View Full Version : Raitan Bay Bassing at it's best!

11-12-2014, 08:07 AM
We set out to back bay yesterday afternoon and immediately found bunker east of great kills. Netted and snagged some. Put some baits out at that spot but some clueless bone heads trolled right through the middle of the pod and broke it up. One was so close to us I could almost reach out and pull his rod out of the out rigger. Guys if you're trolling, it's best to troll around the outside of the school. Not through the middle.

So we took our bait and headed further west. Went towards princess bay area. No readings. No bites. Decided to go back east and did it ever pay off. We found a huge school of bunker with large bass rolling on them in the middle of the bay. The next 2 hours was all out insanity. We had them all to ourselves with a bunch of giant blues mixed in. I had two guys with me who never live lined before and they lost about 10 fish. But we still landed bunch. All keepers. We only kept 5. Biggest went 25 lbs. It was so crazy at one point the guy snagging bunker up front had a 20 lb bass inhale a snagged bunker as he was about to lift it onto the boat.

All out great fall trip.

11-12-2014, 08:18 AM
Nice trip Paul

bunker dunker
11-12-2014, 08:21 AM
Got to love it when you find them and you have the whole thing to yourself.nice catching Paul.