely won't have ice until after Christmas in my area. 10-day forecast is extremely mild... We need a polar vortex to speed things up! Lol. Saw that it was -23 at some municipal airport in North Dakota today... Bet there's ice up there!

bunker dunker
12-01-2014, 05:22 PM
njfishing team trip to greenbay!!!! whos in

12-01-2014, 05:47 PM
njfishing team trip to greenbay!!!! whos in

I'm all in! Let's goooooooooo!!!

12-01-2014, 06:17 PM
Even upstate ny is warm. I guess we all have to wait for Dale to open his "bins full of smack." God dI'd that make me chuckle. Thanks Dale, I needed that.

12-01-2014, 10:27 PM
Count me in. Maybe I can even join you guys for one of the get-togethers this year if I can get a weekend off work. Tight lines, still plenty of fish to be caught before the ice comes.

12-02-2014, 12:05 AM
yeah add me to the list there buddy boy :) figured I was already on it :D

12-02-2014, 02:51 PM
Hey Eddie. I'm in. I got a pickerel spot that I think will get her done. Lets see.

12-02-2014, 05:38 PM
Hey Eddie. I'm in. I got a pickerel spot that I think will get her done. Lets see.

Welcome to the party Hardy!!! See you out there. Good luck and be safe!!! Pickerel cakes for all, LOL!!!!!

12-02-2014, 05:43 PM
Count me in!

The Birdman
12-02-2014, 06:07 PM
me and justin are in.....looks like LOTS of big fish will come out of pomptonL:D !

12-02-2014, 06:26 PM
me and justin are in.....looks like LOTS of big fish will come out of pomptonL:D !

LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! "NO" private lakes there dude. Thanx for joining the MAYHEM!!! Justin's screen name is twitchferd420? Yes? See you out there. Good luck and as always TIGHT LINEZ!!!!!!:D

The Birdman
12-02-2014, 06:38 PM
LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! "NO" private lakes there dude. Thanx for joining the MAYHEM!!! Justin's screen name is twitchferd420? Yes? See you out there. Good luck and as always TIGHT LINEZ!!!!!!:D

Haha im jk, yes that is him. let us know when you guys are out on PL we have extra guest passes. $100 a pop! lol jp

12-02-2014, 06:43 PM
Haha im jk, yes that is him. let us know when you guys are out on PL we have extra guest passes. $100 a pop! lol jp

AWESOME!!!! Thanx dude! If you got anyone else that wants to join have em sign up to the site and get in on the action. This is gona be a blast…………..:D:):D:)

12-03-2014, 07:35 AM
Im def in that . always a fun and exciting year out fishing with everyone .

12-03-2014, 07:48 AM
Im def in that . always a fun and exciting year out fishing with everyone .

FIREBALLBOB!!!!!!! Welcome to the site my brother. It's about time you get in on the action. YEA BUDDY!!!:D

12-03-2014, 10:26 AM
Welcome to the party Hardy!!! See you out there. Good luck and be safe!!! Pickerel cakes for all, LOL!!!!!

You got me all excited. Now we need some ice

Mikey topaz
12-03-2014, 10:40 AM
Right there with ya man the tip ups are rigged the grill is ready new toys prepped,
C MONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ICE gods!!!!! Lets goooooo!!!

12-03-2014, 08:14 PM
Right there with ya man the tip ups are rigged the grill is ready new toys prepped,
C MONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ICE gods!!!!! Lets goooooo!!!

You one crazy hole drillin bastard! HA!

12-03-2014, 10:51 PM
Yea I miss Mikey's Dutch oven Pineapple Ham Stew!!!!!
On the verge of a seizure if I don't catch a fish sooooon!!!!!:eek:

12-03-2014, 10:53 PM
Just figured out a way to convert my Evinrude 9.9 to an ice auger!!!!

12-04-2014, 05:57 PM
WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Santa came to my house super early this year. Just got a package with 3 Heritage laker tip ups in black and a pair of Muck boots to keep my feet cozy and warm during this years ICE season. What a day? Now we just need some Arctic weather to come down from Canada! LOL! I say the ICE is about 3 weeks away in NJ, lets keep our fingers crossed. Do your ritualistic ICE-DANCE if you have to.

Looks like we have a good sized party going so far MANIACS! Please reach out to the people you know and see who else may have some interest. Theres plenty of room for more anglers. The more the MERRIER! If you have friends that aren't members of the site have them join and get in on the action.


12-04-2014, 06:01 PM
Those are some friggin sweet lookin tip ups FE! Gotta break my wood sticks out and rinse the dust of em' soon.

12-04-2014, 06:06 PM
Wow, that order came fast. I'm still waiting on bp. I noticed a few of us are in muck boots, are they really warm enough?

12-04-2014, 06:12 PM
Wow, that order came fast. I'm still waiting on bp. I noticed a few of us are in muck boots, are they really warm enough?

I had them on all day today, I thought my feet were on fire, lol! They are the warmest boots I've ever felt! Love the black tip ups as well, 45 inch height when the flag is up. I can't friggin wait!!!!!! Now I just need a bulk spool of tip up line! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!:D

12-04-2014, 08:14 PM
I can't wait to see you in those MUCK BOOTS and NJF THONG on the ice already:eek: All you need is a leopard print silk scarf !!!;)

Mikey topaz
12-04-2014, 11:17 PM
Santa forgot the most important thing wheres that bottke of jameo!!!!!!

bunker dunker
12-05-2014, 08:48 AM
boots and a thong!!!!!! that's classic fe for sure.

12-10-2014, 08:35 AM
Ain't no party like an NJF ICE PARTY!!! Well guys and gals it looks like the overnight temps will be trending much colder after this weekend. YES, old man winter is on the way. Water temps are in the mid to low 30's on most of the northern NJ lakes already which means it won't take much for lakes to lock up. It's almost time!!! If your reading this thread it means you must have some interest in the contest. Why not get in on the action? You gotta be in it to win it! This is a contest that anyone can win and there's categories for all to enjoy. If anyone has any questions please feel free to PM me.

Remember guys the more anglers that get involved the bigger the pot gets. If you have friends that might be interested sign em up to the site and have them get "IN" on the action. Don't be shy! We don't bite! Like I said this contest is for everyone. See you "MANIACS" out there very, very soon.

YEA BUDDY!!!!! FLAG!!!!!!!!!:D

12-10-2014, 08:41 AM
Is there a buy in? I'd assume so but don't feel like scanning the whole thread.

12-10-2014, 10:33 AM
Sorry, missed it in first post. Was looking for a $ symbol when I scanned article. My bad.

Mikey topaz
12-12-2014, 11:31 AM
Mysterey items comin out soon boyz, get signed up now! Do it now! Lol 20$a man five cat. Legs go felllllllllerzzz!!! Flagggggg!!!!!!

12-12-2014, 03:21 PM
I am IN

12-12-2014, 06:15 PM
New jack trap on its way... I'm so fancy lol.

