View Full Version : Fish Monger II Sat 10/18 Opening day Seabass Boat Limit (14 man)

Capt. Jerry P
10-19-2014, 08:03 PM
Hello all,

Been awhile since posting not much since fluke fishing but we did manage some decent mixed bagged trips with triggers blues flounder ling and weakfish to pass the time until seabass finally opened. Even though alot of our customers post reports now that We are back fishing daily we will also b posting our reports daily and our availability if any from here on out.

Sat 10/18 Opening day Seabass Boat Limit (14 man ) - Well what we all been waiting for... finally some pay back after a month of throwing back seabass... Pretty much non stop action from start to finish... great life and loads of double headers. Some spots ya picked keepers n shorts and other was all nice knucklehead the guys went to work and didnt stop until the box was completely filled with a 14 man boat limit of 210 keeper Seabass!!! also had 20 blues and a couple triggers porgies and keeper blackfish. Dont get much better than that.

Fred and crew were a blast as always thanks again guys!!!

From now to blackfish season (nov 16) we only have a handful of seabass dates with spots available so give the office a buzz @ 732-688-0948 if ur looking to get out. Will list dates in open boat forum. Thanks Capt Jerry

Andreas Toy
10-19-2014, 08:07 PM
my man nice job!

10-19-2014, 09:16 PM
Thats ALOT of filleting!

10-19-2014, 09:18 PM
Glad to see you posting again Captain Jerry. You got the best deck shots ever.

10-19-2014, 09:27 PM
Great to seeing you posting again. That is one helluva a catch.
Looking forward to future reports and getting out w/ you come blackfish season

Art Berkman
10-20-2014, 08:06 AM
Good Times with an awesome crew!!!

10-20-2014, 11:55 AM
Great job, Capt. WTG.

Topeka Boy
10-20-2014, 12:17 PM
Thanks Fred for the invite for me and my buddy Bob. Had a great time with an all star crew. Beautiful day on the water with action all day long. Special shout out to mates Hunter and Vinny for all their help. Jerry has all the good spots Sea bass cannot hide from the Monger. So glad to be part of the Monger nation.:D:D:D