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View Full Version : As Gaffer late report yesterday 11/6

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
11-07-2014, 09:47 AM
We were out part of the day yesterday day . We caught one bass and a limit of blackfish before the weather forced us home . We will have an open boat this weekend both days Saturday & sunday as well as the rest of the week . We will be fishing for sea bass and blackfish which has been good , keeping our eyes open for striper as well . The black fish season gets under way sunday nov. 16 and we will be fishing open boat for them every day from then on . call for info. & res. . ( I did not post yesterday for the same reason as last week I had to go to the hospital in NYC to see my sister . When I said that in my post last week I got a huge influx of call from both customers and friends in this industry just to see if every thing was all right and if I needed help . That I found heart warming to say the least , thank you , she had back surgery and is in re- habilitation and doing well. It is this type of caring and concern that really makes it worth while being in this business thanks again Ray)