12-12-2014, 08:26 PM
I am IN

Welcome to the party dude! Thanx for getting in on the action! See you out there! FLAGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!:D

12-13-2014, 09:48 AM
You know I'm all IN daddy! Let's whoop whoop some BUTT!!! I got my Spiderman rod all ready!:)

12-13-2014, 02:20 PM
I am IN and ready to get back on the ice!

Skunk City
12-13-2014, 02:41 PM
You know I'm all IN daddy! Let's whoop whoop some BUTT!!! I got my Spiderman rod all ready!:)

I've got my money on this young hellraiser!!!

Skunk City
12-13-2014, 02:44 PM
Got my new toys last weekend, ready for a long winter on ice!

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/1508056_10204492650569416_9223146882876142317_n_zp s58217758.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/1508056_10204492650569416_9223146882876142317_n_zp s58217758.jpg.html)
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/10348184_10204492650689419_8237039771743547638_n_z ps3b3258e2.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/10348184_10204492650689419_8237039771743547638_n_z ps3b3258e2.jpg.html)

12-13-2014, 08:01 PM
I've got my money on this young hellraiser!!!

He will give it "HELL" as long as he can take it. I just gotta tell his mother I'm taking him to an all day movie matinee or something, LOL!!! CHASEPAIN is coming into the game. And yessssssssss, he is a BEAST!!!!

Very nice toys you got for this upcoming season my friend! Can't wait to check out that shanty. YEA BUDDY!!!:D

12-13-2014, 08:03 PM
I am IN and ready to get back on the ice!

RJdubs, how's it going dude? Good to see your still on here and joining the party! Hope to see you out there! Thanx for getting in on the action!:D

12-19-2014, 01:18 AM
My new auger came today thanks to the Ups Guy. Love that Guy!!!!
It was supposed to be from Santa but I saw the box and read the receipt!!!!

Drillin and Chillin till the flags are a Popping!!!!!!

12-19-2014, 06:05 PM
FE, not sure if you remember, but this is a reminder that I paid up for the contest last night at the njf holiday party lol... :D

12-19-2014, 07:04 PM
Me too Buddy!!!! LOL!!!!!

12-19-2014, 07:08 PM
Good news, good news!!! Ladies and gentlemen, we have just hit 30 on the entry list. Huge thanx to all who are participating so far. Without all of you this would not be possible. Lets get this going guys and gals.

If you or someone you know has an ICE FISHING addiction please have them call FASTEDDIE or simply become a member of njfishing.com. This addiction can be quite fierce at times but if you have solid support from this brotherhood you will get through it. Help is here if you need it. OH MAN, OH MAN!!!! I AM AMPED UP! We have some serious players in the game so far. Guys that think they're going to win and are acting cocky are going down in flames………..

GET IN ON THE ACTION……………………………….LIKE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

DON'T BE SKEERED!!!!!!!!!!:D

12-19-2014, 08:02 PM
^^^ amen to that Eddie! I'm addicted. Stupidly addicted you can say considering I just got a $73 tip up in the mail!! Hahaha!

12-19-2014, 08:44 PM
Fasteddie sent you pm!

12-20-2014, 11:51 AM
FE, not sure if you remember, but this is a reminder that I paid up for the contest last night at the njf holiday party lol... :D

That's funny as hell...when you guys were paying up I was thinking...There is no way Eddie is going to remember where he got the extra cash from. :D

12-20-2014, 12:10 PM
That's funny as hell...when you guys were paying up I was thinking...There is no way Eddie is going to remember where he got the extra cash from. :D

Thanx for having so much confidence in my memory...................DOUCHE CANOE!!!!!!!:eek:

12-20-2014, 06:06 PM
Yea He's like oh man what a hangover:(
OH man where'd I get all dis CASH???:confused:
I thought I spent all my money on raffles and crafts of Jaimmie's:eek:
But I guess not cause I got a few 20"s still left in my pocket!!!:D

12-21-2014, 12:43 PM
And the MYSTERY ITEM is……………………. The 1st annual njfishing.com tourney card. You must have this card in the picture with your fish in order for your entry to count. No tourney card, no entry. Print this out, laminate it and make sure you have it on you at all times. Good luck to all!


12-21-2014, 02:32 PM
I have 50 suckers and 60 goldens in my tanks and the ice cream freezer is filled to the lid with dead bait. BRING ON THE ICE!!!

12-21-2014, 07:56 PM
I have 50 suckers and 60 goldens in my tanks and the ice cream freezer is filled to the lid with dead bait. BRING ON THE ICE!!!

Damn Matt! That's an incredible amt of bait! You opening a shop?!?!? Lol... Lots of ammo for the ice!

12-21-2014, 08:02 PM
Damn Matt! That's an incredible amt of bait! You opening a shop?!?!? Lol... Lots of ammo for the ice!

Not quite enough, another 35 goldens tomorrow and I should be all set :cool:

12-23-2014, 07:16 AM
Go biggggg yesss im fired up now , was little chuncky on a small lake I no the other day ice will b here really soon im ready to go.

12-24-2014, 08:56 AM
When I say POLAR..........................you say VORTEX!!!!!!


Colds on the way, cold is on the way! It's about time! This heatwave is killing me. I turned the AC on in my house this week just so I would have the opportunity to wear my new Muck boots, LOL! Super warm and cozy! Who else is joining the ICE PARTY? Anyone? Hello!?!? The more anglers the merrier.

There will be a deadline to join the contest, this date will be Friday January 9th. If your not on the contest list by January 9th then you get no love, no prize and no loot. It is what it is. I have to get organized and start working on the prize situation. See you MANIACS out there soon.


bunker dunker
12-24-2014, 09:31 AM
Eddie,i would like to donate 5 new tip-ups as one of the prizes and laurie up at the lake said she will give a prize also.maybe you or jimmy could get up there to pick them up.lets get some ice and let this game begin.

12-24-2014, 09:35 AM
Eddie,i would like to donate 5 new tip-ups as one of the prizes and laurie up at the lake said she will give a prize also.maybe you or jimmy could get up there to pick them up.lets get some ice and let this game begin.

Bunker dunker, that's awesome news! I appreciate the generous donation. We all appreciate it! That's another awesome prize going on the list. I'll have Jimmy visit Laurie to see what she has to say. WOW!!! Tis the season for giving, sharing and ICE FISHING!!!! Yea BUDDY!:D

Mikey topaz
12-24-2014, 07:47 PM
Eddie ron over at efinger gave me the prize. 25$ gift card for efinger sporting goods boys!

12-25-2014, 11:03 PM
Santa gave me some prizes before the ice got here! 8" nils, black artic sport mucks, and a nice 31" jack trap tip up. I've been huffing the varnish on this tip up the last few days. Smells so so sweet!! Lets go ice!!!!

Mikey topaz
12-26-2014, 10:48 AM
Sssssssssssssweeeett!!!! Those nil augerss are sick dude.....

