View Full Version : Gambler Tuna trip

10-11-2014, 10:03 PM
Weather gods came together and we were able to use the window Fri into Sat for our group's trip. Nice ride out, set up, quiet until we had a hook up @ 11. Hoped for the sword but turned out to be a blue shark. Rain was prevalent from then on. Had our first blitz of tuna @ 3AM. Several hooks ups. I lost my first fish that pulled the hook after a short battle. Second blitz came up @ 4AM and again, pulled hook for me. Several yellowfins and some longfins mixed in. Great trip by Capt Bob and the crew. Looking forward to the next trip back out.

10-11-2014, 10:09 PM
Nice catch Mike, looks like you have a lot of meat on the deck!

10-12-2014, 05:25 PM
Hey Mike, just spoke to RayRod. Sounded like a great trip! That blue broke his heart as he was hoping swordie!!!

10-12-2014, 07:24 PM
Good stuff, glad you got 'em !!

10-12-2014, 08:17 PM
Hey Mike, just spoke to RayRod. Sounded like a great trip! That blue broke his heart as he was hoping swordie!!!

We were pulling for him that he got the right one, he was putting his time in. Put up a heck of a fight for him. Thoughts of the trip we were on way back when and you got yours. Trip was great, came home with some nice loins. Gambler is a great party boat to do a tuna trip with.