View Full Version : Manasquan Inlet report

11-17-2014, 01:54 PM
7 spear fishermen were in the water when I arrived at the inlet yesterday evening. They kill all of the big fish and foreigners kill all of the small fish. It's a miracle every time that I catch a fish. I caught, tagged and released 4 sundials on my first 25 casts with an Ava rig. At night I caught and released a 19" hickory shad on a teaser.

11-17-2014, 02:16 PM
Damn those foreigners ruining all the small fish. Damn those spearfisherman for ruining all the big ones. And damn all those caucasian executives for ruining our economy.

It's nice we can hate entire groups of people for what a small percentage of them do wrong.


11-17-2014, 03:15 PM
What exactly did you see the spear fisherman catch? Having spent quite a bit of time on that jetty the past 5 years, I've never seen one leave with more than a responsible amount of fish... Now, as to the poaching of small seabass/tog, that's a different story...

11-17-2014, 03:31 PM
If the tag was placed deeper in the fish it would likely last longer...with the work that I'm finishing up I would guess that the tag in the Sundial would not last past one year-likely much less based on growth rates. The attached photo is where a tag pulled through a Fluke in a tank-with no snags.

this is based on unpublished work that I'm finishing up....so yes I am an expert at tag retention in flatfish :)

11-17-2014, 04:30 PM
I don't want to come off sounding ignorant as I would be interested in seeing where some of the fish I catch like blues fluke and stripers end up being caught but what is the obsession with sundials?

11-17-2014, 04:46 PM
It's nice we can hate entire groups of people for what a small percentage of them do wrong. i can honestly say i hate each amd every person with all my heart evenly!!

Very cool i release close to of not a hundred bass a yr woods love to get into tagging ive put emails in and have got ziltch back...guna go through club and try to get something going for spring nice job!

ALS Mako
11-17-2014, 08:26 PM
Very cool i release close to of not a hundred bass a yr woods love to get into tagging ive put emails in and have got ziltch back...guna go through club and try to get something going for spring nice job!

the American Littoral Society has a fish tagging program. I think you have to be a member to get tags though.. not really sure. it's been a long time since I did any tagging.

11-18-2014, 07:24 PM
I don't want to come off sounding ignorant as I would be interested in seeing where some of the fish I catch like blues fluke and stripers end up being caught but what is the obsession with sundials?
Sundials are the only fish left in Manasquan Inlet that can be tagged. Yesterday I caught nothing there.

11-18-2014, 07:26 PM
If the tag was placed deeper in the fish it would likely last longer...with the work that I'm finishing up I would guess that the tag in the Sundial would not last past one year-likely much less based on growth rates. The attached photo is where a tag pulled through a Fluke in a tank-with no snags.

this is based on unpublished work that I'm finishing up....so yes I am an expert at tag retention in flatfish :)

If you place the tag too deep and damage the spine, the fish will die before being recaptured.

11-18-2014, 07:56 PM
NJ219 sounds like you should set up an appointment with SHRdude and see his work. He is giving you invaluable advice

They do tours once a year.