12-26-2014, 04:06 PM

Thought this video was motivational. We'll be out there soon fellaz! Try not to loose your minds, I already am! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

bunker dunker
12-30-2014, 10:23 AM
can ya feel it!!!!!!! ice is on the way:D

12-30-2014, 02:06 PM
YEA BUDDY!!! Let the ice making begin. So far we have 31 HARDWATER MANIACS in the contest. Can we get a couple more? I think we can. Don't forget to sign up before the deadline hits, January 9th is the deadline for those who don't know. Fine group of anglers we have so far as well as some very, very nice prize donations. It's almost time GUYZ and GALZ!!! Be careful on the thin ice if your getting out somewhere this weekend. Make sure you have your safety gear, ice picks, ice cleats, rope and a change of clothes just in case. I'll see you MANIACS out there soon.


12-30-2014, 11:38 PM
Feelin Chilly down my way! Turn the Ice Machine on HI!!!! Amped for the Ice!!!
Kelly's ready for her first flag this year!!!!
She's dying to be a MANIAC!!!!!!;)

12-31-2014, 03:53 PM
Just got home from my yearly ice hunt. Drove around for a good portion of the day to find minimal ice on the large bodies of water. But, found some nice little ponds and lakes with about an inch of ice or so. Almost there, so close. After this weekends heatwave we should be on very, very soon. Took a look at a few spots with Mikey Topaz and threw boulders through most of the ice that had formed on the shallow coves at Hopatcong. It's a normal year here in NJ, be patient, it will come!

On another note I went to Dow's on Lake Hopatcong to pick up the beautiful Tip ups that Bunker Dunker generously donated. Thanx again buddy! You are the MAN! Very nice set of 5!

Laurie from Dow's on LH was kind and generous as well. She donated a 40 gift card to the shop. It's a beautiful thing. Laurie if you read this, thank you so very much! We truly appreciate it. Looks like the contest is really taking shape guyz and galz! See you out there MANIACS!!!!!


Mikey topaz
01-01-2015, 05:59 PM
second time out this season came up with this guy ill enter to get this party started boyz! lets get em!http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/Mobile%20Uploads/20150101_163251_zpsokpbudjt.jpg[/URL[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150101_163251_zpsokpbudjt.jpg.html]http://i1278.photobucket.[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150101_163204_zpsxhrqbxyb.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/Mobile%20Uploads/20150101_163204_zpsxhrqbxyb.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150101_163251_zpsokpbudjt.jpg.html)

Mikey topaz
01-01-2015, 06:01 PM
http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/Mobile%20Uploads/20150101_163204_zpsxhrqbxyb.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150101_163204_zpsxhrqbxyb.jpg.html)

01-01-2015, 06:12 PM
YEEEEAAAA!!!!! Mikey startin' it off!!!!!!! :D

01-01-2015, 11:17 PM
Nice fatty snot rocket you crazy mo fo!

Mikey topaz
01-02-2015, 01:31 PM
http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150101_163204_zpsasyhsrvo.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150101_163204_zpsasyhsrvo.jpg.html)

Mikey topaz
01-02-2015, 01:32 PM
http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150101_163251_zps1qjj1jza.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150101_163251_zps1qjj1jza.jpg.html)

bunker dunker
01-02-2015, 01:39 PM
game on,nice fish.

01-02-2015, 02:09 PM
I'm In!

01-03-2015, 12:29 AM
Sweet! Your a brave man to venture out on this thin.

01-03-2015, 08:55 AM

Way to start off the contest Mikey. That's a chubby little Pickerel right there. On the board for 2015. YEA BUDDY!!!

Got out for a couple hours yesterday and managed to ice my first Pike of the year. This 21 inch rat Pike inhaled a 7 inch bait, LOL!!! Let the games begin.

Who else is getting in the contest? C'mon guyz and galz! The deadline to get "IN" is January 9th. Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!:D

01-03-2015, 06:08 PM
Not a bad way to start off the contest with a couple of dink Pike and a big Pickerel! Let the contest begin!:D

Mikey topaz
01-03-2015, 06:31 PM
got out today with a few of the boyz started out at my go to hole on state land where we ended up with some pickerl perch and bass on pic i got 24 1/2 inch then headed to sesrch for some pike ended up with a nice guy ill throw up for now dont think hes gonna last thoughhotobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150103_101353_zpss8o2cy5j.jpg[/IMG][/URLhttp://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150103_101353_zpss8o2cy5j.jpg[/URL[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150103_1544092_zps4ypvudtw.jpg.html]http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150103_1544092_zps4ypvudtw.jpg[/URL[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150103_154308_zpspqys3zjv.jpg.html]http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150103_154308_zpspqys3zjv.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150103_101353_zpss8o2cy5j.jpg.html)http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150103_101440_zpsx0dlitnm.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150103_101440_zpsx0dlitnm.jpg.html)

01-03-2015, 10:39 PM
Nice guys... You're all nuts lol...

01-04-2015, 09:38 AM
Some really good catching yesterday fellas. The snotty weather turned the fish on for sure. It's great to see some entries on the board. YEA BUDDY!!!

If anyone catches a Pike from that lake this season with a 5/0 Gammi and piece of flouro hanging out of its mouth, please let me know!!! At least I have a reason to go back there, LOL!!!!

Super cold on the way! Ice making weather! If your stuff is not ready you better get it ready this week. Let's catch em up boyz and girlz!!!!


01-04-2015, 01:10 PM
Got out for a couple hours yesterday and managed to ice my first Pike of the year. This 21 inch rat Pike inhaled a 7 inch bait, LOL!!! Let the games begin.

Yesterday I heard some crazy mutha's were out on that lake and hit some pike thru the ice... nice job...

01-05-2015, 08:49 AM
Yesterday I heard some crazy mutha's were out on that lake and hit some pike thru the ice... nice job...

Thanx Jim! Hahaha, I really hope that nobody follows my friends or my lead by going on ice that thin. It's just not the right thing to do. If you chose to venture out on thin ice please make sure you have all the proper safety gear and never go out alone. Gotta be out there to get em! We caught some fish 2 days I a row. Off to a great start!


bunker dunker
01-05-2015, 08:49 AM
yea man!!!! can't wait to start.this cold snap should have the ice thickend up.
congrats on the catches!!!!!!!!!!!

01-05-2015, 09:40 AM
Look at the head on that pickrel!! Niceinn.. Common brutal artic cold get me on some iceee

01-05-2015, 03:08 PM
You guys are nutz.

Play safe.


01-06-2015, 09:49 PM
I'll donate my cash to one of you gents.. "IN"

01-07-2015, 08:24 AM
I'll donate my cash to one of you gents.. "IN"

You have as good a chance as anyone else here my friend. No worries! Me and the crew are gona get you out and get you on some fish! Is CJ IN or what? The more the merrier. Can't wait to get you boyz out there.

Alright gang, the deadline to join is this Friday. We have 33 anglers participating which isn't bad at all. Can I get a few more entries? Hello! MANIACS! Hello! Don't be SKEEEEEEERED!!! Should be some solid ice in certain spots this weekend. It's GOOOOOOOOOOOO TIME!!! Be safe and watch out for that snow on top of he ice. Never go out alone and make sure you have all the proper safety gear. See you guyz and galz on the HARDWATER.


bunker dunker
01-08-2015, 08:38 AM
3 degree's and all is well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait till Saturday and sunday.gonna go in serch of the panfish early and later in the day try to find some bigger fish.

