View Full Version : --FinTazTic Sportfishing Striper Charters and Open Boat Avalibility

Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing
10-17-2014, 10:32 AM
Welcome to FinTazTic Sportfishing .We start early and stay late to put you on the Fish . Call Capt. Pete for details

10/20 open boat 5pm -11pm
10/21 open boat 5pm -11pm
10/22 open boat 5pm -11pm
10/23 open boat 5pm -11pm
10/24 open boat 5pm -11pm
10/25 open boat 6am -2pm--open boat 2pm -9 pm
10/26 open boat 2pm -9pm

Call for special pricing on the 10/25 open boat trip 6am -2pm. Due to cancelation we have opening

The Largest Striper caught in the Fin Taz Tic recives a free charter with dock sid BBQ value $1200

Any Striper caught over 52lbs recives a check for $1000

We also have Morning trips avalible November 6th and 7th please call for deatils there are not many day date avalible

Thank you Capt. Pete
We start early and stay late to put you on the fish