View Full Version : Ocean Explorer Monday

Ocean Explorer
11-17-2014, 06:27 PM

It did get a little damp out there today,,actually it came down in buckets a times but that did not stop everyone from standing at the rail and pulling on blackfish,,Those who stayed home missed out,,only a small gang showed up to fish and they got into a nice bite today,,they were hungry and we caught em....Biggest fish went just under 11l bs....few guys limited out early and kept on catching em....Nice ones at that...We even had some first timers out who did out fish some pros,,,(not to mention any names)Check out some pics..Gonna blow hard out of the west most of the week,,,and its gonna be cold...Perfect blackfish weather,,,we are not fishing far off the beach so it should be flat where we are fishing...No boat traffic which is even better!!See ya in the morning..

Joey Dah Fish
11-17-2014, 06:37 PM
Glad you gottem good today Bobby ;)

11-18-2014, 09:56 AM
That Skip sure can catch fish! Nice job Capt.:)