01-08-2015, 02:55 PM
New member here and I'm IN......just need to know where to send payment

01-08-2015, 04:35 PM
Had the pleasure of getting out again with Mikey and Seth today. Nice brisk day to be out on the ice. The ice fishing face tan is looking good. We had a so so jig bite with the Perch and 1 little Crappie. Slow day overall until Seth got a flag. Lines peeling off nice and slow and Seth stayed calm and poised. He sets the hook and WHAMMO. Nice battle with a bruiser Pike that measured 35 1/2 inches. This would be Seths very first Pike and a PB all at the same time. And, we have a nice entry going up in the Pike category. YEA BUDDY! What a start to the season. Congrats on your first Seth! It was a pleasure helping you ICE that pig Pike. ITS GOOOOOOOOOO TIME!!!!


01-08-2015, 04:41 PM
New member here and I'm IN......just need to know where to send payment

Jedhead, you are "IN"! Thanx for joining in the fun and ICY games! I'll PM you payment information!:D

01-08-2015, 04:43 PM
congrats seth! real nice pike!

01-08-2015, 04:49 PM
Big thanks to Mikey and Eddie for that fish. Good coaching landed that fish.

01-08-2015, 04:49 PM
Great job guys - beautiful fish - how much ice was there?

bunker dunker
01-08-2015, 05:16 PM
sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great day,great company and a great fish.i'm jealous!!

01-08-2015, 05:22 PM
Sweet fish dude! Nice way to start the ice season!

01-08-2015, 05:25 PM
Thanks guys, we had 3" of ice.

01-08-2015, 05:35 PM
Nice job guys! Game on! I walked on water over an hour south of there today. Lots of ice but the wind kept the wider spots open. Once the wind dies down everything should lock up. Any ice that froze 2 nights ago will be safe this weekend but because of the wind the lakes froze weird. Some open water spots froze this morning so this weekend you could go from 3-4" to 1-2" in a few steps. If you guys go out bring a spud bar, ice picks, rope, and wear a suit that floats or wear a life jacket.

01-08-2015, 06:14 PM
The ice is not at a comfortable thickness for most people as of right now. Take Matts advice and please be careful out there. Do not go alone, make sure you have all the proper safety gear as mentioned. This game is not a joke. Be safe! See you ladies and gents out there soon.

Alright MANIACS! It's pretty much go time this weekend. Anyone else looking to join? The deadline is tomorrow at midnight. If your not "IN" by then, well, you get zero. Don't forget to post your entries on this page and make sure you have the tourney card, nice big tape measure and the 2 photos required.



Mikey topaz
01-08-2015, 08:10 PM
congrats buddy, me and eddie will be bookin pike charters soon lmfao ! as always nice day on the hardwater with the boyz!

01-08-2015, 09:11 PM
How do I join the contest

01-08-2015, 09:21 PM
I am also interested in joining

01-08-2015, 09:47 PM
Better PM Eddie quick cause time is running out!!!!!

01-09-2015, 01:42 AM
Eddie, please put me in for the contest. Thank you. What's needed for entry?

QUOTE=FASTEDDIE29;383654]Tis the season………………………………to pull some fish through some icy NJ holes. In the spirit of the off season as some "ANGLERS" like to call it, we the members of NJFISHING.COM are going to have a little contest. I'm not sure how these so called "ANGLERS" fish from April-October and then call it quits. Especially when there's fish to catch all year round in our great little state. This contest will begin as soon as you "MANIACS" can find safe ice in NJ. The contest ends March 21st at midnight. The contest will be 20 bucks per man. If you know me hand me the money. If not, we'll set something up via Paypal or you can just send me a check in the mail. There will be 5 categories and they are as follows.

Category 1 - Large and Smallmouth Bass
Category 2 - Pickeral
Category 3 - Pike
Category 4 - Walleye
Category 5 - Perch and Crappie

There will be 1 winner for each category. The biggest fish entered in each category "WINS"! The angler with the most entries in the most categories will get a "BONUS PRIZE"! That's for the angler that catches alot of fish but never seems to get the biggest one. There will be "CASH" prizes for the top fish in each category.

…………..." IN "…………...

You "MUST" be a NJFISHING.COM member to enter the contest. This means you "LURKERS" out there need to join the site or well, you get "ZERO"! It's not going to hurt to become a member so do it………………………... "NOW"!

Your entry/ fish "MUST" be caught in NJ. This includes Greenwood Lake and the Delaware River. No out of state fish will be excepted. If your where-a-bouts are questionable you will go in front of the committee. "TRUST ME" you don't want that to happen.

"NO PRIVATE LAKES", "PUBLIC LAKES ONLY"! This means you "HACKS" that fish your backyards every season don't really stand a chance, LMAO!!!!! "HACKS"!!!

You "MUST" provide a pic of your fish next to a "TAPE MEASURE". A real "TAPE MEASURE" like the ones purchased from Home Depot, Lowes or manly stores. "No" paper tapes, "NO" tapes from your dry cleaner or tailor. This is important. If we can't read the numbers on your "TAPE MEASURE", you are "SCREWED"!

There will be a "MYSTERY" item that you must include in your pic in order for your entry to count. Make sure you have this item on you at all times. No "MYSTERY" item in the pic, UH OH, guess what? Your entry will not count. You'll be "SCREWED" again!

The "MYSTERY" item will be available on December 20, 2014.

Here's how to enter your pics. Place the fish on the ice gently next to the "TAPE MEASURE" with the " MYSTERY" item. Take a pic. Then take your fancy digital camera or phone and take a "SELFIE" of you on the Ice with the fish. A little background doesn't hurt. DO NOT SPOT BURN! I recognize alot of bushes and trees on NJ lakes and ponds so show me and the committee something in the background.

Post your entry on this thread for all of us "ICE MANIACS" to see! Please be sure to have nice clear pics of your entry!

Deadline to get "IN" this contest will be Friday January 9th. If your not on the list by January 9th, well, your not in the contest. No exceptions!!

Contest runs as soon as you "MANIACS" can find safe Ice in NJ. Contest is over at midnight of March 21, 2015. No entries will be excepted after this deadline

Those are the rules plain and simple. If I forgot anything hopefully the "COMMITTEE" will chime in and pick up where I left off. There will be other prizes donated along the way so sign up to NJFISHING.COM now. You don't want to miss this one. There's going to be prizes galore. Hopefully some of the kind sponsors will throw us a prize or 2. This is going to be a fun contest made for the members of NJFISHING.COM by the members of NJFISHING.COM. No "DRAMA" will be excepted in this contest. Trash talk on the other hand is greatly appreciated. Don't be scared to "STIR THE POT", just make sure you do it in a respectful manner, LMFAO!!!!!! See you "MANIACS" out there. Be safe. Beware of thin Ice.


