Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing
10-06-2014, 07:00 AM
Tues---Night---5 spots
Wed---Night---5 spots
Thur----Morning 2 spots---Night---5spots
Friday---Night---5 spots
Sat---Day---3 spots
Sun---Day---5spots----Night---5 spots
$125 per person
Includes all tackle,Bait,soft drinks and sandwiches
Mornings 6 am thru 2 pm Night 5 pm thur 11pm
$1000 for any striped bass caught on the Fin Taz Tic
FREE Charter for Largest Striped bass of the year Caught on FIN TAZ TIC ,also includes Dock Side BBQ Value $1200
Wed---Night---5 spots
Thur----Morning 2 spots---Night---5spots
Friday---Night---5 spots
Sat---Day---3 spots
Sun---Day---5spots----Night---5 spots
$125 per person
Includes all tackle,Bait,soft drinks and sandwiches
Mornings 6 am thru 2 pm Night 5 pm thur 11pm
$1000 for any striped bass caught on the Fin Taz Tic
FREE Charter for Largest Striped bass of the year Caught on FIN TAZ TIC ,also includes Dock Side BBQ Value $1200