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View Full Version : Big Jamaica canyon report. Magic Hour Stripers Monday

11-09-2014, 07:00 PM
The Canyon is on Fire!

Canyon tuna fishing continues to improve.
We had our best trip of the season Sunday November 9th, landing over 80 tuna, mostly yellowfin.
We read fish 75' to 100' thick at times. Most of the tuna were caught on bait and some on jigs.
We have added a new trip sailing Sunday November 16th leaving 8pm.
Many years we have had good tuna fishing right into December.
Some notable catches were:
Angelo Ruvio from North Haledon NJ with his limit of yellowfin and 2 longfin.
Bill Wetmore from Staten Island NY caught his limit of yellowfin.
Gerard Allums from NY caught 4 big longfin.
John Collins from Long Island caught 2 yellowfin and 2 longfin.
Howard Tribucher 2 yellowfin and 1 longfin.
Darren Dolezel Staten Island 2 yellowfin 2 longfin.
Stan Whittaker New Gretna 3 yellowfin 1 longfin.
Frank Hoefert Summerset 2 yellowfin 3 longfin.
Gary Yearwood Staten Island NY limit yellowfin 2 longfin. And more.
The big Jamaica is sailing magic hours for striped bass when we are not offshore.
Giant Sea Bass trips sail in November and December.
Our next canyon trip is scheduled to sail 8pm Sunday November 16.
We are now taking reservations for all our trips.
Call 732 528 5014 for information or go to www.bigjamaica.com.