1) FASTEDDIE29 paid
2) Jigman13 paid
3) acaravaglia
4) Gwl2oneida
5) Mikey Topaz paid
6) Jimmylivebait
7) Saxmatt paid
8) kmaty
9) Bridge Addix
10) GetANet paid
11) Andrushkin13
12) jrock
13) Skunk City
14) bunker dunker paid
15) Gatto1227
16) Liveitup1.75
17) ScowardNJ paid
18) Catfishonthelake
19) JimmytheGreek paid
20) gnuisance
21) zmerchant7
22) The Birdman
23) twitchferd420
24) Fireballbob paid
25) Jackstraw
26) jtjr09
27) CHASEPAIN paid
28) rjw6375
29) Fishon1982
30) njbassman
31) Bling306
32) WILSEA paid
33) DuckorBleed paid
34) Jedhead
Donations for prizes-

Strikemaster Mora hand auger - Gwl2oneida
2 jigging rods - Mikey Topaz
Bunker dunker - 5 brand new tip ups
Efingers - 25 dollar gift card
Laurie from Dow's on Lake Hopatcong - 40 dollar gift card


YEA BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!

AND SO IT BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!


01-09-2015, 08:23 AM
Lennysky and bigboy5522. You fellaz are "IN"! Check out page 1 of the contest thread and just make sure you understand all the rules. You need to print out the Ice contest tourney card and 2 pics of your catch are required to qualify for a prize. A nice big tape measure is required in one of the pics. Good luck out there guys and thanx so much for getting "IN" on the action. Any other questions please feel free to shoot me a PM. Good luck out there!:D

01-09-2015, 09:57 AM
Nice beast there Seth...Congrats on the Cherry and PB in one shot. Good to see your ugly mug on the site happy as a clam. :D

Hope to see some of you boys out there this weekend. Be safe.

01-10-2015, 06:22 PM
What's this Mystery Item needed in the picture? Thank you
QUOTE=FASTEDDIE29;383654]Tis the season………………………………to pull some
fish through some icy NJ holes. In the spirit of the off season as some "ANGLERS" like to call it, we the members of NJFISHING.COM are going to have a little contest. I'm not sure how these so called "ANGLERS" fish from April-October and then call it quits. Especially when there's fish to catch all year round in our great little state. This contest will begin as soon as you "MANIACS" can find safe ice in NJ. The contest ends March 21st at midnight. The contest will be 20 bucks per man. If you know me hand me the money. If not, we'll set something up via Paypal or you can just send me a check in the mail. There will be 5 categories and they are as follows.

Category 1 - Large and Smallmouth Bass
Category 2 - Pickeral
Category 3 - Pike
Category 4 - Walleye
Category 5 - Perch and Crappie

There will be 1 winner for each category. The biggest fish entered in each category "WINS"! The angler with the most entries in the most categories will get a "BONUS PRIZE"! That's for the angler that catches alot of fish but never seems to get the biggest one. There will be "CASH" prizes for the top fish in each category.

…………..." IN "…………...

You "MUST" be a NJFISHING.COM member to enter the contest. This means you "LURKERS" out there need to join the site or well, you get "ZERO"! It's not going to hurt to become a member so do it………………………... "NOW"!

Your entry/ fish "MUST" be caught in NJ. This includes Greenwood Lake and the Delaware River. No out of state fish will be excepted. If your where-a-bouts are questionable you will go in front of the committee. "TRUST ME" you don't want that to happen.

"NO PRIVATE LAKES", "PUBLIC LAKES ONLY"! This means you "HACKS" that fish your backyards every season don't really stand a chance, LMAO!!!!! "HACKS"!!!

You "MUST" provide a pic of your fish next to a "TAPE MEASURE". A real "TAPE MEASURE" like the ones purchased from Home Depot, Lowes or manly stores. "No" paper tapes, "NO" tapes from your dry cleaner or tailor. This is important. If we can't read the numbers on your "TAPE MEASURE", you are "SCREWED"!

There will be a "MYSTERY" item that you must include in your pic in order for your entry to count. Make sure you have this item on you at all times. No "MYSTERY" item in the pic, UH OH, guess what? Your entry will not count. You'll be "SCREWED" again!

The "MYSTERY" item will be available on December 20, 2014.

Here's how to enter your pics. Place the fish on the ice gently next to the "TAPE MEASURE" with the " MYSTERY" item. Take a pic. Then take your fancy digital camera or phone and take a "SELFIE" of you on the Ice with the fish. A little background doesn't hurt. DO NOT SPOT BURN! I recognize alot of bushes and trees on NJ lakes and ponds so show me and the committee something in the background.

Post your entry on this thread for all of us "ICE MANIACS" to see! Please be sure to have nice clear pics of your entry!

Deadline to get "IN" this contest will be Friday January 9th. If your not on the list by January 9th, well, your not in the contest. No exceptions!!

Contest runs as soon as you "MANIACS" can find safe Ice in NJ. Contest is over at midnight of March 21, 2015. No entries will be excepted after this deadline

Those are the rules plain and simple. If I forgot anything hopefully the "COMMITTEE" will chime in and pick up where I left off. There will be other prizes donated along the way so sign up to NJFISHING.COM now. You don't want to miss this one. There's going to be prizes galore. Hopefully some of the kind sponsors will throw us a prize or 2. This is going to be a fun contest made for the members of NJFISHING.COM by the members of NJFISHING.COM. No "DRAMA" will be excepted in this contest. Trash talk on the other hand is greatly appreciated. Don't be scared to "STIR THE POT", just make sure you do it in a respectful manner, LMFAO!!!!!! See you "MANIACS" out there. Be safe. Beware of thin Ice.


1) FASTEDDIE29 paid
2) Jigman13 paid
3) acaravaglia
4) Gwl2oneida
5) Mikey Topaz paid
6) Jimmylivebait
7) Saxmatt paid
8) kmaty
9) Bridge Addix
10) GetANet paid
11) Andrushkin13
12) jrock
13) Skunk City
14) bunker dunker paid
15) Gatto1227
16) Liveitup1.75
17) ScowardNJ paid
18) Catfishonthelake
19) JimmytheGreek paid
20) gnuisance
21) zmerchant7
22) The Birdman
23) twitchferd420
24) Fireballbob paid
25) Jackstraw
26) jtjr09
27) CHASEPAIN paid
28) rjw6375
29) Fishon1982
30) njbassman
31) Bling306
32) WILSEA paid
33) DuckorBleed paid
34) Jedhead
35) lennysky
36) bigboy5522

Donations for prizes-

Strikemaster Mora hand auger - Gwl2oneida
2 jigging rods - Mikey Topaz
Bunker dunker - 5 brand new tip ups
Efingers - 25 dollar gift card
Laurie from Dow's on Lake Hopatcong - 40 dollar gift card
JimmytheGreek - 25 dollar gift card to Dow's on LH


YEA BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!

AND SO IT BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!


