View Full Version : Best trip ever ! - Jupiter, Florida

11-10-2014, 11:47 PM
After spending the last 5 days in Boca Raton visiting various relatives in town for my wife's aunt's 100th birthday, I was anxious to spend a day on the water. I wound up as the 10th fare on a charter drift 7 hour fishing trip out of Jupiter, joining nine members of the Nettles Island Fishing Club on a trip we will all look back on as UNFORGETABLE. I now consider this my best trip ever for several reasons - Variety of fish, quantity (I easily caught 150+ fish today), several Personal Bests, and MANY species I had never caught before.

This is what I caught today:
- Dolphin (my PB mahi-mahi went 30+ pounds, but it ws tiny compare to the one that followed it on several runs)
- Mutton Snapper
- Yellowtail
- Blue Nose Porgy
- Jolt-faced porgy (protected fish, caught 1 the size of a manhole cover and it kicked my butt)
- Cobia !! (was 30" to fork of tail, 3" less than FLA regulation keeper)
- Kingfish (some big 'uns)
- Lizardfish
- Porkfish (this amazing colorful fish is protected so that Diver's will continue see them on the reefs; they go for $800 in salt-water aquarium stores)
- Blue runner
- Margate ? grunt family
- Bonita (False Albie up here, not the edible one)

Fish that Others caught today -
- Lane Snapper
- Mangrove snapper
- Vermillion snapper
- Spanish mackeral
- Chocolate chip porgy
- Moray eel
- Black tip shark
- Sharp nose shark
- grunts
- Rainbow runner

It was literally like fishing in an aquarium - you never knew what was gonna come up next....

I represented NJFishing well on this trip - as evidenced by the nine club members shaking their heads and repeating "Jersey's hooked up again". It was truly non-stop action for nearly 7 hours. The captain (who promised to send me some pix) admitted it was one of his best charters and the recent mullett run has turned everything on.

The wife and I are having a fish fry tomorrow with our remianing relatives before flying back on Wed.. Those mutton snappers were a great PUOSU warmup, getting those stubborn beasts off the bottom. Too bad we won't be wearing shorts and tee-shirts on the Ocean Explorer . . . See 'ya soon. . . .

Topeka Boy
11-11-2014, 06:02 AM
Larry Glad to see you are back in action. :D Awesome trip exciting variety of fish.:cool: Cant wait to see the pictures. Safe trip back.:D

11-11-2014, 06:05 AM
Larry nice report glad to see you are back in the game.

Gerry Zagorski
11-11-2014, 07:34 AM
Way to go Larry. I'm sure your are going to get a nice write up in the Boca Breeze :D

shrimpman steve
11-11-2014, 07:42 AM
Very nice Larry!

Fin Reaper
11-11-2014, 09:34 AM

Nice job Larry! glad to have back at the rail.

11-11-2014, 09:42 AM
Great report and way to represent - x2 on the squirrels

Glad to see your wrist is getting better and shaping up for some toggies

Catchum Up and see you soon Larry

Larry Check your PM - sent you an email about a trip


11-11-2014, 10:00 AM
Do Chocolate Chip Porgys taste like Chocolate Chip Pancakes? ;)

Sounds like a great trip. Will be down in that area in April. Hope I'm half as lucky.

Capt Paul

Tenacious Sportfishing
11-11-2014, 03:16 PM
What was the name of the charter boat?

11-11-2014, 06:04 PM
Nice day I'm almost ready to drive over to the other side WTG

11-11-2014, 08:46 PM
Was disappointed to learn that none of our NJF sponsors do 'Open Boat' trips while they are berthed in Florida for the winter. I went on a non-sponsor (initials are CC), you can PM me for details. One correction though - it was a 9 (NINE!) hour trip from 7am to 4pm.

Joey Dah Fish
11-11-2014, 09:03 PM
Holy every kinda fish batman!!! Good for you!!! That's the way to do it!!

Dollar Bill
11-12-2014, 12:39 AM
Great job Larry! What no bluefish in that list!!

11-12-2014, 10:27 AM
After spending the last 5 days in Boca Raton visiting various relatives in town for my wife's aunt's 100th birthday, I was anxious to spend a day on the water. I wound up as the 10th fare on a charter drift 7 hour fishing trip out of Jupiter, joining nine members of the Nettles Island Fishing Club on a trip we will all look back on as UNFORGETABLE. I now consider this my best trip ever for several reasons - Variety of fish, quantity (I easily caught 150+ fish today), several Personal Bests, and MANY species I had never caught before.

This is what I caught today:
- Dolphin (my PB mahi-mahi went 30+ pounds, but it ws tiny compare to the one that followed it on several runs)
- Mutton Snapper
- Yellowtail
- Blue Nose Porgy
- Jolt-faced porgy (protected fish, caught 1 the size of a manhole cover and it kicked my butt)
- Cobia !! (was 30" to fork of tail, 3" less than FLA regulation keeper)
- Kingfish (some big 'uns)
- Lizardfish
- Porkfish (this amazing colorful fish is protected so that Diver's will continue see them on the reefs; they go for $800 in salt-water aquarium stores)
- Blue runner
- Margate ? grunt family
- Bonita (False Albie up here, not the edible one)

Fish that Others caught today -
- Lane Snapper
- Mangrove snapper
- Vermillion snapper
- Spanish mackeral
- Chocolate chip porgy
- Moray eel
- Black tip shark
- Sharp nose shark
- grunts
- Rainbow runner

It was literally like fishing in an aquarium - you never knew what was gonna come up next....

I represented NJFishing well on this trip - as evidenced by the nine club members shaking their heads and repeating "Jersey's hooked up again". It was truly non-stop action for nearly 7 hours. The captain (who promised to send me some pix) admitted it was one of his best charters and the recent mullett run has turned everything on.

The wife and I are having a fish fry tomorrow with our remianing relatives before flying back on Wed.. Those mutton snappers were a great PUOSU warmup, getting those stubborn beasts off the bottom. Too bad we won't be wearing shorts and tee-shirts on the Ocean Explorer . . . See 'ya soon. . . .

a margate? like the town i am banned from? lol great job!!!!!!!!!

11-12-2014, 01:16 PM
Nice report. And I thought I saw you playing shuffleboard at Del Boca Vista.

11-12-2014, 09:09 PM
Pics added

Grateful Dad
11-13-2014, 08:53 AM
Sweet! Congrats on catching the seafood buffet. Nice pic of you standing on the dock (and not bobbing in the water next to it, LOL).

11-13-2014, 10:13 PM
Great trip Larry. Muttons are one tricky fish to catch Found them harder to catch them than blackfish. Took me a few trips to learn the bite.