View Full Version : Reel Class Sunday 11/16 Bassin' on the New Boat!

Reel Class
11-16-2014, 08:27 PM
We're back, finally :) Currently the new Reel Class is under the name "Joy Ride" but that will be changing come this spring. This was our first shot at fish w/ this boat..

Gathered a crew yesterday consisting of Fred, Larry, Ryan, and Bill - Doc had to drop out last minute b/c of being under the weather. Planned a quick AM trip, everyone had to be back to the dock by 10 so we left at 545.

Broke the inlet and found loads of bunkers. Early on boat traffic was minimal - however we only had a couple bluefish bite offs and one short bass (24" or so) (the first ever on the new boat by Ryan) on the live baits.

Made a move and Fred finally hooked up with a nice 19# fish on a live bait, followed a little later by Bill's 17#er on another livie.

By 9:30 the boat traffic was insane (although everyone was VERY courteous!) - we decided to troll back to our inlet but had no knockdowns (didn't have wire on the boat - had to pull spoons on braid and that is NG!)

Great quick first trip shaking down the new boat (although we only had 3 bass we were very happy with that!) Special thanks to Larry Fred Bill, and Ryan for coming down to help me figure this beast out - I love these guys and we're so thankful we have loyal regulars that make things what they are for us!! The boat is fantastic - cockpit space is noticeably MUCH BIGGER than the albie and this boat is simply much more of a true 6 pack charter boat compared to the albie.

Thanks again for coming down guys - back at it next Saturday!

11-16-2014, 09:32 PM
Sorry I had to bail on the maiden voyage of the Reel Class 3.0 version but when I woke up this morning I had the worst headache that I've had in probably over 25 years. I even broke down and took to Excedrins. Looking forward to fishing her.

11-16-2014, 10:27 PM
Hi Allen,
New boat looks like a beauty from the email you sent and the cockpit looks roomy from your post. Glad you were able to put a couple in the boat on the maiden voyage. Looking forward to getting out with you soon.

Dan McGivney
11-17-2014, 09:23 AM
Boat is a beauty .. Best of luck with it.

Capt. Ken
11-17-2014, 10:17 AM
Nice job Allen, boat looks awesome.

11-17-2014, 05:54 PM
Thanks for the invite Allen. It was great to be on the first trip with the new REEL CLASS! :) Special kudos to Fred first keeper on the new boat!!! :D