jenny lee sportfishing
10-11-2014, 05:57 PM
Saturday, October 11. 2014
mark weiderman and friends 10/9/14 ('s kevin gerrity and dave bender took mark weiderman from clarkston michigan and friends out for an over night canyon trip on october 9th. the guys traveled by car and plane to go tunafishing and the forecast was not the greatest but off we went. after weeks at the dock we were chomping at the bit. we trolled the weeds till dark and didn't see any life so we switched our game plan and set up on the other side of the canyon. well, as luck would have it, we caught some fish but it was better on the opposite side. we did get a call from a few boats that they were catching but it was blowing 25 and it was not nice so we hoped for the best. we finished with one 75 pound yellowfin and two forty pound longfins. we lost two fish on jigs and landed a few mahi. the guys were as helpful as they could have been and a pleasure to fish with. i wish they were closer so we could redeem ourselves. they left the boat and had an 11 hour ride back to michigan.
perhaps we'll see them again someday. mark's son is playing an advanced level of hockey and is living in new jesrey at the present time.
Posted by jenny_lee ( at 14:42 ( | Edit entry ([action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=225)
mark weiderman and friends 10/9/14 ('s kevin gerrity and dave bender took mark weiderman from clarkston michigan and friends out for an over night canyon trip on october 9th. the guys traveled by car and plane to go tunafishing and the forecast was not the greatest but off we went. after weeks at the dock we were chomping at the bit. we trolled the weeds till dark and didn't see any life so we switched our game plan and set up on the other side of the canyon. well, as luck would have it, we caught some fish but it was better on the opposite side. we did get a call from a few boats that they were catching but it was blowing 25 and it was not nice so we hoped for the best. we finished with one 75 pound yellowfin and two forty pound longfins. we lost two fish on jigs and landed a few mahi. the guys were as helpful as they could have been and a pleasure to fish with. i wish they were closer so we could redeem ourselves. they left the boat and had an 11 hour ride back to michigan.
perhaps we'll see them again someday. mark's son is playing an advanced level of hockey and is living in new jesrey at the present time.
Posted by jenny_lee ( at 14:42 ( | Edit entry ([action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=225)