View Full Version : November 8th and 9th bass reports - Johnny Bucktails

Johnny Bucktails
11-10-2014, 06:36 PM
8th: Headed out at 8am with Dad and My good buddy Bob. The morning started off slow but in the afternoon we headed to a new area and found bird life. Went to work with the jigs and shads to box up or 3 man limit of bass. Nothing big but all healthy keepers with a few shorts and blues mixed in. Great day on the water with a lot of laughs.

9th: Headed out at 9 am with Dad, Good friend Dennis, and his son Tyler. Same situation as the day before. The morning was a little slow with just one keeper bass being caught. Had a tough time finding fish but made it happen in the afternoon. Found the birds working again and was able to land 4 keeper bass on jigs and shads. One fish was in the 20's. A lot of shorts and a few blues. Lot of fun, great conditions, and a great crew once again.

tight lines- Johnny Bucktails

http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/John_Contello/10641254_991949447487006_6529942540227295360_n_zps da0a2c88.jpg (http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/John_Contello/media/10641254_991949447487006_6529942540227295360_n_zps da0a2c88.jpg.html)

http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/John_Contello/10525979_991380590877225_6807378562256441572_n_zps ea443d4d.jpg (http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/John_Contello/media/10525979_991380590877225_6807378562256441572_n_zps ea443d4d.jpg.html)

11-10-2014, 07:05 PM
Nice catch; you're doing gr8 ;-)

11-10-2014, 07:12 PM
Nice Hat!🏈

11-10-2014, 07:29 PM
Nice catch JB. Sat we headed south to rocks n no go. Only gators tearing up our gear outside highlands bridge beach front. Came back to my home base to find the fleet n bass chewing it up .....wish i had made the move back where you were catching earlier than I did. Oh well. Today had to make long ride across n south. Gator blues. short stripers all on storms.