01-10-2015, 06:56 PM
Lennysky you need to print out the tourney card. That is the mystery item. It has to be in the pic every time you enter a fish.

01-10-2015, 07:01 PM

Guyz and galz, this is the MYSTERY ITEM that you need to include in your fish entry pics. Please make sure you have this in at least 1 pic with a ruler showing the fishes length. Pic 2 must show you on the ice holding your entry. Any questions on the rules, always go back to page 1 of this thread. GO GET EM!!! :D

Mikey topaz
01-10-2015, 07:16 PM
gonna throw this guy i got today up here for now incase i dont get bigger....http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/20150110_111335_zpsdpleizje.jpg[/URL[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/20150110_111307_zpsqgozrkor.jpg.html]http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/20150110_111307_zpsqgozrkor.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/20150110_111335_zpsdpleizje.jpg.html)

Mikey topaz
01-10-2015, 07:17 PM
18 1/2in

01-10-2015, 10:06 PM
Also, what qualifies as a public water? I fish many large community lakes such as White Measow Lake in Rockaway.
Lennysky you need to print out the tourney card. That is the mystery item. It has to be in the pic every time you enter a fish.

01-10-2015, 11:03 PM
Way to get em Mikey...Nicely Done.

Hope you guys all had a great day out there and sorry I missed catching up with you today. Family duties prevail.

01-11-2015, 06:17 AM
Also, what qualifies as a public water? I fish many large community lakes such as White Measow Lake in Rockaway.

No private lakes. Public access lakes only. Lakes listed as places to fish on the Fish and game website. No permit lakes. I would love to catch some of the pickerel, bass and walleye that are in Whit Meadow lake. Unfortunately I do not know anyone who lives there. This lake is a NO, NO!

01-11-2015, 07:15 PM
I own a house on white meadow but hate to disappoint you. Walleyes is Avery elusive there. Mostly bass and perch. Sometimes pickerel. Trout in the spring is good as are hybrids.

01-11-2015, 08:00 PM
A yellow perch entry! Just shy of 14"... 13 7/8??? Had a shorter but fatter one, too. Both inhaled large shiners!

01-11-2015, 08:33 PM
Nice perch Jeremy! Totally under appreciated species. It's gonna be tough to chase that one down.

01-12-2015, 08:40 AM
A yellow perch entry! Just shy of 14"... 13 7/8??? Had a shorter but fatter one, too. Both inhaled large shiners!

That Perch is a beast! Way to get on the board dude! Very nice fish!:D

01-12-2015, 04:59 PM
DuckorBleed's PIKE entry, 35 inches!

01-12-2015, 05:05 PM
FASTEDDIE'S entry PIKE, 32.5 inches!

JimmytheGreek's entry Pickeral, 26 inches

FASTEDDIE's entry Pickeral, 24 inches

FASTEDDIE's entry Bass, 18 inches:D


01-12-2015, 11:03 PM
Rocco! Nice fatty dude! All around, sweet, sweet, fish guys... Def setting the bar!

bunker dunker
01-13-2015, 08:39 AM
what a contest!!!!the first weekend and allot of great fish.get busy boys and girls cause the race is on.

01-13-2015, 06:02 PM
Figured I'd join in on the fun. 37" pike 27" pickerel





01-13-2015, 06:07 PM
Very nice fish Matt! Way to stick with it and keep the contest interesting. Beautiful fish all around. Congrats on some excellent catching!!!:D

01-13-2015, 07:12 PM
Jesus... Look at the girth on those pigs! Nice fish Matt...

This contest is certainly heating up!!

01-13-2015, 07:34 PM
Nice fish Matt, looks like a productive day on the ice.

01-13-2015, 08:28 PM
I guess resting on the couch paid off!!!! LMAO

Sweet fish Bro!!!!

01-14-2015, 09:57 AM
Sweet fish all around.

Makes me want to get out more and more.


01-14-2015, 07:16 PM
12.5" perch. Probably not a contender but I am usually good for at least 1 over 15". So look out.

01-14-2015, 07:17 PM
2nd photo

01-15-2015, 01:13 PM
12.5" perch. Probably not a contender but I am usually good for at least 1 over 15". So look out.

What it does not have in size it makes up in girth. Nice fatty you got there.


01-15-2015, 04:32 PM
2 years ago I got one at 14" which weighed 1.5lb. It was a ball.

01-15-2015, 07:13 PM
Ladiez and gentz!!! Remember, I need to see a pic of you on the ice when you post your entries. I need to see some sign of nature in the background. Thanx, I appreciate it!!!!

Now, who is getting out this weekend? Who's focused? Who will post a beast come Sunday evening? Let's go MANIACS!!! The ice isn't getting any thinner!!! See ya buncha cold loving freaks out there! YEA BUDDY!!!:D

bunker dunker
01-16-2015, 10:05 AM
i'll be up on Hopatcong in search of perch & crappie in the morning then will shift gears to the eyes & stripes.good luck to all!!

01-16-2015, 10:16 AM
i'll be up on Hopatcong in search of perch & crappie in the morning then will shift gears to the eyes & stripes.good luck to all!!

Ill see you there if you going tomorrow.

bunker dunker
01-16-2015, 12:42 PM
i'll be there for sure,7 or so.

01-16-2015, 12:52 PM
i'll be there for sure,7 or so.

Ill be around the park area. Grill be open, drinks provided so feel free to swing by. Should be around the same time as well


bunker dunker
01-16-2015, 03:09 PM
i'll be over towards brady bridge.

01-16-2015, 06:35 PM

Hmmmmmmmmmm, 20 inches with the mouth open but I'll put it in at 19.5.

01-16-2015, 06:47 PM
Good job Eddie ....go get them.


01-17-2015, 06:36 PM



01-17-2015, 07:17 PM







80060These probably wont last long but will post them anyway. 15.5in bass and 12in yellow perch ( sorry about the small pics Im hoping someone could tell me how to make them bigger)

01-18-2015, 08:33 AM
Nice fish bigboy! Keep em coming dude!:D

01-18-2015, 08:54 PM
13 7/8in perch..haha..I dunno jigman its close!!!

01-18-2015, 09:00 PM

01-18-2015, 10:56 PM
13 7/8in perch..haha..I dunno jigman its close!!!

Hahaha! That's awesome! Tip up or jig?

01-19-2015, 07:54 AM
Tip up.. 1st flag right away..PB.. sweet!!!

01-19-2015, 08:03 PM
Nice dude. Mine was my pb too I think. Thing inhaled a large shiner that barely fit in its mouth... Glad to see there's perch in there!

01-22-2015, 09:03 AM
We got some snotty weather possible for Saturday kids. Pre front conditions, gotta love that. Who's getting out today and tomorrow to ice some monsters? I hear the sound of crickets in my head. I don't like that! I'm sure someone out there has pics to post but may be holding out. Let's see what happens. Good luck in your icy travels. TIGHT LINEZ!!! FLAGGG!!!:D

01-22-2015, 09:48 AM
You know I'm out there! Slow so far today, just 1 32" dink.

