View Full Version : Jamaican Princess Weekend wrap up, No Bass, Nice Tog & One Rescue

Capt. Ken
11-09-2014, 08:36 PM
Interesting weekend for us……..ran south with ever other boat from Monmouth and Ocean county, tons or bait and bird play but just like the rest of fleet nothing to show for it. Pulled the plug on the bass mid-morning and hit some wrecks, made five drops with only a handful of seabass to show for our efforts.

Back at it again Sunday morning, making a left out of the inlet for the run up north. Stopped a few times on diving birds on the way but no takers. While working some impressive marks at the rocks I hear a boat blowing it’s horn, not sure what’s up but as we get closer I recognize the international boater’s distress signal….five gallon buckets feverously bailing. We pull our lines and run over to find the cockpit full of water and five wide eyed passengers, we take off three and another boat “Keeping It Reel” take off the other two. As I always say during the morning safety briefing “Bad Sh!t Happens Fast”, apparently something let loose and the engine compartment flooded in minutes. The Coast Guard responded soon after but not before the boat sunk like a stone. We marked the position of the new secret wreck and transferred our passengers to the coast guard vessel.

With the bass bite looking like a repeat of the day before we decided to switch over to bottom fishing and fish Gods rewarded us for our good deeds with a decent Tog bite. We culled fish in the live well until we had our eight person limit of fatties. My mate Dave said we should have been allowed to take three additional fish for the people we rescued but I didn’t think that would fly with fish and game.

Chum Box
11-09-2014, 08:55 PM
Great Job Capt. I heard you on the radio with the CC.

11-10-2014, 07:30 AM
Nice job on the rescue!!!

Dan McGivney
11-10-2014, 08:17 AM
Nice Job on the Rescue Ken.

11-10-2014, 11:09 AM
Great report and rescue!

11-10-2014, 12:03 PM
Well done!

11-10-2014, 02:53 PM
Wow!! Looks like I missed and interesting day! Good job!!

11-10-2014, 03:50 PM
Great job Ken, when we went by them the engine hatch was up and their Nav lights were on so we thought he was ok.. once again you are the man..

11-10-2014, 03:51 PM
Great job Ken, when we went by them the engine hatch was up and their Nav lights were on so we thought he was ok.. once again you are the man..glad to see you were able to get out and make up for lost time

shrimpman steve
11-10-2014, 05:54 PM
Good karma comin your way!

11-10-2014, 06:38 PM
Can I please have those numbers?:eek:

11-10-2014, 07:18 PM
It's good to know there's people out there to lend a hand. I feel bad for the guy but they made it back to port.

Capt. Ken
11-11-2014, 03:03 PM
Wow what a response, I’m sure being put in the same situation most if not all the captains on this site would have done the same thing we did and help these fellow fisherman out.

Not sure if they are going to leave the boat where it sank, it’s obviously has gas in the tank and the motor is full of oil. When I asked the State Trooper who called me today to ask a few follow up questions he said it was up to the owners insurance company and DEP.

Sorry Tautog, you can’t have the numbers, not many unpublished wrecks out there and I now have one to myself. My guess however is that if they don’t raise it, chances are it will move during the next Nor’easter it’s small fiberglass boat in relatively shallow water.

11-11-2014, 04:51 PM
Like you said, Bad shit happens fast!!! I always give a quick but thourough safety talk before any new passengers come on my boat!!! Life preserves flairs , radio etc!!! #1 priorty is all passegers that go out make it home everything else is replaceable!!! Safety first!! NICE JOB!!

I hope I never make that phone call to someones mom, dad, wife etc that they are not coming back. the captain it is your utmost responsiblity to get everyone home safe.