View Full Version : Tile Rig / line Advice Needed

10-03-2014, 11:28 AM
With all of the good reports regarding the tiles, I thought I should be prepared when heading off shore. My next trip is not until Oct 28th. I've seen folks fishing for tiles, and for the most part, have seen different rigs.

I know ideally I should fish with a rod loaded with braided line...I do have a 6/0 loaded with 80lb mono , probably about 400 yards of it. I know mono is not as easy to get to the bottom as braided is.

With that said, is it worth me spending the money on loading the 6/0 up with braided line?

Finally, what rig and type of sinker would you use? I'm thinking a very heavy bank sinker 20oz plus? Size, type of hook? I love circles for tuna, but really are not sure for the tiles. :confused:

10-03-2014, 12:12 PM
You are going to need braid....I couldn't imagine hooking a fish without it.

20oz sinkers won't work unless you duck tape them together ;)

Go spend 10 minutes at the Reel Seat. It will be worth your time.

Good luck, it's an awesome fishery and a ton of fun but pretty specialized as far as tackle if you want to be comfortable and catch fish

10-03-2014, 12:34 PM
I wish 20oz would hold. Try...... 2-3 POUNDS!

10-03-2014, 02:20 PM
Braid is a must. You'd need at least of 500yds of 65lb and bring extra line since you'll get tangled up and lose a bunch of line. I personally experienced the frustration of being 30ft short from the bottom when people were hooking up left and right. Ended up paying the boat 50bux for a hundred something yard of line and out of game for a few drifts.:mad:
For rigs, heavy duty version of typical hi-lo with 2 hooks works fine. Also some glow beads seem to help. I remember seeing a very good diy by a member before, so look up tile rig and get all the info you'd need
Sinkers, just get in touch with sam and pick up some 2-3lb sinkers. Best price around.

10-03-2014, 08:15 PM
Second that go to the Reel Seat and talk with them. They are the PROS when it comes to tile fishing. Dave and company are great.

Capt. Lou
10-04-2014, 09:59 AM
Third that, dave & crew got that down pat ! Their expierance can make u succesful at that game!