01-28-2015, 11:34 AM
Hello!!! Some time has past since the start of the contest. Anybody got any AWESOME fish pics/entries to post? Lets go guys, I want to see what your catching. Ice is pretty damn thick in most areas so hopefully you MANIACS have been taking advantage of it. Cold weather is in the house and February looks to be quite chilly. Go get em fellaz.

Alright boyz and girlz! We have another prize donation thanx to my NY connection, Gwl2Oneida. Mad River Sports Mfg and Dubbing Company out of NY was kind enough to send us some of there custom Blade baits and Jigging spoons. Isn't that some AWESOME news. I have some really nice stuff here worth about 35, 40 bucks. Stuff looks great and looks like it will produce some fish. If your interested in this stuff pictured, check out Mad River Sports Mfg, Mad River Dubbing Company on FB. Contest is getting good my fiends, really good. NOW LETS SEE SOME ENTRIES!!!

01-28-2015, 08:12 PM
Had a few foot long Perch so far but been huntin for some of the largest members of the food chain lately.
Not a single flag this past weekend but those who are determined succeed and you know we ain't quittin till we get a few!!!
Hard to catch fish for the contest when your baits would qualify!!!!!LMAO:eek:

Stuff looks good and prizes are great so don't worry I will be on the Board before it's over!!!!!

01-30-2015, 10:33 AM

Here's a little motivation for all my friends in the contest. 24.5 inch Walleye. Let's go MANIACS! Myself and all the other HARDWATER FREAKS involved in this contest want to see some pics by the end of this weekend. GO GET EM!!!:D

Mikey topaz
01-30-2015, 11:20 AM
http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150123_1113302_zps4nhggny9.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150123_1113302_zps4nhggny9.jpg.html)19 1/4 eyeball

Mikey topaz
01-30-2015, 11:21 AM
http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150123_111308_zpsyz4i6w42.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150123_111308_zpsyz4i6w42.jpg.html)

01-31-2015, 04:45 PM
Nice eyes

01-31-2015, 04:46 PM

Here's a little motivation for all my friends in the contest. 24.5 inch Walleye. Let's go MANIACS! Myself and all the other HARDWATER FREAKS involved in this contest want to see some pics by the end of this weekend. GO GET EM!!!:Dtremendous job fasteddie

Skunk City
01-31-2015, 07:04 PM
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_20150131_172420_zpssazugnu1.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_20150131_172420_zpssazugnu1.jpg.html)

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_20150131_174951_zpsrmfeaed8.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_20150131_174951_zpsrmfeaed8.jpg.html)

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_20150131_172902_zps0bofui8g.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_20150131_172902_zps0bofui8g.jpg.html)

01-31-2015, 10:46 PM
Nice eyes FE & Mikey! That 24.5 is thick!

Nice dart, Rob... Quality fish fellas!

02-01-2015, 05:37 PM
I lost a MONSTER at the hole today!!! DAMMIT!!!:cool:

02-01-2015, 06:27 PM
a monster what????

sucks regardless, dude... sorry to hear that. I heard of another monster that was lost at the hole today, too... apparently they couldnt get it through the 8" hole :eek: :eek: :eek:

02-01-2015, 06:30 PM
Largemouth entry...

20" largemouth caught in CNJ... it was pretty awesome. She circled the hole like a tuna doing death circles lol... great day today with Dale, JimmyLiveBait, and Dale's daughter, Kelly.

02-01-2015, 07:59 PM

02-01-2015, 11:23 PM
20+ ????? can't see it too good in the pic, 20 inches or more???

02-02-2015, 09:23 AM
Alright guys, glad to see some quality fish on the board. Way to catch em up. Some beauties without a doubt. Keep em coming!

When measuring these fish make sure your measuring with the mouth closed. Anyone can open a bass's mouth and get an extra inch out of the fish. If this was the case my LM would be 21.5 inches instead of the 20.25 I put it in as. Plenty of time to catch bigger species. GOOD LUCK!!!!!:D

02-02-2015, 09:37 AM
13inch perch



02-02-2015, 09:40 AM
Wow!!! Bigboy, that is a fat Perch! Great catch dude. Fat, pig PERCH!

02-02-2015, 11:23 AM
Thanks! Now only to catch some pike

02-02-2015, 03:43 PM
Eddie.. mouth closed roger that!!! N get a net deff.. workin on posting a BIG pic asap.. but its not gunna matter much once I get that big gal!! Haha will c

02-02-2015, 08:14 PM
Was just tryin to understand the size and couldn't really see that good in the pic!!! LMAO BUY A BETTER RULER!!!!!!

02-02-2015, 08:19 PM

Exactly! If you don't have a good ruler, tape measure, take your arse to your local hardware store and get one. Get a cheap Lufkin from the big box store, I don't care, I want to see the damn numbers on the tape.

P.S. Take the paper tape from the damn dry cleaner, tailor and throw that crap in the garbage!!!


02-02-2015, 11:31 PM
The prizes for this contest should be bumper boards! Haha

02-02-2015, 11:44 PM
Great fish everyone! Hey Eddie, it's getting tough to keep track of all these entries now that this thread is over 20 pages long. How about a leaderboard thread?

02-03-2015, 11:13 AM
Great fish everyone! Hey Eddie, it's getting tough to keep track of all these entries now that this thread is over 20 pages long. How about a leaderboard thread?

It's all in the first post of this thread

02-03-2015, 11:31 AM
It's all in the first post of this thread

Ahh...I'm a little slow. Thanks!

02-04-2015, 10:16 PM
Damn it, if I would have seen the leader board I would have photographed my 13 1/4" perch I caught this Sunday. It went 1 1/4 lb. it's ok, I should be good for another over 14" fish this season

02-05-2015, 11:30 AM

Did somebody say they wanted a Catfish category? LOL!!! Maybe next year boyz.

REMINDER! The leader board is posted on page 1 of this thread. Please make sure to pay attention to the entries and changes. If you think you have a big fish that will place, post it up. I'm on top of things here. NO WORRIES!!!:D

02-05-2015, 03:12 PM

Did somebody say they wanted a Catfish category? LOL!!! Maybe next year boyz.

REMINDER! The leader board is posted on page 1 of this thread. Please make sure to pay attention to the entries and changes. If you think you have a big fish that will place, post it up. I'm on top of things here. NO WORRIES!!!:D

Hmmm ....catfish nuggets ....Good job Eddie

bunker dunker
02-05-2015, 03:48 PM
yea man!!!!!!fried meow steaks for sure.

02-05-2015, 09:12 PM
REMINDER>>>> Still see a LOT of unpaid entries on the list.....:(
Get your Money in!!!! NOT COOL to enter and then if you don't catch anything don't pay!!!!
If YOU WON.....You would not be happy if somebody did it to you right???

Make the call Get er' Done BOYZ!!!!

02-06-2015, 05:13 PM
13" 1 1/4 lb perch80250

02-06-2015, 05:13 PM
13" perch

02-06-2015, 07:54 PM
Lenny, nice Perch dude. If you ever have problems rotating pics please email them to me @ fasteddie2927@yahoo.com. I'd be glad to straighten them out for you. Keep em coming man!!!

