View Full Version : Pre blackfish - Late report - 1 Sweet fish!

Boston Pete
11-17-2014, 05:48 PM
Got a chance to get out last Thursday for some pre opening blackfishing. Had my boy Brooklyn Dave out cause none of my so called hardcore fishing friends were able to......too cold or lady friends won't allow :p

Started off with a bang as Dave got a 6 lb. fish within the fist 3 mins, after that it was a pick of small fish. Was about to move but decided to give it another 10 mins...good move, fish put on the feedbag and it was non stop action for 4 hours. Even thru slack tide they were biting, I found a jig onboard and was able to catch a few keepers on it.... that was alot of fun.

Highlite of the day was this 27" fish I got, not sure what it weighed but it put up a great fight, when I hooked him he started going to the bow I knew it was a good fish. I was using a sidewinder and was able to get him off the bottom, when he saw the boat he went down for another run but we were able to slip the net on him...after a few pics and a measurment back he went.
I figure we had 20 something keepers and as many shorts.

Last week I had another good fish who did the same thing (ran to the bow) but I was using a regular reel Avet and he pulled drag and got me in the wreck/rocks...ending up losing him. Not sure how you guys using those reels get big fish off the bottom?:confused: especially when using mono and fiberglass rod.

Hope to get out next weekend before the boat goes in for winter storage.

I'm hoping my boy Fin S will post the picture for me cause I suck at that shite.

11-17-2014, 05:56 PM
Yes you do.

....and if I didn't have this pesky business to run I'd be all over weekday Toggin. Had a nice showing the previous Sunday. :-)

NJ Dave
11-17-2014, 06:52 PM
Nice fish... nicer release

Gerry Zagorski
11-17-2014, 07:15 PM
Nice fish Pete!!!

11-17-2014, 07:42 PM
Nice Pete ...especially since now I got your numbers :p

shrimpman steve
11-17-2014, 07:57 PM
Sweet! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

Joey Dah Fish
11-17-2014, 08:50 PM
That's pretty amazing. Nice going on the catch and the release

Boston Pete
11-17-2014, 09:07 PM
Thanks Bobby....and yes you/we did put a hurtin on those tog's last Sunday...!
Some real nice fish on the reef this year!:eek:

Hey Billy, how you been?..hope you and ur wife are well! PBJ John told me you and ur wife took him to school last week when you took him blackfishing:D.
Knowing PBJ he probably gave you my phone number!:p

Thanks fellas!

11-18-2014, 11:33 AM
you still fish?????? :confused:

11-18-2014, 03:38 PM
Had my boy Brooklyn Dave out cause none of my so called hardcore fishing friends were able to......too cold or lady friends won't allow :p

Pppppfffffttttt...I had daddy daycare that day fishing was not an option..I gave alternate dates I WAS available But NOOOOOO..Nothing, Radio silence..


Nice fish bud.. Glad you got out and had a good day..

Foul Hook
11-18-2014, 04:43 PM
Nice job Pete good to see you back at it!

Boston Pete
11-18-2014, 05:20 PM
I've been fishing, just not reporting.......I figured this fish was worth a post!:D

Scrubby, can you go this weekend..I'm prolly going both Sat. & Sun. depending on the weather.
That goes for you too Jmur....I know I owe you a trip or 2.

11-18-2014, 09:14 PM
Congrats on nice catch and release. I also have been doing some pre blackfishing out of state and had some big catches 3's wise. Will post some reports when I get a chance.

11-19-2014, 11:08 PM
I've been fishing, just not reporting.......I figured this fish was worth a post!:D

Scrubby, can you go this weekend..I'm prolly going both Sat. & Sun. depending on the weather.
That goes for you too Jmur....I know I owe you a trip or 2.

I have gotten the same type of invitation for the past couple of years for both Fluke and blackfish. If I held my breath waiting for that phone call I would have blacked out and died many years ago. :confused::mad::D:p

11-24-2014, 07:43 PM
Billy u know when Pete's lying? he post something :cool: