View Full Version : Short Striper, Big Bluefish and one Idjit

11-12-2014, 10:16 AM
Launched out of Atlantic Highlands in the AM, couldn't find any bird activity, no bunker pods.....drifted eel, tossed jigs and shad...couldn't buy a bite. When the tide when slack, we headed out around the point into the deeper water to give seabass a try....couldn't find anything big enough to keep. Lots of bergall and dogfish though.

Came back in when the tide started running, lots of bird activity on the knoll. still no joy with the jigs or eel.

Finally said f'-it, didn't have anything striper specific in my trolling arsenal, so I put on a F-14 rapala and a deep-diving bomber....turns out that striper and blues like pike lures.

Pulled in about a dozen short stripers and 10 gator blues before the bite fell off and it was time to go home.

The Idjit (my fishing buddy), reached down to pick up a short striper that I had pulled over the side and grabbed to close to the lure, the fish flopped and he hooked his thumb....had to push it through and clip the barb. Thank the heavens for sharp hooks.

All and all, a good day.

Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing
11-12-2014, 10:18 AM
get yourself a 9er shad unbrella 6 or 8 arm there great

11-12-2014, 11:26 AM
Umbrella rig with chartreuse shads been working for me. Some Say bigger Stripers like spoons.