02-06-2015, 09:20 PM
Sure thing. Today was a crazy day. 5 pickerel between 22 and 23 inches and 5 perch between 11 and 13

02-07-2015, 04:36 PM
Oooooooooooooh, I got the big STINKER at Spruce today. Not COOOL!!!! I was fishing the DEAD SEA with BIG dead BAITS!!! Better luck next time!

So who's having a great day of catching out there?

02-07-2015, 07:21 PM
Meeeeeeeeeeeeee! Started w 36 pieces of bait at 8 am (2 doz large/xl shiners, doz fatheads) and had 3 fatheads left at 4 pm. I'm tired from chasing flags all day! Detailed post upcoming but I'm slapping this biznatch on the board to shuffle the perch/crappie around a bit...

15.25" slabarino crappie! A new pb for me! And it was quickly released to grow bigger!

02-07-2015, 07:22 PM
Here's the other req photo

02-07-2015, 08:26 PM
Dayum slab daddy!!!!!!!

02-07-2015, 09:12 PM
REMINDER>>>> Still see a LOT of unpaid entries on the list.....:(
Get your Money in!!!! NOT COOL to enter and then if you don't catch anything don't pay!!!!
If YOU WON.....You would not be happy if somebody did it to you right???

Make the call Get er' Done BOYZ!!!!

There should be a deadline for payment, otherwise we'll have people pay once they get a big fish an think they have a shot at a prize, and not pay if they don't catch anything. Not cool.

02-08-2015, 06:39 PM
I agree on a payment deadline, Eddie. Lots of unpaids on that list.

02-09-2015, 02:37 PM
Being one of the non payment types I agree on the deadline.

Additional motivation to meet up with Eddie since I been slacking lately


02-09-2015, 04:40 PM
Ok the people have spoken and they are absolutely right. If you haven't made an attempt to contact me to get your payment in, now is definitely the time to do so. I know I'll be seeing a few fellaz on the list very soon but I'm putting everyone who hasn't paid yet on BLAST right now. If your on this list PM, text or call me, 908-418-1871!!!

acaravaglia, kmaty, Bridge Addix, Andrushkin13, jrock, Skunk City, Gatto1227, Catfishonthelake, gnuisance, The Birdman, twitchferd420, jtjr09, rjw6375, Fishon1982, njbassman, Bling306, lennysky!!! 17 anglers have not paid up yet and I know some of you have been busy. Please contact me anyway you can so we can set something up. I could meet you guys halfway if I need to. The season will be over before you know it. LETS GO FELLAZ!!!


Mikey topaz
02-12-2015, 08:29 PM
Got this guy today 39" pike a http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150212_150225_zpsuakrzlbn.jpg[/URL[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150212_150424_zpshfttdqgg.jpg.html]http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150212_150424_zpshfttdqgg.jpg[/URL[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150212_170849_zps4lcevrte.jpg.html]http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150212_170849_zps4lcevrte.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150212_150225_zpsuakrzlbn.jpg.html)

Mikey topaz
02-12-2015, 08:30 PM
http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150212_150428_zpszkqw0owm.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150212_150428_zpszkqw0owm.jpg.html)

02-16-2015, 07:46 PM
Some BIG fish hitting the ice lately! Stay tuned MANIACS!!!

Mikey topaz
02-16-2015, 09:04 PM
Had to throw this one up for duck or bleed,hes having some phone issues hah 37 1/4 northernhttp://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150216_132827_zpsyvwk9wyl.jpg[/URL[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150216_132927_zpsgeprdekg.jpg.html]http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150216_132927_zpsgeprdekg.jpg[/URL[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150216_132833_zpss0rxsovm.jpg.html]http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150216_132833_zpss0rxsovm.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150216_132827_zpsyvwk9wyl.jpg.html)

02-16-2015, 09:21 PM
Jesus Christ... Thing looks like it ate a loaf of Italian bread! Nice slayin' Rocco! Thick ass northern!

bunker dunker
02-17-2015, 08:42 AM
way to go Jigman,you are slabhappy for sure.nice pike too gents.

02-21-2015, 07:50 PM
Big giant SLIMEDART caught today by my HOMIE, GetAnet!!!! ON THE BOARD!!!! YEA BUDDY!!!
26 3/4

02-21-2015, 08:00 PM
Solid, solid entry!! Posin that slimedart, LIKE A BOSS!!! WTG Dale

02-21-2015, 08:40 PM
Nice fish buddy! Way to get on the board!

02-23-2015, 12:46 PM
So FAR it's PRETTY CLOSE in all the catagory's will almost all of the fish within an inch of each other!!! how"s that for TIGHT????!!!!!!

GREAT CONTEST!!! Almost half way over so get out there and get r done!!!!!

Once again if you owe for your entry and didn't see eddie yet let's get that done too!! Make it happen if your coming next week bring your 20.00
and if you live near to me I can grab it and give it to eddie!!!!

I live in sayreville so if your local to me we can meet or I can come to your place or half way....whatever needs to be done... let's make it happen and get all the entry's paid Boyz!!!!!!!

02-23-2015, 04:50 PM
So FAR it's PRETTY CLOSE in all the catagory's will almost all of the fish within an inch of each other!!! how"s that for TIGHT????!!!!!!

GREAT CONTEST!!! Almost half way over so get out there and get r done!!!!!

Once again if you owe for your entry and didn't see eddie yet let's get that done too!! Make it happen if your coming next week bring your 20.00
and if you live near to me I can grab it and give it to eddie!!!!

I live in sayreville so if your local to me we can meet or I can come to your place or half way....whatever needs to be done... let's make it happen and get all the entry's paid Boyz!!!!!!!

Dale, I think Kmaty and his friend Bridge Addix are from your area. Thanx for trying to help out dude. It's been hard work for me to get the 20's from people, keep the contest organized, work, fish and do the family thing all at the same time. Great contest so far indeed. Little bit more time left to get out there and catch em up. Look out for a heat wave around March 9th. I have a feeling this ice is going to melt quick believe it or not. Especially south of 78. POOF, and then there was open water. See you out there Satuday my brotha from anotha!!!

02-23-2015, 05:23 PM

If for some strange reason I will not make it out to Spruce this weekend I will take you up on your offer and meet up with you. I am at Linden but go to Farrington often and that's not far away from you.


02-23-2015, 09:05 PM
That would be great Andre, wanna get everyone paid and squared away!!!
These Contests are a lot of fun so let's keep them that way so everyone who owes Please let's get it wrapped up! There is a lot of time and effort invested in these contests for several people let's show them that we appreciate all the hard work they do to keep these things organized and running and most of all FUN!!!!!

02-23-2015, 09:11 PM
just shy of 27 so il put as 26 7/8



Mikey topaz
02-24-2015, 02:47 PM
Nice dart boys!!!! U guys been puttin some time in i heard whack em up boyz!